
New script – Layout to Desktop


How often did you want to use a layout as a desktop? Of course, the sizes do not match, nor the format. This script will use any layout you have and adjust it for any size desktop you want to create. You will get many options to fill in the empty space with colors or papers from the same kit. You can also add a vertical calendar if you want, and best of all, in ANY language! So if you want to create a nice desktop for Aunt Blanche who lives in France or Uncle Jen who lives in Germany, you can make it in their language (as long as YOU can type in the days of the week in that language!).

You can also start with a QP and make a QP desktop. This is a perfect tool to create monthly freebie for your customers, or participation prizes for challenges.

You can find this super cool script in my store: Creation Cassel

As usual, you can add your name to a draw to win this script. The thread to add your name is HERE in the Happy Place. Tell me if you ever did make a desktop out of a layout and i will be back on Monday with the name of a winner.

cass-LayoutToDesktop-sample Usually, i create a sampler with the newly released script, but this week, it will be a little different. In fact, Bernadette was “playing” with this script to test some details of it, and ended up creating a desktop and she allowed me to share it with you.

This desktop was created using products from Bernadette Hunt and Tangie Baxter.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New script – Photo Splitter


A while ago, i saw a nice layout where a single photo was displayed in three sections. I remember, in the past, trying to find templates that i could use to do something similar but always seemed to end up with a template where the splits were in very annoying spots, like across a face. So that is what led to the creation of this script. You get many options to choose from and the flexibility to customize what the script gives you. You can have horizontal or vertical splits only, or get them in both directions for smaller areas. You can choose to have the pieces with some space in between and even choose how much. You can have square or rounded corners. You can also have the splits evenly distributed or randomly created.

Once the script creates the “grid”, you have the additional option to group some pieces to make sure no face is cut in half or that the focus of the photo is really, the focus. But that is not all. All the pieces will end up on a separate layer so you can further customize the result, by adding effects to some pieces, by moving them, rotating them, even deleting them (in case you want to get rid of Uncle Tom!). See some samples of additional effect you can get with this script:

cass-PhotoSplitter2 cass-PhotoSplitter3











You can grab this script in my store: Creation Cassel

And of course, there is always a chance for you to win this script. Add your name to this thread in the Happy Place and i will be back on Monday night with the name of a lucky winner.


As usual, i have a freebie for you. Since this script runs on an image, i could not run it for you, but i used a blank grey image and created this template for you. It is 3000 x 2400 pixels, so you can resize it to match your own photo. You can use it vertically or horizontally. Each piece is on a separate layer and the whole template is in PSD format. Show me how you will be using it creatively!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New script – Overlapped


Do you like to have slightly uneven text for titles or wordart? Do you hate the tedious process to realize it? Of course, your graphic program is made to have nicely even characters in a word, so you have to take extra steps: have each letter on its own layer, choose a single font for each letter, choose the color, and move somehow, and repeat for each letter (might be ok for a short word but if it is long, it is tedious). This script for Paintshop Pro will do all the process for you, with a randomness that will be cool in the end. If you don’t like the actual way the letters are, you can change them around since each letter is on a separate layer. And if you don’t like the colors, or the font used, it just takes a few seconds to redo it. Trust me, i have done it a few times!

Are you on the lookout for an original way to show a date? A place? A name? or a full title? This will be perfect for you. You can use the same script in so many ways, with so many options that it will look like you did it all by hand, one word at the time (shh… we won’t tell! you used a script).

If you are a designer, this will be a great way to add a few themed words to your kit, in the matching colors from your palette.

You can find this script in my store: Creation Cassel

I know that some scrappers already bought this script, but whether you bought it or not, you can still go and add your name to the RAK thread in the DST forum HERE for a chance to win this script. If you already purchased it, you would just get a coupon for a future new release. Go post before Monday night!

cass-Overlapped Time for a freebie! Here is a sample of two words that might be common enough in layouts. I am sure you have photos of friends or family so there HAS to be a layout where you can use one of these two words. These were made using the script, with two or three colors. They are in PSD format, with each letter being separate. If you want to the letters around, you can do it. If you want to replace a letter with an element, you can do so too.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

I am sure you will use these in a layout, so why not share how you use it? I can post the layout in here and in my newsletter (or even in the product description, who knows?)





April promotion

I think a lot of you had fun shopping in April during our Built your Discount promotion. Of course, you were more numerous than i could count, on my birthday! Thanks for the wishes. By now, i have emailed everyone who made at least $10 purchase during the whole month. This discount coupon is valid for ONE purchase, but it can be as big a purchase as you want. Plan wisely, and use it before the end of May. Fill your wishlist; it might help!

