Rubber bands are one of those kinds of “fasteners” that can be very versatile. This script will let you create some with an almost infinite number of ways. Not only can you choose any color, but you can create them from 1000 to 4000 pixels long, from 20 to 100 pixel wide, and choose between 2 and 15 twists. In addition, you can have regular or slightly irregular twists, making this script perfect to get a different result every time.
What can you use rubber bands for? Maybe to wrap around a frame? To attach some flowers? maybe hold a charm or other pendant?
You can get this script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.
And if you want a chance to win this script, go to the DST forum, here, and add your name to the thread.
How about a little sampler? You can get those two twisted rubber bands for free, and you can use them as you want. You can color them, or use them as is. Double them, triple them around a frame or other element.
You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.
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