
New script – Word Edge Half Cut


Although you might be able to cut out text along the edge of your photos, the script will make the whole process much faster, easier and more accurate every time. And you have so many options to choose from that you can run the script many, many times and get different result every time. You get to choose the text, the font, the edge to cut from, the alignment, and you even have the option to rotate, change size, skew, stretch the text to your liking.

You can run this script directly on your photo and the script will automatically create a duplicate so the initial photo will be left totally intact. You can also run the script on a paper to create a journaling mat, or turn this into a frame. This might be especially good if you have a photo where no edge can really be cut out from.

You can grab this script in my store: Creation Cassel .

And if you want a chance to win this script, check out this thread in the Happy Place and add your name to it, giving me suggestions on what set of words you can envision for a template pack.

cass-WordEdgeHalfCut-samples Of course, you surely will want to see the end result up close. So i made these 2 templates. Use them to trim a photo, or to journal about this year, or to frame fun photos.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

And if you use those for a project of yours, i would LOVE to see it. Who knows? It might get displayed in this blog or in my newsletter.


Although i am not using the Pay-with-a-Tweet, i would really appreciate it if you did tweet about it anyways!







News from the Campus


Before you forget, there are still places available for our webinar on Details in the night, which is a repeat of last week. This time, i hope the schedule will allow our Aussie friends to attend (other people around their time zone are also invited!). It will take place Saturday, Dec 10th at 10h45PM Eastern time.

Register HERE

(it is FREE)

Check what we’ll show:





Free Products: for everyone visiting the Campus, you can grab this Gift Card Wrap box and if you are registered, you can also download the set of 6 templates that you can customize as you wish.

cass-GiftCardBox-Poinsettia  cass-GiftCardBox-Set1

As we are already planning for more webinars for 2012, what would you like to see? Post a comment with your suggestions.


This week, a new student registered to theElement Creation tutorials section and here is what she posted in her intro, the very  first day:

I found out about this through the DST forums. I am looking forward to trying these out during the Christmas break. I do not usually like video instructions, but i must say yours are nice, clear and easy to watch. love being able to download the instructions - nothing better than having a prompt sitting next to you as you go! - Marion

New script – Ribbon Tag Border


Placing one or two ribbons on a layout is pretty easy. Cutting a dozen pieces of ribbons to place on a layout or to create a cluster is starting to be a bit more tedious. But how about doing the same thing with 35 pieces? That is getting long, and possibly a task you wont even want to consider. But with this script, you will be able to do that, in less than ONE MINUTE. Oh yes, it might even take you as little as 30 seconds (although you might take longer to just pick and choose with ribbons to use for the script!). So, now that you have Paintshop Pro, you can save a LOT of time with this script. You can use ANY ribbon you have in your stash. You will not be limited to choosing the colors to create individual ribbons that will always look the same. Use your grosgrain ribbon, your ricrac ribbon, your lace ribbon, your organza ribbon, your twill ribbon. Anything can be used. The script will do the trimming and all that, but the best is that it will work “randomly”, choosing the ribbons, cutting and trimming, pasting and rotating the pieces all differently from one run to the other. So you will NEVER get the exact same result twice. NEVER.

If you like the look of a bunch of little pieces of ribbons stitched, staples, or glued to a page, this is perfect. If you like the look of little pieces of ribbons peaking out of a paper, a frame, or an image, this is also perfect. And if, in the end, you don’t like the ribbons all lined up, but would love to have a bunch of little pieces to play with, to twist, to make into clusters, that is fine too because all the pieces are left on separate layers so you can play with them all night if you want!

You can find this time saving script in my store: Creation Cassel.

But as usual, i also have a giveaway in the DST forum. You can check outthis thread and add your name with an idea on how you would use this script if you won it (or if you choose to buy it). I will be back on Monday with the name of a winner.


I know, you are waiting for your free sample, right? I created this 3600 pixels wide border using some of Wendy Page’s ribbons. I only chose 3 of them, ran the script, added the shadows on separate layers (the script prompted me to), but then, I added a stitching and played with the separate shadows to make this border more “alive” with some ribbons being lifted off the stitching. The whole set of ribbons is on ONE layer and the stitching is on a separate one. Maybe you will want to add your own stitching? or some staples? or other fasteners? If so, just use the stitching line as a guide and then hide it or delete it.