If you didn’t get an email from me with your coupon and you think you should have had one, check your spam folder (sometimes they eat the good stuff), and if you still cannot find it, just let me know and i’ll look into it.

New script – Plastic Pocket Page


Heather worked with the Plastic Pocket script that was released a couple of weeks ago, and she commented that it would have been nice to create a whole page with pocket instead of only strips. That definitely gave me another idea. And here is the script.

Using only Paintshop Pro, you can create this totally customized plastic protector sheet for your digital scrapbook layout, that will have just about any kind of pocket size combination.

You can have small and large pockets on the same page, some open and some sealed pockets on the same page in just the right number, order and arrangement to fit your need. With a random feature integrated, you can also have a different result even if you are using the same settings!

You can grab this script in my store: Creation Cassel (right now, i cannot upload to the DigiScrapWarehouse, due to a technical problem but it will hopefully be available soon).

In the Happy Place, there is a thread, HERE, where you can add your name and have a chance to win this script for free. Go for it!


This week, you will get a pretty neat free sample. This set of pockets is 1200x1600 pixels in size and includes 10 pockets: 8 open ones and 2 sealed ones. Each pocket is on a separate layer. You can combine them as you wish. It is in PSD format so you do not have to be a Paintshop Pro user.

Show me what you do with this page.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.







April promotion in the store


Did you get your wishlist ready yet? It might be time to have a look at it. For the whole month of April (so this will start Sunday), every purchase you will make in the store will be tallied to get you a discount coupon to be used in May. How much will the coupon be for? This will depend on what you buy, and how much you spend.


If you spend $20, you will get a 20% discount coupon.

If you spend $30, you will get a 30% discount coupon.

If you spend $40, you will get a 40% discount coupon.

If you spend $50, you will get a 50% discount coupon.

If you spend $60 and over, you will get a 60% discount coupon.


So, make sure you have your wishlist ready, so that in April you will be able to grab what you always wanted, and get a bonus for it. Also, ALL the purchases you make in the month will be added, so you can spend $10 Monday, and $30 the next week, and $20 on April 30th, and still get a whopping 60% off coupon. How cool is that?


News in the Campus


This weekend will be a very busy one over in the Campus, with TWO workshops.


Sunday, April 1st: Color your world in Paintshop Pro.

Monday, April 2nd: Introduction to scripts in Paintshop Pro


Both workshops are FREE, so just click the link to get more details and register.


But that is not all. I am putting the finishing touch to a BRAND NEW COURSE that will be added to the Campus. Nobody has yet guessed what it will be. I am not telling you either. I am hoping it will be ready by the beginning of next week, unless i get some unexpected surprise in the building process. So, stay tuned to hear more about it.

New script – License Plate


Do you have photos of a trip you took and want some fun ways to indicate where you went? These custom license plates would be perfect for you. But wait, these are TOTALLY customizable so why limit yourself to only plates that look like… license plates? Add the name of your loved one, add a date, add a short phrase, you can even add designs and photos on the background, you can add stickers for dates or other details.

With only your Paintshop Pro, and no outside filter, you can get an embossed plate “number” (even if it is not a number), embossed text on top and the bottom of the “number” (or both), but you can also add some flat painted designs in different colors and in different location. Just about everything is customizable, and on separate layers so even after the end of the script, you can still personalize the plate.

You can grab this unique script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

As usual, there is a free giveaway in the Happy Place where you can add your name and tell me how you would customize your license plate. On Monday night i will draw a winner. If you already purchased the script, you can still enter the draw because if you win, then you get a coupon for a future new release. How can you loose?

cass-LicensePlate-sample Since those plates are all about customization, i struggled a little bit to bring you a FREE custom plate design that you could still use. Of course, if i was to add the name of my husband, i doubt you would find many uses for it, so i though of something a little more generic so that you can use it as is, or almost as is. This plate has some white areas so you can add some flat text to it if you want. That is where you can add the name of your spouse, or your kid or parent, or dating partner. Or you can add the date of your wedding, the birthdate of your child, etc. Yeah, there are so many options! How will YOU customize this plate? Show me and i can make a whole display of custom plates.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.



Do you have a wishlist in the store? You might want to seriously consider setting one up because April is coming soon. What about April? That is my birth month and if you were around last year, you will remember there was a BIG promotion going on in April and many of you managed GREAT deals. This year will be pretty much the same so get ready!



corel-logo Corel Shop Classes

Are you afraid of scripts?

