
Font and bundle


Last week, i released a sewing machine font and i got a request to have a matching “hole” font. I didn’t think, initially, that anyone would want the holes too but i was obviously wrong. So, thanks to Wendy’s request, i am now offering the matching “hole” font with the “stitching” font. You get two fonts in one zip.

You can use the “hole” font on its own if you want, or add it to the “stitching”. They are perfectly matching. Use black or grey holes, or use a blending mode to make them fade in the background. Do whatever you need to make it as realistic as possible.

You can get this Sewing Machine Font in the store.

(if you already purchased the Sewing Machine Font, go back and download the newer zip file which will contain the “hole” font).

cass-StitchingFonts-bundleWhile we are in a stitching mood, i bundled up the most popular fonts of my store: the Stitching fonts. Those are the first font i created and they were (and still are) extremely popular especially since they can be used by most graphic programs. There is the basic stitches font and the decorative stitches font. You can use them in so many different ways, i cannot name them all. Use them on a straight line to stitch something, or use them on a path to simulate various types of decorative stitching.

Since they are fonts, you have the opportunity to combine 2 or more characters/stitches to make fun combinations. You can choose the colors, size, kerning, and more, depending on your program.

Although you can get them separately (the Basic and the Decorative), i have bundled them together for you for a discounted price AND it is also on special this weekend. Go grab this Stitching Fonts bundle as soon as you can.

This week, you have the chance to win this bundle of 100 stitches by adding your name to this thread in the DST forum.

cass-SewingFont-sample-tagsAs a sample, this week, i created a set of simple fabric tags with the years. They are in layered PSD format so the tag, the stitching on top and the shadow are on different layers. This should allow you to colorize the tags and the stitching without affecting the shadow and you can also add your own shadow if you need to rotate the tags.

What would you do with those tags? They would be great to add a fun date to your layouts.

To create those tags, i obviously used the Sewing Machine font, but also the Clothes Tag script. Those two are a fantastic combo!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New Font – Sewing Machine Font


It is always fun to have some stitched text but sewing it, scanning it and extracting it is too much work for most (including me), so i created this font somewhat from my own handwriting.

Being a script font, it is a bit more work to get the letters to attach together properly but i think this one will become one of your favorite. If some letters don’t perfectly attach, you can just blame it on the machine!

The font includes lower case, upper case, digits, punctuation and several accented characters too.

Since this is a font, it is useable with Paintshop Pro, Photoshop, Photoshop Element and probably other programs, as long as they can use outside fonts.

You can grab this font in the store, at Creation Cassel.

You have a chance to win this font by just adding your name to this thread in the forum and tell me what program you are using. Remember that it can be used with probably all graphic programs. I will be back on Monday with the name of a winner (send your friends over too!).



This week, i sent the font to my CT members and Jessica created those fun stitched labels. They are huge in size so you can size them down to just about anything you need.

With such a font, you can surely think of other types of labels you could create or text to write.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

This font will work particularly well with the other Stitches fonts like the Basic Stitches or the Decorative Stitches if you have a craft or a sewing theme layout. Or, how about combining text with this font and the Clothes Label script? This is a combo made in heaven!

New script – Alpha Separator


A couple of weeks ago, Lynn emailed me asking for a script to help her quickly create “cards” with letters as she needed individual letters to write words and phrases on cakes (yes, she does that, and it is pretty!). Nothing was available to meet her needs, even in the store, so i proceeded to code this script.

This is clearly a tool script that will split all the letters in a word (or a phrase), into separate images. It will create all the images the same size (matching the biggest letter of the text) and giving you options to add a background if you want, choose a different size, move the letters off the center (where they would be placed by default), or resize the letters too. One particularity of this script is that it will keep the characters in a vector format, allowing you to start with a small font, and choose a large size image to put them and the letters will be sized up without any distortion. And they are left on unmerged layers so you can tweak them further if you wish.

If you want to make an alpha to match a particular kit, use one paper from the kit to write the text in the first place and it will be separated with that paper. A fast way to create a simple alpha.

You can get this time saving script in the store: Creation Cassel.

cass-FileTab-sample-DaysSince you probably don’t need another alpha from me, and since this is a tool script, it is a bit harder to make a sample from it. So i thought of an older script of mine that might help you if you are doing a Project 365, or if you just like to add a fun way to date your layouts. These are file tabs, like you would see in a binder to divide sections. Each tab has a day of the week on it and it also includes a blank white tab, in case you want to add something else to your layout, than a day (maybe a date? maybe a week number?)