This week, no Pay-with-a-Tweet, but of course, you are more than allowed to tweet or post about it on Facebook. I would always appreciate the visibility, especially if some of your friends are using PSP (or considering using it) and don’t know my store and my products!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


News from the Scrapbook Campus

Last week, one student of the Campus sent me a sample she had made using the Tulle Lace tutorial (from the Element Creation tutorials section). I HAD to share. With Judy’s permission, see what she did:


I thought it was GORGEOUS! What do you think? The techniques in the tutorials are explained as basically as possible but you can see that there is much much more than the basic that can be done! Here is what another student said about the Campus:

As for the campus - WOW - what can I say? I'm having such a GREAT time, its not only learning the specific tasks, but also gaining the confidence to play around more with the controls on other projects. I suppose my main problem is that I'm still quite ignorant about how all the effects etc work, which is why I find it all so exciting - I'm like a kid let loose in the sweetie shop. I 'made' some ric rac trim at the weekend, and I was jumping around the kitchen feeling really pleased with myself......sad or what? Who cares, I'm having fun.
Best regards,

Did you download the 2012 Calendar Bookmark yet? You can get it HERE for FREE.


Our next Webinar will be held on December 4th, at 3pm Eastern time. We’ll look at ways to add some details to a daytime photo turned to night time.

  • Add lit windows
  • Add street lighting
  • Add holiday lights
  • Emphasize a subject in the night

Do you want to join us?


Are you a digital scrapper? There is also an article on the main page about 10 Common Mistakes in Digital Scrapbooking. Although the “mistakes” mentioned there are not always absolute, they can at least give you some things to think about when you are using digital medium to create your pages. There are lots of effects that can make or break a layout if you are not paying attention to them. Although rules are meant to be broken (so i heard), breaking them accidentally will often give an odd look to a layout without it being obvious. Just check those mistakes, and look at your layouts. Maybe you already know how to avoid them? Maybe you never thought of them? Maybe you’ll go “Ah-ah! that is why it looked “weird”.


Finally, if you have been thinking of getting your hand on a copy of PSPX4, there is a fantastic promotion at Corel until Nov 30th only : you can get the PSP X4 or the Ultimate version for a “steal”.

Paintshop Pro X4 for $29.99

Paintshop Pro X4 Ultimate for $39.99 (and this adds many extra goodies, including the NIK Efex Pro 3.0 photo filters which detail for $100 on their own; if you don’t believe me, just google it!)

A little detail i need to tell you: this deal is only for North America BUT, there’s nothing stopping someone from purchasing an extra copy for themselves and giving it as a “gift” (do you have a “friend” in Canada/US ?)

* hint * hint * hint *


See you around in the Campus.

New script – Close-up


Are you a designer struggling to create previews? Are you a scrapper who loves to emphasize on details of photos? Either way, you will love this script. I have often seen designers add a close-up of their products to show the quality of the extractions, the texture of the paper or the details in a design. I have done it myself too. However, I found that often, i wanted a consistent look from preview to preview and that was not as easy as it seemed. This script will help you make those close-ups very quickly, and consistently. You can choose between 3 preset shapes, but you can also use your own (why not try with a star shape? or an arrow?). You can also choose the size of your close-up. Some designers like to have the whole thumbnail on the preview, while others are using quarter circles only. Depending on your own preferences, you can set the close-up thumbnail to be always the exact same size. And furthermore, you can decide on the color of the outline, so you can match your own preview, or the kit swatch. And it will work on a single layer or a multiple layer element without the need to merge anything. In fact, the original file will not even be touched.

Are you a scrapper? Think of those little details you might want to show in your layout, while maybe making a kind of mosaic of it. Have your Christmas tree photo and close-ups of the special decorations hanging in it. Or how about a close up of the tiny fingers and toes of your child (or grandchild)? Those can be soooooo cute!

You can get this great tool in my store: Creation Cassel.

And you can surely add your name to this thread in the forum for a chance to win this script. I would certainly love to see how creatively you can use it.

cass-RibbonTagFlower-Sampler3 Obviously, this week, i cannot give you a sample of the end result from this script since it is really just a tool script, so since i got a great response for the samples of last week, i decided to offer you another ribbon tab flower. They are so fun to make!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Last week, i tried the Pay-with-a-Tweet function and it didn’t work very well as it said it could connect you to Facebook while it didn’t. I have now edited last week’s post and the Pay-with-a-Tweet button has been changed. From what i have seen, it does work better than the previous one so if you want to grab those other three ribbon tag flowers, just go ahead and pay with a Tweet or a Facebook post.