Are you curious about scripts?

Are you wondering what scripts can do for you?

Corel has a series of Shop Classes (online workshops) on various topics and on April 2nd, the workshop is called “Introductions to scripts in Paintshop Pro” and i am totally excited to be the presenter (they even call me an EXPERT!) There will be people attending not only from the scrapbooking world, but also graphic and photography communities. We are expecting way over 100 attendees! It is in the evening so it might be a bit hard for our European friends, but don’t worry, the workshop will be recorded and uploaded to the Corel youtube channel probably the next day. Even if you dont think you can attend, just register so you can ask questions on the registration form. We will try to answer the questions from the forms so even if you are not there to hear the answer live, you will get it in the recording. If you do not type in your most pressing question, we might not answer it because maybe nobody else had the same question. That would be too bad, wouldn’t it be?

Just hit this button to register for that workshop, organised by the Corel Corporation. Remember… it is FREE


(i heard there should be a draw among the attendees… shhh!)


News from the Campus


Campus workshop

Although you can join the Corel Shop Class on April 2nd, there is still our regular monthly workshop in the Campus. This month, it will be on April 1st (yes, you will be spoiled with TWO workshops in a row specially for Paintshop Pro users!) We will be looking at colorization which will be very useful for designers and scrappers too. This will allow you to increase considerably the ways you can use your current supplies. You will be able to reuse them without feeling like you are “just” copying and pasting them yet another time. The live workshop will allow you to ask questions directly and see them answered immediately. Join us and register now.


If you cannot attend, the workshop will be recorded and edited and likely reuploaded one week after the live presentation. A detailed handout will also be available for purchase.

In the mean time, the edited recording of the workshop on Vectors is still available for FREE to any registered member. When the Colorizing workshop is uploaded, the Vector one will no longer be free.


Element Creation Tutorial

Last week, our students were offered two fantastic tutorials instead of one. Look at these!

SandTexture   BobbyPin

What will it be this week?


Writer Call

Did you notice our call last week? We are looking for a passionate scrapper who can write articles on the various elements used in scrapbooking and created in the Element Creation tutorials section. Are you that scrapper? Are you able to think of creative ways to use some ordinary elements? Just apply for this position. In exchange of your enthusiasm, you will get a FREE UNLIMITED membership to the Element Creation Tutorials section (for as long as you want to keep writing). If you are interested, just email me at [email protected] The call is open for another week, until March 31st, so get your applications in.

New course coming soon

Keep an eye on the Campus as i am very excited to bring in a brand new course. This is a course that i was asked several time to give and i always declined, but this time, i am bringing in a real expert, and SHE will be the teacher, not me. I am not yet telling you as the classroom is not yet set up, but you might hear a few bangs, smell some fresh paint, and even see some dust. It will not be long.

New script – File Tabs


I don’t know about you, but i have thought of using file tabs in a layout only to find that the few tabs i had in my stash, didn’t really fit my project. If you ever experienced the same problem, you will now have the solution. This script offers you MANY possibilities to create your own tabs. Not only you can choose the color of the tabs, but you can choose the text and the font. Even better, the tabs will always be the right size. How can the script do that? It measures the size of each word you want to put and uses the size of the longest word and plan all the tabs around that size. You won’t see the script do it as it works in the blink of an eye but it does give you that perfect result every time.

You can create a blank tab of the size you want or a single tab with some text. But you can create several tabs either separately or on a single image. If you want them on a single image, you can have them all stuck on the same piece of paper or on separate papers. Talk about versatile! What can you use those for? Just about ANYTHING you want. You will fall in love with those and i am sure you will find many uses for them either in kits or in layouts.

You can find this fantastic script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

cass-FileTab-sample-dateI am sure you would love to win this script, right? Just hop over the Happy Place thread HERE and tell me ONE use you can think for those tabs. I will be drawing for a winner on Monday night.

As for a freebie, you can grab this sample here. I created a series of four tabs for you to add dates to your project 365 or any other layout. I initially had the word “December” in there so the tabs would be long enough for you to add a month name, and then i changed it to only “month”. This allowed all the tabs to be larger than if i had use the word “month” in the script itself. This set of tabs comes in PSD format, fully layered so you can use fewer than the four tabs available. You can also use the tabs without the paper base and apply them to your own papers or even directly onto a photo.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.



