
New script – Photo Splitter


A while ago, i saw a nice layout where a single photo was displayed in three sections. I remember, in the past, trying to find templates that i could use to do something similar but always seemed to end up with a template where the splits were in very annoying spots, like across a face. So that is what led to the creation of this script. You get many options to choose from and the flexibility to customize what the script gives you. You can have horizontal or vertical splits only, or get them in both directions for smaller areas. You can choose to have the pieces with some space in between and even choose how much. You can have square or rounded corners. You can also have the splits evenly distributed or randomly created.

Once the script creates the “grid”, you have the additional option to group some pieces to make sure no face is cut in half or that the focus of the photo is really, the focus. But that is not all. All the pieces will end up on a separate layer so you can further customize the result, by adding effects to some pieces, by moving them, rotating them, even deleting them (in case you want to get rid of Uncle Tom!). See some samples of additional effect you can get with this script:

cass-PhotoSplitter2 cass-PhotoSplitter3











You can grab this script in my store: Creation Cassel

And of course, there is always a chance for you to win this script. Add your name to this thread in the Happy Place and i will be back on Monday night with the name of a lucky winner.


As usual, i have a freebie for you. Since this script runs on an image, i could not run it for you, but i used a blank grey image and created this template for you. It is 3000 x 2400 pixels, so you can resize it to match your own photo. You can use it vertically or horizontally. Each piece is on a separate layer and the whole template is in PSD format. Show me how you will be using it creatively!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New Tubes – Pipe Cleaners


These tubes will surely bring a smile to  your face. Mendy asked me if i could make something to simulate pipe cleaners, you know, those chenille stems that kids love twisting, bending and shaping. I am sure you have used them when you were a kid too, right? Now, these special picture tubes for Paintshop Pro will let you do the same and create fun shapes.

Since she was the first one suggesting it,she was given the whole set to “test” and she certainly had fun with them. She created the shapes that are in the freebie below.

You have 12 colors to play with. Doodle with your mouse and it automatically creates a pipe cleaner wherever you draw. You can also turn any vector shape into a pipe cleaner with a free script that is mentioned in the product description.

You can grab this whole set in my store: Creation Cassel

Do you want a chance to win this complete set? You can add your name to the RAK thread in the DST forum. Just tell me what shape you would do with pipe cleaners and i will be back on Monday with the name of a winner. Remember that everyone will win something, even if you are not a PSP user! So go ahead, and post in that thread.




This week, i wanted to share some smile so this week’s freebie will be made of those fun shapes and creature made by Mendy. Aren’t they cute. Can you honestly say you didn’t even smile when you first glanced at them? Really? And you can make so much more with those Pipe Cleaners. The shapes and creatures are in PNG format and DO include the shadows.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Remember to show us what you make with them!




April promotion

You still have just a few days left to finish building your discount for May. If you made a purchase, you got an individual email from me with the total calculated to date for your discount. If you are happy with it, it is ok. If you want to build it to the next level, you have until Tuesday night to make another purchase. That is only 4 days left. HURRY!


News from the Campus


The Campus is going steady. We have more and more visitors in the Campus. I am sure the students are bringing friends over, and that is quite all right.

Did you ever have a look at what the students of the Campus are doing? Check out the Gallery. That is where they post their work, and that  is where you can leave them some nice comments.



This week, the new tutorial will be on how to make a braid. Yes, a braid as long as they want. Do you know the trick?



Our next workshop will take place next week (yes, time flies, and i thought i still had two weeks to prepare). The topic this month will be about Brush Work in Paintshop Pro. Several people asked questions about brushes so i figured it would be a great topic. Thanks to those who suggested it. Now, you have to register so you can get the notifications. Remember, it is on May 6th, at 4pm Eastern Time zone, and once you register, you will get a reminder one week before, one day before AND one hour before. I know the time zone issue is terribly annoying for some who end up coming too early, or too late. Follow us on Facebook and there is an automatic “count down” so you will be notified as the time approaches.


New tubes – Gimp Trims #2


Did you like last week’s new tubes? I told you i had more in stock and here is the second set of Gimp Trim tubes.