News from the Campus

Last week, the added tutorial was the Tulle Lace. Can you think of any such delicate elements you can create with this technique?



Last week, we repeated the webinar on “Be the Master of Time” and it was well received again. The recording has been edited, and uploaded to the Campus along with a cheat sheet with the various steps and settings used to achieve those time changes. You can view the webinarHERE (remember, you need to be logged in to access that page).




Following that past webinar, another presentation is planned for December 4th, and this time, we will look at some additional details to include in your “day turned to night” photos, including lilt windows, street lights, Christmas decorations and more. Come and join us. Register now.




As the holidays approach, you might want to make some fun calendars as a present to family members, colleagues, friends. Check out what you can download for free in the Campus: a 2012 Calendar Bookmark. Yes, it is absolutely FREE



New script – Ribbon Tag Flower


What do you do with your ribbons? Did you ever think of cutting some random pieces and place them into a flower shape? This is a fun twist to using ribbons, but it can be a bit tedious. That is, if you do it all manually. This new script for Paintshop Pro will let you create such a flower in less than one minute. This is a perfect tool to create an additional element for your kit, or to embellish your layout. Use ANY ribbon you have on hand, of any size, in any number. The script will randomly choose one ribbon at the time, and trim a piece of a random length and shape. Each flower can have a different number of pieces too. Basically, you can run this script hundreds of times and always get a different result.

The script will also allow you to add shadows to all the pieces if you want, and with the settings you want. And if you want even more choices, the script will give you the option to keep creating new flowers with the same ribbons, over and over again. Create 1 flower, or 10, or 50. Finish with your choice of fastener: staples, buttons, paperclips, stitching, etc.

You can get this fun script in either of my store: Creation Cassel .

cass-RibbonTagFlower-Sampler1But i am sure you would like to have this script for free, right? You have this option if you add your name to this thread in the DST forum. I will be back on Monday with a winner.

As usual, i will also give you the option to download a sample of what this script can do. In fact, i will give you the option to grab more than one sampler.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

This flower is fairly small, as it is about 500 pixels in size.

But here is the novelty: there is a second download available for you, which includes 3 full size ribbon flowers. They are much larger so you can adjust the size to fit your need. However, this one has a little twist to it: you have to pay with a tweet or a Facebook post to get it. Not too demanding? Check it out here:




News from the Campus

Did you register for the Webinar for last week? Did you miss it? I know in our area, we had to turn the clocks back one hour to go from Daylight Saving time to Normal time, and that seemed to have affected several participants who might or might not have the time change. After several requests and inquiries from registrants who missed it, i decided to present the webinar a second time, and this will be held this Saturday (yes, tomorrow). It will also be held at a different time to allow our Aussie friends to join (last time, they were likely all asleep). So, don’t delay. See what you will be able to do afterward.


Original photo from Bernicebutton-register-150

New script – Mirror and Flip – FREE


If you have been a Paintshop Pro user for any time, you surely remember the first time you used the Mirror command: the element you mirrored went all the way over to the other end of the canvas. You might have been wondering why it was not mirroring right there, where the element was in the first place. Then, over time, you found some great uses of that particular way it worked: you could easily duplicate and place elements in all four corners without measuring; you could place a decorative border evenly on opposite sides of the image, etc. However, when Paintshop Pro X4 was released, in September, the Mirror and Flip commands behaved differently. I can only guess that some users wished they could mirror and flip elements on themselves instead of across the canvas and I guess, Corel answered by changing that. Well, that might have been a great new feature, but it changed the way previous users were using those commands. So now, PSP versions X3 and before, worked one way, and PSP X4 works another way. Which way is best? It probably depends on what you want to do. In my opinion, they are BOTH equally useful. The problem is that none of the versions has BOTH options. That is… until now.

I started with the plan to create 4 scripts: 2 for X4 users to have their Mirror and Flip commands work like previous versions, and 2 for users of previous versions to have it work like PSP X4. All 4 scripts worked fine, but Suz Shook had a look at two of them and found an even faster way to get the same result. So, the set of 4 scripts include 2 from me, and 2 from Suz.

The zip file includes the scripts and instructions for binding the scripts. This means that, although you can run those scripts like other scripts (through the Script menu), you can ALSO have them directly in the Image menu, right with the default Mirror and Flip commands are. They will then run with ONE click, just like the default commands work. Isn’t that neat?