News from the Campus


The March workshop video is accessible to view to any logged in member. Did you have a look? I got several comments from viewers saying that they finally felt more comfortable using vectors after this workshop. Isn’t that a good thing? Go watch the edited recording and you can even purchase the downloadable version so you can view and re-view and re-re-view it as often as you want, without the worry of having to be online! And the downloadable written document is a whopping 22 pages of instructions, tips and illustrations. That is a biggie! Check it out now.

Don’t be afraid of Vectors!



If you like workshops, you will be spoiled in April. I will be hosting one on April 1st called Color your world, on colorizing: we will look at colorizing elements for your layouts or your kits, but also adding colors to photos, so you will be able to use those tips for other purpose than scrapbooking. You can register right now for it. Just click this yellow button.





But that is not all. Corel also has some regular workshops they call Shop Classes for their various products, including Paintshop Pro. I was invited to present one such workshop on April 2nd (yes, just the day after the other workshop). The topic is: Introduction to scripts in PaintShop Pro. I know a lot of you have asked me questions about scripts, how to use them, what they can do and such. You’ll have a chance to hear answers to a lot of those questions during that one hour class. And it is FREE. I was told they might expect over 100 attendees AND there will be something drawn as a participation prize. Don’t wait and register NOW.



Do you have an older version of PSP and you are looking for the patches since you had to reinstall it to a newer computer? The Corel site does not carry the older PSP version patches, but you can find them all neatly stored in the Campus. Those patches are all free so you can download them as you need them. Check this PSP Patches section.


Last week, due to time limitations, no new tutorial was added to the Element section but i will catch up this week and upload TWO to make it up.


Keep an eye on this blog or on our mailing list as i will be having a special call soon. Not a CT call, but something for the Campus itself. Maybe tomorrow, or Sunday. I am not telling anything more… yet! You’ll have to be patient.

New script – Abstract Paper Pattern


Do you sometimes, want to have an abstract design based on a photo but you don’t want to just add a blur? This method of making an abstract pattern based on a photo is easy to do but tedious, and making something different every time is not always that obvious. Using your Paintshop Pro, this script will do that, in just a short time. Start with your photo, the script will grab some blurred sections, at random, and will layer them onto a new 3600 x 3600 pixels canvas, and rotate them at random, and move them also at random. You can choose how many pieces you want the script to add, and you can move them around before they are merged. And if you find that the pieces are not covering everywhere you want, the script can do another run of pieces cut, added, rotated, and moved. At the end, the script will grab a color from the original photo and add a base layer below all those merged pieces. Those two layers will be left unmerged so you can change the base color, adjust the opacity of the top color, play with the blend mode, etc. And then, you can do whatever you want with the two layers, before or after you merge them: add a texture, add an artistic effect, a reflection effect, run a filter on them, etc.

You can get this script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

And if you want a free script, just check the Happy Place thread here, and add your name to it, after telling me what type of effect you can think of adding to this paper once done. I will pick a winner on Monday.

cass-AbstractPattern-sampler Do you want to see what this script can do? I am sure you do. You always like to get a free sample too, so i made those three papers from the exact papers displayed in the script preview. For one paper (the yellow one), i just added a Reflection Effect – Pattern. For the multicolored one, i applied the Topography effect and added a texture. For the pinkish one, i just reduced the opacity very low, changed the blend mode and added a texture.

Those papers are full size. What will you do with them?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.






News from the Campus

Last week, we had our workshop on Playing with Vector. From the comments added to the surveys afterward, it seems that a lot of people will feel more comfortable to manipulate vectors and several found some great new uses for vectors. Did you ever want to write some text along the edge of an element in a photo, like a car, a mountain, an uneven building? You can do that now, with the use of vectors and you will see, it is pretty easy too!

The edited video should be up Sunday.

Our next workshop is already set for April 1st (no, it is not an April’s fool) and the topic will be Colorization. This will certainly be useful to designers who might want to use some CU products and make them really different to match their kits, or for scrappers who want to modify some of their stash elements to make a perfect layout. We will also look at colorizing in photos so you can make some fun effects.

Registration is already open so just click the button below to register.


Did you want to view the workshops we had before? Would you like to have them right on your computer to view any time you wish? Do you want to download the multiple pages of handouts so you can print them? Now you can. Check out your favorite workshop and purchase the set you need. No more waiting for streaming, or your internet connection: you can have them all on your computer.