If all those 20 colors included in both sets are not enough, you can definitely recolor them using various methods.

Now, it is time for you to doodle your way with those trims, create frames, add them to the center of a ribbon, place them at the end of a tag, or even place them on fringes to hold the threads!

These are exclusive picture tubes for Paintshop Pro only; sorry Photoshop users!

You can get this second set in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

Are you unsure how those tubes can be used? Check out this video where i am using one of the trims from last week’s set.



So, what do you think of that? How fun and easy that is, right? You can win this set of picture tubes in this thread in the forum. Check it out, and add your name to the thread telling me which ONE color of this set you prefer (only ONE). Everyone will get a gift at the end. I will be back on Monday with the name of a winner.



How about a freebie now? Spring is getting close, at least here, so i thought i would give you a bright flower. It is all layered (trim, shadow and template) and i PSD format so most of you could use it. You can use the trims only, the trims and templates, the trims and shadows, or all three (i guess you could also use the template only if you really want to!). Do you have a spring layout in the works? This might be a fun embellishment for it.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.






Have you been following the newsletter for the store in the last few weeks? You surely know about the April promotion Build your own coupon, right? No? Well, you still have time to build your coupon.


Some customers have already built a nice 60% coupon. I am sure they are now planning their May shopping spree!

If you needed a little incentive to go and build your coupon, here is the BEST NEWS:

my birthday is Sunday

What does that mean?

You will have to check the Newsletter to get the news as early as possible. Not a subscriber yet? No problem . The newsletter goes out Sunday morning, Eastern time zone. I am not telling you more (although i am sure you might have a pretty good idea by now!)


And watch your email on Sunday morning!

corel-logo And did you know that Corel is also celebrating my birthday? Isn’t it nice of them! From Friday, April 20th to Sunday April 22nd, Paintshop Pro X4 Ultimate is 50% off (upgrade or full version).

Click HERE to get your copy.

(ok, i admit it was for Earth day, and not my birthday, but i can still think it was just for me, can’t i?)


New tubes – Gimp Trims


Would you have known the name of those trims? I remembered seeing them in sewing and craft stores, but we dont have those around anymore so it was a real hunt for the name.

Doesn’t that look FANTASTIC as a trim? Best of all you can “draw” them any way you want because they are unique picture tubes for Paintshop Pro. As you move your cursor, the trim gets created. You can have them in a straight line, a curved line or around any shape you want. If you ever used those Gimp trims in traditional scrapbooking, now, you can do the same with digital scrapbooking. Add those to your layout, and best of all, you can make them any shape you need.

You can make frames with them, weave them like ribbons, place them on the seam between two papers, etc. You have so many options with those 10 different tubes. And if you want to change the colors, you can do that too (although i have 10 more in stock for another release!)

You can grab those 10 tubes in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

And of course, as usual, you can get this set for free by adding your name to the Happy Place thread HERE. Not only will there be one winner, bur EVERYONE who post will get SOMETHING, just for posting! So go ahead and add your name. Tell your friends to come, so they can also get a surprise just for posting. I will be back on Monday with the name of a winner.


cass-GimpTrims1-sample-rainbow I was happy to have had 6 colors from the rainbow. Strangely, i had not planned it but it allowed me to create this rainbow for you. This was made using the Gimp Trims in this set. The rainbow is very large so you can resize it to meet your own needs.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

What will you do with this rainbow? Show us what you do with it. I might just post this in the newsletter! I know you all love to see what can be done with my products, right? So don’t be shy. Share your masterpieces.






The Build your own discount coupon is still on for the rest of the month. Make sure you add up those purchases so you can get a nice coupon for May!


Last week, i had picked 5 random products that were on sale this week. You didn’t get them? Darn. The special ended today. BUT i have another offer for you. This next week YOU will choose what you want to see on sale. Post here (by adding a comment) or on our Facebook page (so you can also see what else is listed by other members), and i will pick the 5 most listed items to be on sale, starting Sunday night. Invite your friends to join in the listing too and you might just get YOUR favorite products on special.


