
New Script – torn Edge


Do you ever want to have a look of a torn piece of paper on your layout? Maybe for a freestyle look or a wilder look. I am sure you could achieve the same look by manually trimming the edge randomly, then adding an edge, also randomly. I have done the same and it is not too hard, but, after a while, I find it is hard to be “original” in the line design. All my edges looked kind of the same. With this script, this will never happen again. The line design is created with a random feature integrated so no matter how often you run this script, you will always get a different edge. And if you don’t like the edge you got, easy: undo and run the script again. It will only take a few seconds!

As you can see on the preview, you can get a torn edge that is fairly straight, but you can also get a wildly torn paper.

You will get the actual edge on a separate layer than the paper itself so you can add your favourite texture, or just add some noise to it. And you can have it any color you want, whether it is matching the paper or contrasting, or just plan white. Once you have the torn edge, it is perfect to make tags, frames, journaling pieces, etc.

You can find this script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

cass-TornEdge-SamplersI am sure you would like to win this script, so just go over this thread in the DST forum and add your name telling me how you do torn edge look. I will be back on Monday night with a winner.

As a sampler, this week, i made 5 torn edges in PSD layered formats. I ran the script once with each of the “amplitude” option.  They are in greyscale and you can use them as templates to create a torn edge on your own papers.

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New script – Palette Maker


This script will create a color palette based on any photo you have. This will be a quick process: open an image on your Paintshop Pro workspace, and run the script. How much easier can it be? You do not have to download any program, you do not have to host any image online or upload it anywhere.

You can generate 5 to 12 colors, which will be picked depending on the frequency of that color in the image. If you have a photo with a large “plain” area (like a sky), you can crop the image and get a better sample. The initial image will be left untouched, so no worry. Also, all the hex values for each swatch will be automatically displayed underneath.

And just for the fun of it, you can have each swatch as a perfect square, or a rounded square.

You can get this script at my stores: CreationCassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

cass-PaletteMaker-samplesIf you want a chance to win this script, go add your name to the RAK thread here. I will be back on Monday with the name of a winner.

How about a few samples? I ran the script on three photos of mine, to generate three color palettes. You can use them to create a kit, or a mini-kit, or even just a page from scratch if you want.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Now, i have some more news this week. I was looking for one more CT member and i found Bren. She is a CT member for other designers who will see their products used, but also, Bren creates her own products so at times, she might just create a layout from scratch. You will see her stuff in the newsletter. Keep an eye out for it.

FREE script for Paintshop – Punched


As i was looking at some paper scrap pages, i noticed that several of them used punched designs and it was giving that 3D look since the top paper was cut and you could see the other paper underneath through the hole. I figured i could replicate it in digital form using Paintshop Pro. It was easy. It might be something you can do manually, but i coded this script simply to make the process faster.

It is available exclusively in my personal store here.

As i was playing with the script, i used it on a single pattern, on a series of patterns to simulate a border, on a section of a photo, and on a word. I think it would look cool as a big title or even if you use it only on the first letter of the title. And what about using it on concentric circles (a smaller circle inside a larger one)?

The way the script is coded, it is somewhat of a “cheat” since the paper is not really punched as it looks. In fact, the punched look is attached to the shape itself, meaning that you can move the “hole” wherever you want. That means that you can change your mind as you are working on a layout, move the “hole” or even remove it completely and start over with a different shape or design. How neat is that?

Image10 I also tried it on a photo and simply selected various rectangular shapes, and deleted the rest. I ran the script and it looked fun. I just added a plain color under the holes (yeah, as if you could do that in paper scrapping!) and i really like the effect. This was just me playing around, without any particular plan to use that on an actual layout, but i might do that on my next scrap page. What do you think?

Remember, this script is FREE, so go grab it in the store and tell your friends to come and grab it too!

New script – Quick Tiles 2


Last week, i promised to have a new script that would be a perfect companion to the Quick Tiles script. Well, this is it. This time, the script will create tone-on-tone seamless tiles from your image. Just like the other script, this one offers you options. The tiles you will get will have only subtle patterns that might not even show if you only look at the tile, but floodfill any larger surface and you will see that design appear. You can run both scripts on the same image and get perfectly matching papers. How neat is that? Again, this script is only for Paintshop Pro users (sorry Photoshop gals!)