Each tab is translucent so you can place it on the edge of a paper, or a frame or a photo and the design will show through.

What would you use the blank tab for?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Brad Factory


This is the fastest and easiest way to create a lot of perfectly matching brads.

The script will use any paper you want (you can use 1, 2, 3 or more) and pick a random section of it to create the brad. You will always get a different result (especially if you have some kind of design in the paper) because of the random feature integrated.

But you don’t choose only the papers. You can choose the size, the shape, the finish, the border, the thickness of the border, and its finish.

You can even choose to add your own texture later using another program or plugin (like Eye Candy, or Super Blade Pro for example).

At the end, everything is left in unmerged layers so you can either tweak the settings a bit yourself, use the layers in other projects, or insert decorative elements (think of a little flower!) inside the acrylic.

And you can create 50 brads in a single run of the script. How much easier can it get?

Grab this time saving script in my store: Creation Cassel

Now is your chance to win this fun script. Add your name to this thread in the DST forum, and one winner will be announced on Monday night. Do you prefer round or square brads?

cass-BradFactory-sample-digitsOne great advantage of this script is how it leaves all the layers intact, allowing you to tweak or use them in different ways. That is what i did with this sample. I ran the script on several papers i had (see the preview) and chose a simple, neutral one, with acrylic finish and i turned it into a set of digits but just adding the characters below the acrylic layer. It was soooooo easy.

Being white with silver border, they should be quite versatile and you could use them in many projects.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

If you want the matching alpha, it will be available to all the newsletter subscribers, so if you have not yet subscribed, there is still time as the newsletter goes out on Sunday morning (my time, Atlantic time). Just enter your name and email on the left column here and it will be done! But hurry!


Quick news from the Campus

There will be a live presentation on Sunday, July 7th.

The topic: Many Shades of Grey

You can still register HERE.

Remember, it is free!

New script – Eyelet #3


Eyelet laces are so diverse that I thought there would not be any problem in adding another eyelet script, with some different designs and combinations.

This script will use a 4 petal flower (instead of the 5 petal one, from last week), and the edge has a different shape. You can have one or two rows of flowers, which will be alternating if you choose a second row. And you can add another “edge” above the flowers, and it will be aligned perfectly, depending on whether you have a single or double row of flowers. You can even have both “edges” with no flower at all, and add your own gems or designs in the space created with them.

As for the previous eyelet script, you can add designs on the top, the bottom or both edges in the same run.

Use those designs on ribbon (you just choose the color of the embroidery, but you can use an actual ribbon to add the embroidery on it, create your own ribbon, etc.

You can grab this fun script in my store: Creation Cassel

If you want to add your name to the RAK thread in here, go for it. You have a chance to win this script and be on your way to add eyelets to all your projects.

cass-Eyelet3-sample-frameHow about a little sample of what this script can do? I ran the script on a long piece of textured solid color to create a ribbon. I did the same thing twice, to get a top and a bottom edge with proper bevelling (NEVER flip or mirror an element that has been shadowed or bevelled). Then, using a copy of the ribbons, i applied a different bevel angle before merging and rotating the copies to make the vertical edges of the frame. Then, it was just a matter of applying a mitered corner technique to align and cut the corners correctly. What do you think of it?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Father’s Day Card Contest–Winners announced

Thank you all for participating in either submitting a card for the contest or voting to determine the winner.

Congratulations to Mary who created the winning card which was this one.


This card got 58% of the public vote, so it was obvious that everyone loved it. Mary earned herself a coupon worth $15

Then, thanks to Corel, we also had a random draw of a copy of Paintshop Pro X5, and the winner was Sgt Ynot. He was really happy to win as he was considering purchasing that version of PSP since he was working with version X4.

Keep in touch and keep an eye on this blog (or the newsletter) so you know when the next contest comes up.

See you around and again, congratulations to the winners!

New script – Eyelet #2


A long time ago, one script was added in the store to create a basic eyelet design using Paintshop Pro. This time, not only you get ribbon, but you can choose many more options and the script is also responsive to offer you choices based on the size of your starting image.

