I have looked through my stash of overlays and although i have a pretty good number of them, i always feel like i don’t have the one i want. I have lots of standard size and shape ones, but they are a bit awkward to use on a different shape element, especially if the edges are worn too.
So this script for Paintshop Pro was created. It will use any shape you have, any size. This means that you can have a photo in an odd format, you can have a frame, you can even have individual letters for an alpha and the script will create something exactly for that shape.
And with the random feature, every run will give you something different, even for the same starting element. Isn’t that fun? That means that if the script gives you a particular overlay and you don’t like it, simply undo it, and run it again, and you will get something else. Repeat until you have something you like. It is so fast, that you can run the script 10 times in the time it would take you to create a single overlay, manually.
Grab this script in my store: Worn Overlay script.
See a couple of examples of other results, one with a photo and one with a simple arrow to be use in a project.

Let’s have a closer look at what this script can create. I started with a simple tag shape, in grey. I left it in vector format as the script knows what to do with it (meaning, if it is a vector, it converts it to a raster to continue). I ran the script 4 times on the same image. Since the image was less than 1000x1000 pixels, it worked on a resized version of the image (because the effect, done on a smaller image is not as good). However, the script is smart enough to resize the overlay once it is created so it will match the starting element.
On 3 runs, i asked to have an obviously worn border, so you can see the white edge. On the last run, i chose not to have an obvious border. It still adds a faint edge in some spots, but it is definitely not as obvious as the other three!
All four overlays AND the base tags are included in the zip file, so you can use the tag shape as a template and just layer the overlay. Then, it is up to you how you want to “merge” them. Depending on the color or pattern of the tag, you can darken the overlays and make them black, or you can use a blend mode. Also, since they all fit on the same shape, you can even layer more than one overlay for an even more tattered look!
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