A couple of weeks ago, there was a freebie with some plastic pockets. I was thrilled to get an email from Marj showing me what she did with that set of pockets. Here it is:

Guys I know

I love cats, and they all look so cute, don’t they? Did you miss that freebie? Check here for the Plastic Pocket sampler you can download and use, just like Marj did.


News from the Campus


After the hectic week when we had two workshop, this week is much more quiet. The Introduction to Scripts workshop, is available on Youtube and has already had 500 views! Yayyy! Did you miss it? You can view it all HERE.


The video for the Color your world workshop in the Campus is still available online only, but you can purchase the complete package so you wont have to worry about it not being there anymore, since it WILL be removed from view when the next workshop gets uploaded (likely the second week of May). The complete package includes the downloadable version of the video AND the complete written document you can also download.



Did you want all the documents in the previous workshops? They are all available too. View them and review them at your own pace, as often as you want. Print out the written documents, add your own handwritten notes if you want. This is a perfect way to built your own reference library for advanced Paintshop Pro users (even if you feel you are still a beginner!).


Are you afraid or intimidated by vectors? Are you wondering how to use vectors? This workshop will help you understand how they work so you can use them to create some pretty unique shape, or even text effects!


And of course, keep an eye on our next tutorials for the Element Creation Tutorials section. Did you know we already have 40 different tutorials available? Yup, they are adding up fast! Well, they are added on a weekly basis, but that is still becoming a fun list of tutorials.

New tubes – Stretchy Trims


Ever wanted to use an elastic trim around a photo, or to attach something? It is hard to find the right trim in the right shape and the right size, so now, you can use those Paintshop Pro picture tubes to simply “draw” the trim any way you want. Make a straight or curved line, follow a path for a precise shape, wrap them around something else, etc.

You get 10 different tubes that will create a continuous trim wherever you want it. That is the beauty of digital scrapbooking: be creative!

You also have the advantage of being able to create multiple designs with only those products, so you should get more than what you pay for!

Sorry for Photoshop users, these only work with Paintshop Pro.

You can grab them in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapCampus.

You can have a chance to win this complete set of tubes in this thread. Just add your name and give me ONE idea of what you could use these trims for. Go for it. Be creative. Share your inspiration. I will be back on Monday with the name of a winner.

cass-StretchyTrim-sample As usual, here is a freebie for you to check this out. This is a layered frame with two layers of stretchy trims, and one layer with some Ball Chain tubes too. Mix and match as you can hide one or two layers. This frame is in PSD format so any non-PSP user can actually enjoy it. The file also includes a template for the center so you can trim your photo easily to match the frame shape.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.









April promotion in the Store


Did you start shopping yet? Did you prepare your wishlist?

To help you with your shopping, there are some random products in the store that are on special this week. Check these out:

cass-TextCreator   cass-RibbonTagFlower

cass-MasknInk   cass-GlassBeads


(more will be on special next week so keep an eye out for them)


News from the Campus


The Shop Class on “Introduction to Scripts” held last Monday was great. Although i actually messed up on something, LIVE, it seems that the participants were quite pleased (maybe they just liked to see me make a mistake?). Did you miss it? Lucky for you, it is now available on the Corel Youtube channel and you can view it as often as you want. Check it out HERE. Remember to click the LIKE button if you like it.



If you wanted to learn more about scripts, Suz Shook now offers whole scripting course for Paintshop pro right in the Campus. Click HERE for more information.



The recording for last Sunday’s workshop, on Color your world should be made available this weekend, meaning that the video for the March workshop, Playing with Vectors will not be free anymore so if you missed it, now is the time. If you want the option to download the video on your computer and the written documentation, you can purchase the package now and not have to worry about it being removed from free access.



See you in the Campus.

New script – Plastic Pocket Page


Heather worked with the Plastic Pocket script that was released a couple of weeks ago, and she commented that it would have been nice to create a whole page with pocket instead of only strips. That definitely gave me another idea. And here is the script.

Using only Paintshop Pro, you can create this totally customized plastic protector sheet for your digital scrapbook layout, that will have just about any kind of pocket size combination.