You can get this script in either one of my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

Do you want a chance to win it? I started a thread in the Happy Place of the DST forum where you can go and add your name. Just answer the question “how do you create tone-on-tone papers?”cass-QuickTiles2-samples

Last week, i let you have 10 seamless patterned tiles created when i was making the preview. This week, i will do the same. Since i am starting with the same image, this week’s tiles will match last week’s. They are all 400x400 jpg tiles. Use them with various scale and angle settings for very different results. I would LOVE to see how you would use all those tiles in a layout. Can you do that? Show it to me.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New script – Quick tiles


Do you sometimes run out of ideas to create patterned papers? This script will help you pass that designer’s block. Open any photo, image or colored doodle, and run the script. You can generate up to 25 tiles in one run. Every run will give you a different set of tiles as there are several random functions integrated: a random area will be picked in the image, random settings to create the pattern, and random settings for the seamless feature if you choose it.

This tool will help Paintshop Pro users create a ton of interesting patterns, very quickly. In fact, you can get those 25 tiles in less than one minute! With all those tiles generated, keep the ones you like, delete the others. If you dont have enough, run the script again. Simple!

Due to a technical glitch, the script is not yet available in the stores, but it will be soon. I will update this post as soon as the script is available.

cass-QuickTiles-samplesAlthough it is not available for purchase, it is available to win! Check out this thread in the DST forum and simply go add your name to it with a comment about the script. Just that. No hoops to jump through, no long math problem. Just add a comment. I will be back on Monday with the name of a winner.

As for a sample, this week, i am giving you 10 tiles that were generated from the photo in the script preview. Use those tiles to create your own papers. Adjust the scale and the angle to get different effects. Add a texture, an overlay, etc. What will you do with them? Show me your layouts!

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New Script – Woven Ribbon #2


Did you see last weeks script where you could weave any ribbon, lace or other element? This week, i am releasing another weaving script but this time, it works differently and really gives a fun result. You can weave any combination of TWO different ribbons, laces or elements. You can have the similar ribbons running parallel to each other or at an angle. The script ends with unmerged but linked layers. The segments are slightly shadowed for realism, and you can add your own shadow once the area is filled with the tile.

So, now, you don’t need to weave elements manually since you can create a seamless tile with your Paintshop Pro, to simulate a whole area of woven pattern, and you are not limited to only pick a color or gradient or pattern since you will be using actual elements you already have. Perfect tool to match the weaving to your layout or kit.

You can get this script at my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScapWarehouse.

And for a chance to win this script, check the giveaway in the DST forum at this thread.

cass-WovenRibbon2-sampleAs a sample of what can be done with this script, i played around with some of Rachael’s ribbons (they are great by the way!) and a rope from my set of Rope tubes. I think the result is going to be pretty fun to play with. I am giving you two seamless tiles for you to create elements or backgrounds. To me, those colors would be very suitable for your summer layouts. Since the ribbons are not mine, these tiles can only be used for Personal use.

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Do you want to see other things that can be done with the weaving scripts? Last week, i was able to weave a braid too and a rose stem. What do you think of how they are used? I have to say i was pretty pleased with how it came out. As you can see, you can weave just about anything that is long and somewhat thin. What else could you think of weaving?

cass-WovenRibbon1-sampleNL1     cass-WovenRibbon1-sampleNL2-preview

I will give out the link to those two free samples in my newsletter this Sunday. If you are already a subscriber, simply wait and it will be in your mailbox early Sunday. You are not subscribed yet? Well, you better hop over here to give me your email so i can deliver you those goodies! (if you are not interested, afterward, you can unsubscribe, no questions asked).


While you are around, did you know that Paintshop Pro X3 is on special for the month of July? Yes, instead of $99.99, you can get it for only $29.99. This is NOT the upgrade, but the FULL version. If you only need the upgrade, it is $24.99. Talk about a deal! If you never had Paintshop Pro and would like to use all those wonderful scripts and tubes in my store, this might be the perfect opportunity to add this program to your graphic arsenal!

New script – Woven Ribbon #1


I had written a tutorial a few years ago on how to create a woven pattern in Paintshop Pro, without using any outside plugin. As i was looking at the steps, I challenged myself to find a way to do it with a script. Let’s remember that a script does not “see” the work and requires numbers for just about any command. Well, I am pleased to say I made it. This script will take any ribbon (you can also use lace, string, chain, braid, etc.) and make it into a simple woven pattern using four segments of the ribbon (so all segments are not exactly the same for a more realistic look).

The script will create a seamless tile that you can then use to floodfill any larger surface, and since you can vary the scale and the angle of the tile when you set the material.