Last week, the newest tutorial uploaded was the Bow tutorial. That was requested by Lisa in our forum and i finally recorded it. Can you believe that the video is 33 minutes long and i skipped 2 thirds of the process as it was 2 repeats of what was shown? Yes, making bows from another ribbon (digitally made or an extracted flat ribbon) is a tedious task but you can then have a perfect match with what you want to use it for. Check it out!


Although this might be the March break in some areas (it was for us here), the Campus is still open, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so see you in the Campus, and bring friends along!

New script – Knot #7


Can anyone have too many ribbons and knots in their stash? Never! this script, although it is the 7th for knots, will give you still a different result from the other ones. This script lets you choose a ribbon from your current stash and tie it so you can get a perfectly matching knot and ribbon. How cool is that? Use any version of Paintshop Pro, 8 and up, and you can get this fun, simple and versatile knot out of your ribbon. Unlike other scripts, the ribbon is actually cut in sequential pieces so that if you have a gradient, or a directional design, it will really follow. If you have a translucent ribbon, you will actually “see” the whole path of the ribbon, even the part that goes behind the knot and is otherwise hidden. Even the fold of the pieces will be perfectly matching.

Also, the shading will give that realistic look to the ribbon. In the end, you will get separate pieces that are linked together. Use this feature to insert anything inside the knot. You can tie anything with them. And if you do not have a ribbon to use, the script can create one for you and you will have not only a knot but also a matching flat ribbon that you can use as is, or with another script. This is so neat!

You can get this really fun knot script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

As usual, i have a random draw for you to participate. Check out this thread and add your name while telling me what is the FIRST thing you could think of tying, in a scrapbook layout. I will be back on Monday to announce a winner (Mr Random will do the pick, as usual).



I want you to have a good close look at the knot that this script can produce. I created a basic ribbon, and ran the script on it. You get the flat ribbon AND the layered knot. I reduced it to only 2 layers instead of the usual 8 layers that the script will produce, but you can still insert a ring, a stick, or anything inside that knot. You can get this freebie and use it on your layouts.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.











News from the Campus


Yet another reminder that the webinar on Playing with vectors will be held this coming Sunday, March 4th, at 5pm Eastern. You can still register and get reminders, one day and one hour before .

Remember to check YOUR time zone!

There will be a little special for the attendees. Come and join us.



Our Find a Friend promotion for February has ended, and our grand winner is…

Debbie Turner

Congratulation and i will be in touch soon. Thanks to those who participated.


Last week, we added another tutorial, as we do every week. It was one tutorial to make a digital feather.


I am telling you: some Campus members are doing work that looks much better than what i show in the tutorials! From the requests we got in the forum i am expecting that among the next tutorials to be released, we’ll have some bows and grungy textures. But you’ll have to stay tuned to know for sure!


See you around in the Campus

New script – Plastic Pocket


I noticed, in the digital scrapbooking forum, that  member was looking for something that simulates those plastic pocket protectors and several designers replied with their own versions. Very interesting products, and varied, but as a script coder I was wondering how one could get a real custom sized pocket for their special element that might not be standard size.

Now, this script will let any Paintshop Pro user create single or multiple plastic pockets. Do you have a large or a tiny element to store? No problem. You can also make multiple pockets (up to 8 compartments), in vertical or horizontal strip. You can have the pockets open or closed, and with different types of cutout for the open pockets (you know, to help you get things in and out easier).

What would you put in those pockets? Just about anything you want. You can place photos, buttons, beads, chains, leaves, stickers, tickets, tags, even alphas to create a title! Yes, why not make a title with those multiple pockets? That is a cool idea!

You can get this script in my store: Creation Cassel.

As usual, you have a chance to win this script simply by participating in the RAK in the DST forum. Check out this thread and tell me what you can think of inserting into those pockets. I will come back on Monday with the name of a winner.

cass-PlasticPocket-sample I know you would like to see one of those pockets on your layout and play with it. You are lucky because i created this multiple pocket for you. It consists of two separate layers, in PSD format, so anyone can use it, even if you don’t have Paintshop Pro.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

You will get a set of 6 open pockets, with that typical cutout on the top layer allowing you to get your elements to slightly stick out. For best results if you want elements to stick out, I would strongly recommend you watch the video on Interlacing element in PSP (even if you are not using Paintshop Pro, I am sure you can do something similar with Photoshop).