You can have small and large pockets on the same page, some open and some sealed pockets on the same page in just the right number, order and arrangement to fit your need. With a random feature integrated, you can also have a different result even if you are using the same settings!

You can grab this script in my store: Creation Cassel (right now, i cannot upload to the DigiScrapWarehouse, due to a technical problem but it will hopefully be available soon).

In the Happy Place, there is a thread, HERE, where you can add your name and have a chance to win this script for free. Go for it!


This week, you will get a pretty neat free sample. This set of pockets is 1200x1600 pixels in size and includes 10 pockets: 8 open ones and 2 sealed ones. Each pocket is on a separate layer. You can combine them as you wish. It is in PSD format so you do not have to be a Paintshop Pro user.

Show me what you do with this page.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.







April promotion in the store


Did you get your wishlist ready yet? It might be time to have a look at it. For the whole month of April (so this will start Sunday), every purchase you will make in the store will be tallied to get you a discount coupon to be used in May. How much will the coupon be for? This will depend on what you buy, and how much you spend.


If you spend $20, you will get a 20% discount coupon.

If you spend $30, you will get a 30% discount coupon.

If you spend $40, you will get a 40% discount coupon.

If you spend $50, you will get a 50% discount coupon.

If you spend $60 and over, you will get a 60% discount coupon.


So, make sure you have your wishlist ready, so that in April you will be able to grab what you always wanted, and get a bonus for it. Also, ALL the purchases you make in the month will be added, so you can spend $10 Monday, and $30 the next week, and $20 on April 30th, and still get a whopping 60% off coupon. How cool is that?


News in the Campus


This weekend will be a very busy one over in the Campus, with TWO workshops.


Sunday, April 1st: Color your world in Paintshop Pro.

Monday, April 2nd: Introduction to scripts in Paintshop Pro


Both workshops are FREE, so just click the link to get more details and register.


But that is not all. I am putting the finishing touch to a BRAND NEW COURSE that will be added to the Campus. Nobody has yet guessed what it will be. I am not telling you either. I am hoping it will be ready by the beginning of next week, unless i get some unexpected surprise in the building process. So, stay tuned to hear more about it.

New script – Plastic Pocket


I noticed, in the digital scrapbooking forum, that  member was looking for something that simulates those plastic pocket protectors and several designers replied with their own versions. Very interesting products, and varied, but as a script coder I was wondering how one could get a real custom sized pocket for their special element that might not be standard size.

Now, this script will let any Paintshop Pro user create single or multiple plastic pockets. Do you have a large or a tiny element to store? No problem. You can also make multiple pockets (up to 8 compartments), in vertical or horizontal strip. You can have the pockets open or closed, and with different types of cutout for the open pockets (you know, to help you get things in and out easier).

What would you put in those pockets? Just about anything you want. You can place photos, buttons, beads, chains, leaves, stickers, tickets, tags, even alphas to create a title! Yes, why not make a title with those multiple pockets? That is a cool idea!

You can get this script in my store: Creation Cassel.

As usual, you have a chance to win this script simply by participating in the RAK in the DST forum. Check out this thread and tell me what you can think of inserting into those pockets. I will come back on Monday with the name of a winner.

cass-PlasticPocket-sample I know you would like to see one of those pockets on your layout and play with it. You are lucky because i created this multiple pocket for you. It consists of two separate layers, in PSD format, so anyone can use it, even if you don’t have Paintshop Pro.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

You will get a set of 6 open pockets, with that typical cutout on the top layer allowing you to get your elements to slightly stick out. For best results if you want elements to stick out, I would strongly recommend you watch the video on Interlacing element in PSP (even if you are not using Paintshop Pro, I am sure you can do something similar with Photoshop).




News from the Campus

Our next webinar is scheduled for next week. Will you join? We will be tackling Vectors as they tend to scare a lot of people (i have to admit, i was intimidated by vectors myself at first). Do you have specific questions for us? Just email me your questions ahead so i can plan to address those during the webinar. This is what we plan to address (but your suggestions might be added to those points)

  • basic vector shapes
  • create your own vectors
  • using vectors for other purposes

Are you having a hard time with the time zone issues? You are not alone, so here is a little list to help you:

Greenwich Mean Time: 10 PM (you cannot be in bed already!)