Best of all, this script is totally FREE. To me, it is a simple utility tool that should have been included with PSP and was forgotten so it is a gift to you. It is free now, and it will stay free in my store. You can go and grab it HERE.

Digital Scrapbooking Day

Yes, you heard about it. You have been stalking a few stores or designers to get the best deal. And you are waiting to see if i am having a sale too. You are right. I am having a sale through the whole store.


News from the Campus

It is Digital Scrapbooking Day in the Campus too. There is a big promotion going on now, and only for 3 days.


Did you find a friend you can share the registration with? Do you have 2 CT members who might benefit from the Basic Scrap Course? Hurry because this promotion is only for a limited time. It will end Sunday, at midnight! Choose your course now:

Basic Scrap Course

Element Creation Tutorials

Finally, this Sunday, we will have our Webinar on photo editing: “Be the master of time”.

See some changes in seasons that we can achieve with a few clicks.


Original photo from Bernice

Do you want to see more? Simple: click below to register!

If there are too many registrants for one webinar, i might consider presenting it a second time, so even if you are not 100% sure you can attend, REGISTER! And if you have some photos to offer, email them to me at [email protected] . I might or might not use them in the webinar, depending on the type and number of images i get, but would love to have several choices.

New script – Folded Ribbon #5


Straight ribbons can be useful, but also boring. This script will turn just about any straight ribbon into a dynamic folded one. Whether you are using your own ribbon, or let the script create one, you can get pretty creative in what you will be using. In fact, you can use a plain ribbon but also a translucent one, a lace one, a patterned one, even one with directional designs like text. The script will pick the right segments to put end to end for a realistic “continuity” of the pattern.

The end result will be about 3600 pixels long so it will cover most of the width of your layout. And the layers will be left unmerged (but linked so you can move it around). You can then insert various trinkets if you want.

You can get this script in my store: CreationCassel .

And why not add your name to this thread in the DST forum Happy Place for a chance to win this script on Monday night. Just give me ideas of how you might be using this script. Be creative. I LOVE to read your suggestions.

cass-FoldedRibbon5-samples And for a closer look at the result of this script, i created 2 ribbons from scratch (so they are 100% original) and ran the script on them. You get both the straight version and the folded version of both. That means you can use them separately, together or even run another script on the straight ribbon. Remember that there are many other scripts in the store that could be used with a straight ribbon of yours!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.








News from the Campus

“Be the master of time”. If you have not yet registered for the webinar planned for Nov 6th, you still have a week to do so. If there are too many registrations, i might consider making a second live presentation. That means that you might be able to attend at another time, live, and ask questions during the presentation. Also, if i present the webinar a second time, i would be using different photos. Do you have photos you would like me to use? Send them to me! Landscape images will be better for the season change, but to change the time of day, just about any image would probably do. So, remember, you need to register for me to know how many of you are interested!

If you are a registered member of the Element Creation Tutorials section, did you notice the newest tutorial posted last week? A quick and easy one, but still very useful in layouts or kits.



DSD is coming. Did you know that there will be a special promotion in the Campus? If you have been considering registering and thought you were a bit tight on money, you will want to keep a close eye on it. Do you have a friend who might be interested in registering to EITHER one of the courses? You might want to get in touch with that friend soon. The promotion will only last a few days. Don’t miss it. If you want to make certain you get the news in time, just add your name to our mailing list.

Subscribe here

There are a few more advantages to be on the mailing list:

- you will automatically get a FREE ebook on how you can turn your “blah” photos into WOW photos, in 30 seconds or less

- you will get some EXCLUSIVE goodies too. Those goodies were actually suggested by the current members of the list (and they didn’t realize it yet as it will be a real surprise, even for them!)

New script – Colored Edge


In just a couple of clicks in your Paintshop Pro, you can add a colored and textured edge to ANY shape, of ANY size and you choose the color and the width of the border. Whether you want to add a colored edge to an alpha, a preset shape, or even a cut up photo, this script will make it a breeze.

The script will create TWO colored edge layers and leave them unmerged. Once the script is finished, you can merge the layers, or play with the opacity, the blend mode or simply separate them to use only the edges without the base shape. Perfect to add a little detail directly onto a photo, or on your background paper to include some journaling.

You can get this script in my store: CreationCassel

If you want a chance to win this script for free, just go add your name to this thread in the DST forum, and tell me what you can think you could use this script for. I will be back on Monday night to announce a winner.

cass-ColoredEdge-Digits I know, you also want to have a peek at the result of this script by downloading a free sample, right? Well, I cannot disappoint you, can I? So here is your sampler. It is a set of digits in greyscale, layered in PSD format. You can easily recolor each layer separately, merge them or use them separately too. This set is CU.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.