News from the Campus

Our next webinar is scheduled for next week. Will you join? We will be tackling Vectors as they tend to scare a lot of people (i have to admit, i was intimidated by vectors myself at first). Do you have specific questions for us? Just email me your questions ahead so i can plan to address those during the webinar. This is what we plan to address (but your suggestions might be added to those points)

  • basic vector shapes
  • create your own vectors
  • using vectors for other purposes

Are you having a hard time with the time zone issues? You are not alone, so here is a little list to help you:

Greenwich Mean Time: 10 PM (you cannot be in bed already!)

Atlantic time: 6 PM (this is where i am)

Eastern time: 5 PM

Pacific time: 2 PM

Eastern Daylight Time: 8 AM (for our Australian friends)


Click this button to register and be sent reminders by email


Last week, we added the Dymo tape tutorial for our Element Creation section.


Last weekend, i wanted to do more recording for the Element section but guess what? I got a little ill, and … i lost my voice! Yup, for 6 days, i either had a really bad voice, or no voice AT ALL! I should be able to record more tutorials this weekend to continue the series.


Last but not least, you only have a few days to refer friends to join the Campus (even for a free membership), and have a chance to win the access to one course of your choice in the Campus. Send your friends to THIS LINK so they can put your name as a referrer, and i will announce the winner in an email soon after the end of the month.


See you in the Campus!

New script – Acrylic “Styles” for Paintshop Pro


Do you see all those styles available for Photoshop and wish you could use them in Paintshop Pro? Although this is not the case, this script will create a similar LOOK as some of the styles you could see to create acrylic. You get 6 options: dark edge, white edge, ridged edge, angled edge, flat border and colored acrylic.

Not only you can choose the type of edge, but you can also choose the thickness of the acrylic, meaning that the white reflection will be placed somewhat differently if you want a thicker or thinner element. Or in the case of the flat border and the angled edge, it will make it wider or narrower. The whole element will also be filled with a 5% opacity white so you will get that appearance of something to slightly change the color of the element or shape underneath. Another advantage of this fill is that you can grab and move the element without struggling to grab exactly the edge or so. No problem: grab it anywhere you want.

The script will use any solid shape to create the acrylic element on a totally separate layer so it will not affect the project you are currently working on.

You can get this script in my store: Creation Cassel .

Do you want a chance to win this script? Think of one element you can envision being turned into acrylic, and tell me in this thread. I will be back on Monday with a winner.


What do those styles look like up close? Here is a set of simple arrows made using 5 of the 6 styles. They are pretty large so you can resize them to match your project. They are all in PNG format so anyone can use them, in just about any program.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Since i have been able to recreate something similar to some common “styles”, can you think of other styles you would like to see for Paintshop Pro? Send me an email with samples or previews of styles you would like to see. Notice that this is Acrylic “styles” A, so i am hoping to get also a B and a C, and so on. Send me an email, send me a visual so i can work on that.




News from the Campus

This week there is a special 2 for 1 promotion on either course of the Campus (the Basic Scrap course or the Element Creation course). Find a friend, and join together.


It is THAT simple! Now you can enjoy the course you wanted to take, and it will cost you only HALF the price. This promotion is only valid until Sunday, Feb 19th, so hurry!

Choose the course you want!

basic    element-300

If you don’t know of any friend wanting to join with you, just post on our Facebook page looking for a “partner” and you might just find that person who was to shy to ask around! If you are a member of the DST forum, you can also post in the Scrap Talk section (someone did that last fall and found a partner very quickly). I guess you could also post a request in a comment to this post!


Did you get a chance to view the webinar recording on Using Layered Templates in Paintshop Pro? The video is available for FREE to anyone who has registered to the Campus. Dont worry, the registration is absolutely free.


After you view the webinar, there is a little survey you can fill and once it is sent, you will get access to some goodies provided by the contributing designers, but we don’t want to abuse their generosity, do we?  So i make those goodies only available until Sunday, Feb 19th, which will be giving everyone 2 weeks to grab from the day of the webinar (which was held on Feb 5th). After that period, although the webinar will still be available, the goodies will be gone.


Speaking of webinars, they are currently ALL free, but starting in March, only ONE webinar will be accessible at the time to registered members, however, while changes are underway, all the recordings WILL be made available for download. Yes, you read it right, you will be able to purchase the downloadable versions of the webinars, view them whenever you want, even offline. This will be great for anyone with slow connection: no more choppy playing of the video; one (slow) download, but speedy playing afterward!


To benefit all the advantages of the Campus life, simply join us! Click the Subscribe button and you will be admitted immediately (no admission exam to fill out!)

button-register See you in the Campus!