Atlantic time: 6 PM (this is where i am)

Eastern time: 5 PM

Pacific time: 2 PM

Eastern Daylight Time: 8 AM (for our Australian friends)


Click this button to register and be sent reminders by email


Last week, we added the Dymo tape tutorial for our Element Creation section.


Last weekend, i wanted to do more recording for the Element section but guess what? I got a little ill, and … i lost my voice! Yup, for 6 days, i either had a really bad voice, or no voice AT ALL! I should be able to record more tutorials this weekend to continue the series.


Last but not least, you only have a few days to refer friends to join the Campus (even for a free membership), and have a chance to win the access to one course of your choice in the Campus. Send your friends to THIS LINK so they can put your name as a referrer, and i will announce the winner in an email soon after the end of the month.


See you in the Campus!

New script – Pyrography


When i was a kid, i got a pyrography kit. It was neat, but also dangerous. I have burnt my fingers a couple of time with the metal tip so i didn’t have a chance to use it that much. I loved the smell of the burning wood, and i thought the examples they were giving in the instruction manual were so great. But i was never able to do anything close to what they were showing. But now, with Paintshop Pro and this script, i could do pyrography as often as i want, without any risk of burning myself!

This script will allow you to create a burnt design of your choice. You can either let the script cut out a piece of wood for you in the shape of your design, or you can create a custom shape (as plain or intricate as you want) under it. You have 5 types of wood you can use (the seamless tiles are included in the zip file).

You can get this script in my store: Creation Cassel

And of course, you can add your name to this thread in the Happy Place for a chance to win it. What would you do with that script? What element would you create? Just tell me in the thread and i will be back on Monday with the name of a winner.

cass-Pyrography-samples Valentine Day is getting close, so how about a free sample of what this script can do, but in the shape of hearts? This is your freebie for this week. Each piece is about 900 pixels wide so you can (and definitely should) resize them to fit your projects. After all, you would not want to stick such a huge piece of wood on a layout, would you?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.







Remember how i keep telling you that if you use one of my samples, to please show it to me? Well, this week, Marj did just that. She used last week’s freebie and created this in honor of Carol King's 70th birthday and she sent me her project, so i am sharing it with you. Thanks Marj for sharing.

Echo sample friend

News from the Campus

Last week, we held our monthly webinar. It was about using various types of layered templates. It was a great session. And the participants even saw me struggle a little bit since the PSPX3 is not behaving like the previous versions for one very specific function and it tricked me. But in the end, we figured out how to color some interesting flares! The video editing should take place this weekend, so i expect it will be up to view by Sunday at the latest. KEEP AN EYE on that page because this recording will be free to watch with registration to the Campus, but starting in March, it will be packaged as a downloadable video with the written handout, and sold. This will be the case of most of the webinars, so if you have not yet registered to the Campus, now is the time so you can at least view all the current webinars, AND download the written documentation. What are you waiting for? Here is theindex page for the webinars.

February 2012 - Using Layered Templates with Paintshop Pro

January 2012 - Seamless Design with Paintshop Pro

December 2011 - Details in the night

November 2011 - Be the master of time

October 2011 - Realistic Shadows in Paintshop Pro

September 2011- Playing with the Text tool


Last week’s newest tutorial for the Element Creation section was the Glitters. Yes, you can create glitters with Paintshop Pro, without the need of any outside plugin.


Do you want to register for one of the Campus courses but you are low on cash? Listen to this super opportunity: you can win one course of your choice in the Campus (either the Basic Scrap course, or the Element Creation course for 6 months) simply be referring people to register in the Campus. No selling (although if they purchase one course, you earn more points). Tell people among your Facebook friends, your Twitter followers, your blog readers, your newsletter subscribers, etc. But wait! you have to send them to THIS LINK only, so they can put your name as a referrer. The regular registration in the Campus does not have that field, but THIS LINK does. If you are not yet a member, what are you waiting for? You join, and then you send friends over. So you still can accumulate points. They will be tallied at the end of the month.