News from the Campus

The PSPX4 special is still in effect, but hurry as it is only until Sunday, Oct 16th! Get PSPX4 FULL version, downloadable or boxed for $39.99. This is a HUGE deal as it is 50% of the regular price. Hurry and grab it while you can.

Get PSPX4 for $39.99

(although i am an affiliate for Corel, this special is NOT through my affiliate link)

Did you have a look at the Webinar on Shadows? It is available for viewing for free. We showed tips for flat shadows, lifted shadows, cluster shadows and fantasy shadows. See what Carolyn said about the Webinar on shadows:

Thanks so much for posting your webinar on shadows in PSP.  I learned a whole lot!  I know that this will help my layouts as well as the presentation of my kits.  Thanks!
I look forward to future webinars  Unfortunately, I won't be able to join them live if they are held on Sundays.  However, I can still learn from them by viewing them online.  Thanks again for these great resources!!
Carolyn S. Ritter

So what are you waiting for? There are 2 webinars available already. They are FREE. Check Webinar on Shadows And while you are there, you might as well register for NEXT Webinar. It will be on changing photos from day to evening/night and from summer to autumn/winter. Just like magic! And you can use ANY version of PSP.

Finally, The Basic Scrap Course with PSP is still on special and registration at the special price, with the special bonuses will only be until Sunday, October 16th. The registration will give you access to 12 units, 36 lessons, 45 video tutorials, with matching handouts you can download. And all that for unlimited access. Your registration will not run out after 6 months. It will not run out after you view all the videos. You can keep referring to them forever, with NO additional fee. Registration this weekend will give you a coupon for $5 from Mariscrap, 26 layered templates, 50 sketches, and a chance to win a copy of the DVD Slideshow Builder Pro to create fantastic slideshows with your photos or layouts. Perfect to prepare Holiday presents ahead of time!

Register Now for the Basic Scrap Course with PSP

New Tubes – Chain beads


How about some metal beads to create necklaces, bracelets, frames, or any other element you can think of using “ball chain”look? You can now do it with those great Paintshop Pro Picture tubes. These sets of beads are not going to make a boring row of totally identical beads, but they incorporate some slight differences in the beads so it looks more realistic. You have some gold beads, silver beads, brass beads, and more. You can place them one by one by simply clicking here and there and everywhere. You can “draw” with them as they will follow your mouse movement as if you were drawing a line. Or you can also place them evenly along a vector path you could have drawn with your favorite tool. Use the Pen tool to create a base “thread”, and then use the Vector Tube script to place the beads along that path, for a great free flowing chain look.

Use the default settings, or change the size or the step for a different and custom look.

You can get these tubes in my store : Creation Cassel.

And how about a chance to win them all? Check this thread in the DST forum. Tell me what is your favourite set of beads and you might with them all.


Time for a nice little freebie. I created those chains for you to incorporate into your layouts. There are 2 long chains and 2 small ones. The small ones can easily be used to attach a tag or other elements. They are in PNG format, so they should be useable in most graphic program.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.









News from the Campus

Last week, we had a webinar on using shadows. The most fun part was to show how to use layered shadows in clusters to make a fantastic end result. Most participants commented on that technique that was new to them. The webinar was recorded and should be available soon (hopefully this weekend), in the Webinar section of the Campus. It will be accessible to all registered members of the Campus (registration is free). The next Webinar will be organized this weekend, so you keep an eye on that page.

Did you want to register for the Basic Scrap Course? Did you postpone that decision? You might want to keep a close watch on the Campus as there will be another promotion coming up soon. You might want to join our many other members in the classroom. I can see several members having a blast with what they learn with the tutorials.


Big special for Paintshop Pro X4

Corel is having a big promotion for a limited time only. You can get a FULL version of PSPX4 for $39.99. We are not talking only update, but a complete version (the update is the same price too). This promotion is only until October 16. And if you have an old version of PSP, there is NO NEED to upgrade since you can run both versions side by side; you can get the newest tools and features, and still use the interface you are used to. And yes, you can have multiple versions installed on the same machine: i have versions 8, 9, X, X1, X2, X3 and X4 installed at the same time (occasionally, i even RUN 2 or 3 simultaneously when i am testing scripts).