You get 3 embroidered designs: the edge, the eyelets and the flowers. Each will be on a different layer and can be combined. You can have an edge and eyelets, and edge and flower, or an edge and eyelets and flowers. You can have the design on the top, on the bottom or on both edges. If the image/ribbon is thick enough, you can have the row of flowers doubled, if not, it will be single and centered.

You can use any straight and boring ribbon, or you can create your own using a strip of paper or a solid color with a texture.

Once the “ribbon” is done, it is up to you to use it as you wish. Make it into a frame, sew it to another element, ruffle it, tie it or knot it (with another script). Since the embroidered designs are left on separate layers, you can adjust the colors. And if you ran this script on a piece of paper, you can even remove the embroidery and just pretend you punched the paper!

You can grab this fun and creative script in my store at Creation Cassel.

If you want a chance to win this script, you can add your name to this thread in the DST forum and tell me how you could use this script BESIDE making a ribbon. Let’s be creative! I’ll be back on Monday with the name of a winner.

cass-Eyelet2-sampleI know it is a bit American holiday coming up (I see that in the numerous 4th of July), but I also know that not everybody is American, so I figured I could create some basic eyelet edges for everyone, in basic colors. This sampler will give you 5 different eyelets in 4000 pixels each.

Being more than the traditional 3600 pixels in length, you can use them at an angle and still go across a standard scrapbook page. You can also make frames out of them.

Available for FREE when you register to our mailing list HERE.

Father’s Day Card Contest – You vote!

Although there were not many entries in the contest (i am sure everyone was busy celebrating with their Dad), those that were sent are beautiful!!!

Now it is time for you, the public, to vote.

The system only allows you to vote ONCE (it makes it more fair, don’t you think?)

Check out all the entries, and scroll down to the poll.

The winners will be announced Sunday, June 23rd.

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger version.

A big thanks to all those who sent their entries.


Card1  Card2

Card3  Card4

Card5  Card6

It is now, time to vote. You have a say in who will win the $15 coupon to the store.

At the end of the poll, a random draw will be done to determine who will win the copy of PSP X5.

[poll id="3"]

Although you do not have to disclose your vote (you can if you want), if you want to add specific comments or praises about some cards, simply type in the comment box below and indicate who it is for; I will point the creator to this post.

New Script – Vector Separator


Did you attend the live presentation on Texting Again with PSP? We looked at how easy it was to split a word into individual letters to manipulate them separately. Someone asked a great question about adding shadows to those individual letters, and at the time, i didn’t know how to do it easily. I knew there was a way to split them but it was tedious and not convenient.

In order to accomplish what was asked, i coded this script. Not only will this script convert each letter into a shape, but it will also split them into individual vector layers that can then be manipulated at will and even converted to raster to add more effects, like shadows, textures, distortion, etc.

And if you have several vector objects (text, shape, path), and want to move them, rotate them, or otherwise manipulate them, the script can also split them into individual vector layers. This is perfect to create wordart.

You can get this time saving tool in my store atCreation Cassel.

There is also a thread HERE, where you can add your name and ANSWER the question to enter into a random draw. I will be back on Monday night with the name of a winner.



For this week’s freebie, with Father’s Day just around the corner, I thought of making a wordart for DAD. Using the Vector Separator, i was able to add all the words and phrases to one vector layer and then split them for easier manipulation.

You can use this wordart to make a frame, to overlay on a photo, or just print it and frame it.

The whole design is about 1800 x 1800 pixels and in png format so it can be used with just about any graphic program.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Father’s Day Card Contest



Whether you have purchased the Card & Envelope script, or not, you can enter this contest. You just have to create a fun Father’s Day card with matching envelope. It’s that easy.

If you have the script on hand, you can obviously create a card with a different size or shape. If not, use the template HERE. It is available for free and is layered so you can use it even if you are using PS or PSE.

Each PERSON entering the contest will get a $3 coupon to the store. You can enter as many times as you want (but you still get only one coupon).

Enter by emailing me a preview of the card and envelope at cassel AT creationcassel DOT com.


There will be another prize added to this promotion. I got a copy of Paintshop Pro X5 to be drawn among all the participants to this promotion, so to give more people a chance for this, the entries will be accepted until Sunday June 16th. The voting with then take place over the following week.

Share this with everyone you can!