Go ahead, and tell everyone around!


And finally, as Valentine Day is getting close, i will have a TWO FOR ONE special on Campus courses. Look for a friend who will want to share the cost of one course. You don’t know anyone who wants to join? No problem. Just post on your FB or Twitter. Even better, post on the Campus Facebook page looking for someone. Maybe someone is already looking for you! The special is not starting YET, but you have a few days to get ready for it!

Oh yeah, you will have to LIKE it first, so go ahead.

See you around!

New script – Echo


Did you ever see those cool effects some scrappers (and designers) create with text, words, or shapes? Sometimes, they even turn those into photo masks for a really neat effect. After studying how it could be done using Paintshop Pro, i managed to code a script that can do just that, but also with additional options so that the user is not stuck into one look all the time.

With this script, you can use anything to start your project. You can use a word, a date (perfect for P365), a shape, a doodle, or even a tube. You can have the starting element always repeated in the same orientation, or rotated all over the place. You can have the copies in the same color or in greyscale or even in black. You can keep the element on top of the copies or cut out of the background. You can keep the background translucent, or totally opaque. You can also choose how many copies you want so you decide if you want a subtle background or something more obvious. And since there is a random feature coded into the script, you will NEVER get the same result twice, no matter how often you run it, even with the same option choices. Isn’t that neat? With this, you can create your own photo mask with your choice of shape. That is COOL!

You can get this script in my store: Creation Cassel .

Of course, as usual, i have a copy to draw for free, in the Happy Place thread of the DST Forum. Go add your name to this thread, and give me an idea on how you could use this script CREATIVELY, and you might just win it! Go for it!

cass-Echo-samples I know, you want to get a chance to see this end product up close, right? So here is your chance. I created 2 samples in PSD format (so you can play with the pieces separately). What would you do with those?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Since February is often associated with Love, i figured you could probably use a LOVE and a FRIEND element in your layouts. If you do, remember to show me!







News from the Campus

As said above, February is often associated with Love and Friends, so there is that month long promotion where you can send your friends to register to the Campus and you can earn points each time. If they purchase a course, you earn more points but that is only optional. At the end of the month, there will be 3 winners. Great prizes to be won including a full registration to one of the Campus course, and some gift coupons from the store. But to get your points, you need to direct your friends to THIS LINK ONLY, so they can enter YOUR name as a referrer.


Sunday Feb 5th, we will have our monthly webinar. We will be showing a few tricks in using layered templates with PSP. We will look at different kinds of templates, and we will have some goodies too, so be there! You can still register.



And speaking of webinars, were you still waiting for the written notes on the January’s webinar (about Seamless design)? It is finally up, so do not hesitate to view the recording, and download the handout. It will not be free forever so take advantage of it NOW.



New script – Embossing Tape


Are you old enough to remember those embossed plastic tapes commonly called Dymo Tapes? I used to use those on my covered books in school. I have also seen them used in storage, for inventories, on shelves, etc.

You can create your own with this script. Any text, any color for the tape, and even any font you want. And if you want it a little more realistic, you can get the characters slightly off-line.

You can get this script in either one of my store: Creation Cassel .

There is also a thread at DST forum where you can add your name (and answer the little question) for a chance to win it. Go right away and I’ll draw for a winner on Monday night.


cass-EmbossingTape-samples I am sure you wanted a freebie, right? You will be able to see a full size of three embossed tapes you can use on your layouts. What kind of layout will you do with that?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.












News from the Campus


Last week, we had the live presentation on Seamless Tiling with Paintshop Pro. Did you attend? We looked at ways to create a seamless design, either from a paper, from a png element, or even from a photo. If not, the recording should be up on the Campus this weekend, so keep an eye on it. Next webinar is expected to be on Sunday, February 5th, 2012. Do you have some topics you would like to see presented? Just email us.


The last tutorial that was added was the Zipper. We had one student who took that tutorial and made something so realistic that, at first, i thought it was a scanned zipper. See for yourself.



See you around in the Campus.