Not only can you use the same exact ribbon four times, but you also have also the option to do some adjustments to each segment, like changing the brightness or colorizing. What can you weave? Just about anything that is kind of straight!

You can get this script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.cass-WovenRibbon1-sample

And if you want a chance to win this script, check out this thread at the DST forum and just add your name to the thread.

How about a couple of samples to see what YOU can do with such seamless tiles. I created these two tiles using the script. The green one is using one ribbon from KimericKreations. The rope tile was made using a rope tube. What would you do with those?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.





How about the Campus? Did you hear about the big launch of theBasic Scrap Course with Paintshop Pro? It happened last Monday and there is a great promotion that will last until July 11th only. In addition to a special price, you will get YOUR CHOICE of products from three participating designers, 24 sketches to help jumpstart your inspiration, but also $10 coupon to my store, AND a chance to win a $25 coupon for Persnickety Prints. But the coupons for my store and the chance for Persnickety Prints are ONLY for those registering up to July 11th.

Not sure yet? Check out the first 9 lessons for free and the project tutorials in the Beginner Scrap section.

New Script – Stack’n Cluster


If you like the result of stacked papers and clustered elements but do not like the time involved in the copying, pasting, resizing, rotating, moving, in addition to the opening and closing of the files, you will LOVE this script. Created for Paintshop Pro scrappers and designers, you can use this script to save you a lot of time. The script is coded to go grab the papers directly into the folder you will indicate; no need to open all those papers and slow down your program. You choose the different options (how many papers you want, how much rotation you want, where you want the stack to be visibly overlapping, etc.) And the script goes with that. If you are not happy, the script will redo it, as often as you want. With a random command integrated in the script, you will never get the same result twice, even if you run it 50 times. Then, if you want to add elements to create a cluster, you just have to open the individual files, tell the script how many copies of each you want and where you want them, and the rest is like watching a movie: sit and enjoy. The script will NOT replace your creativity as it will only do the tedious part, the “technical” repetitive part, but it will NOT know how to place the papers and elements harmoniously. That is YOUR task as a designer or a scrapper. YOU have the final word. You can delete some of the elements, move them, resize them again, add other elements, etc. But it will take you much less time than doing it all manually, i promise!

You can grab this script in either of my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse (always on special until Sunday night).

And if you want a chance to win it, go add your name to the Happy Place thread at DST here. I will announce a winner on Monday night.

Bernadette Hunt tried this script and here is what she did with it:

cass-StacknCluster_05  cass-StacknCluster_06

She said it took her a whole 17 minutes to do them instead of an hour or more to get all those papers and elements ready into the layouts. Talk about a time saver!

cass-DecoStitch-Frame01 And now, as usual, you want to see my products in action. Since this week’s script is a tool and i cannot really give you a sample, i thought you might want to play with some frames. This is a layered frame (because it includes 4 individual layers) in PSD format. You can use each frame separately, or in combination. They were made using the Decorative Stitches FONT. Yes, they are made using a FONT, not a brush (although i have them in brush format). This font (and all the others in my store) can be used with most graphic programs, as long as they can use outside fonts. And if your program can do text along a path, it can do stitching along a path too. Isn’t that great? Anyhow, start playing with this frame and since it is in greyscale, you can color it as you wish.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New script – Dimension


How would you like to add some depth to any shape you want with Paintshop Pro? No need for a filter or outside tool: this script will give you many options so you can create a 3D element starting with any shape. You can use any shape, drawing, letter, words, in just about any size although tiny shapes will not work well. You will get 5 options for the edge color: the same color as the top, a lighter shade, a darker shade, a greyscale version or a totally different color. One particularity of this script is that it will give a “shaded” look on the edges, changing them slightly depending on how they face an imaginary light on the top left of the element (if your layout implies a light coming from a different source, just mirror or flip the element to match).

You can add a thickness as small as 10 pixels or as large as 100 pixels, and you can also have the extrusion in 8 different directions.

You can use this script to create many different elements, alphas, wordarts, and probably more.

Grab this script in either one of my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

Try running the script several times on the same shape, with different colors or different thickness. It can look like a layered jello or an ice cream sandwich! Or how about running it several times with different directions or alternating left and right and left and right!

If you want to give other suggestions for using this script, you will get a chance to win it. Just post in this thread at the DST forum.cass-Dimension-Digits


And how about this layered set of digits made using this script? With the blue, white and red, it can certainly match any American celebrations (July 4th) or our French cousins (July 14th) or Acadian friends (August 15th). This script will give you so many possibilities!

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