Get PSPX4 for $39.99

(although i am an affiliate for Corel, this special is NOT through my affiliate link)

New script – Torn Apart


Following the great success of the Torn Edge script, i thought it would be great to have the option to tear in the center of an image or a paper instead of only the edge and so this idea came up. This script for Paintshop Pro will create a rip in the middle of any image, photo or paper, of any size. You can leave the tear in the center or you can move it around, and even rotate it, especially if you want to place it in a strategic place of the image. The torn edges will be left on separate layers so you can add a texture if you want. The layers will be unmerged but linked to the matching torn edge.

You can tear a paper once, or more than once, providing that you either merge the piece and the tear together before running the script a second time, of by copying and pasting the paper piece (without the torn edge) as a new image.

Decide if you want a vertical or horizontal tear.Choose if you want it to be kind of straight, slightly uneven, or more. Many interesting effects can be achieved with this script, tearing photos, papers, or even paper pieces like note papers, heart shapes, etc. This could be a fun way to get some journaling pieces.

You can get this script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

And as usual, you have a chance to win this script by adding your name to the RAK thread in the Happy Place. Unlike usually, the winner will be announced on TUESDAY night instead of Monday, since i will be out of town on Monday. Just tell me what you think you could use this script for.

cass-TornApart-sample And here is your free sample. This is a layered template in PSD format. It consists of 3 “paper” pieces that will match perfectly, and 4 “edge” pieces. You can adjust the “edge” pieces to match any paper color, and the “paper” pieces are just like a puzzle and you can cut out your paper or photo using the magic wand. The “paper” piece layers are linked to the matching “edge” piece layers so you can move them around together, however, to help you with the “photo” part, all the “edge” pieces are below the “paper” pieces so you will have to rearrange the layers order when you decide to merge them.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.





News from the Campus

Not too much new YET, but i am working to bring you some super interesting bonus for the next registration period for the Basic Scrap Campus. So keep a close eye. This promotion will not last very long so you might want to register to the mailing list so you stay informed as soon as the registration re-open. The current students seem to really enjoy the lessons as i have seen some samples of their work. Seeing those, i am sure they are having a blast!

This weekend, we’ll have the FREE webinar on shadows in digital scrapbooking using Paintshop Pro. We’ll look at the regular basic shadows on a flat surface, shadows to make those ribbons look all curled up, shadows for your clusters, and then, shadows for the fantasy layouts.

Register here 

If you don’t register and decide to join Sunday, October 2nd, as it will be starting at 3pm Eastern, you can click HERE.

See you around!

New script – Waterwork


How about some fresh water added onto your layout? This script will convert the text or design of your choice into clear water, complete with shine and refraction from the bottom surface.

You can get the script to use smaller droplets to fill in the design, or use the shape as is. Use any color if you want to simulate juice drops!

Exceptionally, this script will only work with PaintShop Pro 9 and up (sorry for PSP8 users).

All the designs will be slightly distorted, so straight lines wont stay perfectly straight, and corners will be rounded off. Use the simple round brush and hand write or hand draw something. Draw random blobs to create droplets, or draw letters in an uneven manner for best result.

You can get this script in my stores: CreationCassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

And how about winning this script? Check out this thread in the DST Happy Place. Simply give me ONE splashy word you can think of and add your name.

cass-Wet-Digits As usual, i have a little freebie for you. This is a set of wet digits on a tag. Each tag was made using handwritten digits run through the script. You get all 10 digits and one blank tag for you to add your own.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Each tag is pretty large so you can resize it as you need.




News from the Campus

Did you follow the newsletter from the Campus? Did you know that the second section should be released soon? Yes, the second section is all about creating elements yourself instead of solely relying on purchased supplies. You would then be able to either create your own elements yourself, from scratch with the shapes and colors you need, or you can learn to modify the elements you already have and personalize them to fit the layout you want to create. This should be open to registration soon. If you want to be among the first ones to register, you can add your name to this mailing list, and tell me which type of element/technique you want to learn about first. I have dozens and dozens of tutorials planned, but which ones will i release first? You tell me what YOU want! If you dont want to add your name to a list, you can just email me or even add a comment below. I will see it all.

Remember to keep an eye on the Campus and your emails as there will be some time limited special offers so, watch out.

Although most of you might be scrappers, i am sure you can find other uses for your scrapbooking supplies. Whether it is invitation cards, wishing cards, calendars, and more. Check out the article here.