
New script – Ghost Date

cass-GhostDateYou always need to find something different and original to add a date to a project. This is one of those unusual options.

The Paitnshop Pro script will help you create a date where the actual number will be the focus while the month and the year will overlap and cutout from the number. Even better, you can choose ANY font for each of the elements.

The year, at the bottom, is only optional.

The end result is a single raster layer so you can use it as is, colorize it, use it as a mask and more. It is a great idea to create journaling cards for a “Project Life” or to date photos in a “Project 365”.

In fact, you can also use other words than months. For example, you can use the word MONTH, or WEEK, or GRADE to associate with other kinds of numbers.

Grab this script in the store: Ghost Date.

Do you want to have a chance at getting this script for free? Just add a comment below giving me ideas of how you would use such a script. Who knows? I might just create it for all to share? The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).
cass-GhostDate-2014inReviewFor a sample, this week, i went a bit outside of the box with the script: i didn’t create an actual date.

Instead of a date, i put the year, and instead of the month, i used the word “in review”.

This is a great time to create a layout (even a double size layout) with the highlights of the year, things you want to remember, people you met, places you visited. Then, you can use this element as a title on top, or why not in the middle?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

If you create such a year in review project, remember to show us!

New script – Ribbon Tag Wreath

cass-RibbonTagWreathYou can create so many elements using leftover pieces of ribbons in traditional scrapbooking, but what about digital scrapbooking?

Sure you can and although it would be VERY long and tedious to do manually, this PaintShop Pro script will do the work with little effort.

You can create a wreath using one or two or three or however many ribbons you want. They will be picked at random, cut at random (but based on the average you will choose), and placed correctly along the wreath shape.

Each individual piece will be left unmerged and will have a shadow if you want to.

You can add more than one “layer” to the wreath for a totally different look.

Since all the individual layers are left unmerged, you can always tweak them, insert decorative elements between then, etc.

Since each wreath could easily end up with over 100 pieces, just imagine the time you will be saving!

Grab this time-saving script in the store: Ribbon Tag Wreath script.

What would you do with such a script? It might be obvious to use it to create a holiday wreath, but i am sure you could think of more ideas, don’t you think? Add your suggestions in the comments below, and i will pick one person to receive this script for free. The winner will be announced in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-RibbonTagWreath-Holiday-previewWhat about a little free sample and a quick tutorial for this week?

For this wreath, I used a single ribbon that I colorized 3 times. Here are the steps:

  • before running the second part of the script, I colorized the ribbon in green and adjusted the brightness to get a rich color
  • run the script to complete the first “layer”
  • choose a blurred shadow
  • for the second layer, re-open the same ribbon, but colorize it yellow; adjust the brightness to get the color you want
  • run the script to complete the second “layer”
  • for the third layer, re-open the same ribbon, but colorize it red; adjust the brightness to get the color you want
  • run the script to complete the third “layer”
  • merge each group
  • select the Ellipse tool and draw a circle the size of the wreath; adjust the Line Style to use the Dashed, and a size of 10 pixels
  • convert to a raster layer
  • select outside the “stitch” layer with the Magic wand
  • activate the top “layer” and apply a large inner bevel; deselect
  • activate the stitch layer
  • add some noise and a small bevel

The sample you have has not had the bevel applied because it would require merging the groups and removing the option to customize it on your end.

Because the sample has 163 layers (yes, that many), the files are quite large. I have them available in two formats: one PSP format, where all the pieces are grouped by “layer” and one in PSD format, where the individual pieces are linked based on their “layer” (since the PSD format would not keep the groups). So it is up to you to download the file you need.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Decorative studs

Decorative studs with Paintshop Pro script

Several years ago, it was fashionable to have multiple studs placed on a piece of garment, jeans, t-shirts, etc. It was a lot of work to create those, especially to have all those studs evenly placed.

In scrapbooking, it could seem easy to fill a shape with studs but the problem is that some of the elements would get cut off on the edges. How do you get only full studs and none of the cut ones?

This is what this script does. Using your Paintshop Pro, the script will actually measure the size of the studs you choose and the shape you want and will do the correct calculations to eliminate all the “part-studs”.

You can start with any shape of any size (obviously, if your shape is too small, the result might not be as good), and pick one of the two shapes for the studs: round or diamonds.

Then, the script will offer 4 possible metallic finish: gold, silver, bronze and copper, but if you want to use something totally different to match your photo or your kit, you can also do so. Use the sculpture effect or simply color and add a bevel.

You can grab this script in the store: Decorative Studs.

How about a chance to get it for free? Tell me what shape you would like to use to create a series of decorative studs? I’ll announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Free Decorative studs with a Paintshop Pro script

As a sampler for this script, i created some holiday decorations for you. To do them, i simply used a large shape and ran the script.

I used the gold finish for the star, but for the other elements, i chose the option 5, to add my own finish. In my stash, i had various color tiles from the Felt Presets, so i used those tiles as a base color for the other shapes.

For the tree, i selected the center area, promoted the selection to a layer and deleted them from the base shape. Then, i applied a different color to that layer.

I did the same with the mitten.

For the candy cane, i applied the red tile, then i used the point to point selection tool to select sections that would be white. Since the selection was cutting off some of the studs, i went through a few more steps:

  • edit selection
  • using the Eraser tool, with a round brush tip, i erased the sections over the studs that were mostly outside the selection
  • using the RIGHT click with the Eraser tool, i added selections for the studs that were mostly inside the selection
  • edit selection again
  • promote selection to a layer
  • delete from the original layer
  • deselect
  • increase the brightness of the promoted layer so everything turned white
  • inner bevel on those white studs
  • merge visible

And now you have it! That is the trick to have full studs in different colors without having to select them one by one.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Admission Tickets


You can probably find a few tickets in your stash, maybe from game night theme kits, but what if you don’t want to create a game night theme project? What if you want to use those tickets for a completely different purpose?

This Paintshop Pro script will create a series of admission tickets (or you can create a single one if you prefer) with sequential numbers on each ticket. Or you can add custom text instead, like a date, a name or an event.

Use the center area to include a design, a message, or an image. You get to choose so many options.

No more game night theme for you. Have a series of tickets in Christmas colors for your holiday layout. Or create some pink ones with various heart brushes or design. Or maybe add a single letter on each ticket to spell out the name of a grandchild?

You can get this script in the store: Admission Tickets.

How about a chance to win this script? Add a comment below and tell me how you would use admission tickets in a digital project. I’ll announce the winner in the newsletter next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).



This week, being close to Halloween, i created a set of 6 tickets attached together. They each have a number, but in a sequence. Unlike traditional tickets, the lines are white on black paper. After all, in digital, we can do things that are not seen in real life!

Each ticket has a little Halloween design on it. It is easy to add a vector shape or a brush stamp on those tickets. Of course, you can use all the tickets together, or you can cut them off.

I am also including a “blank” set of tickets, without the designs in the middle so you can add your own.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Remember to show us how you use those tickets!

New script – Knot #8


Although having a tight knot might be expected, it happens that some times, they are not completed, or maybe you want to attach something that is larger.

This Paintshop Pro script will take any straight ribbon and will tie it loosely. The ribbon needs to be pretty long (at least 3600 pixels for a 150 pixels thickness). Longer is fine, but shorter won’t work.

You can use a solid color ribbon, a directional one, a translucent one or even a lacy one. The script will cut the pieces accurately so that any continuous design (or text) will display correctly.

You can create the ribbons yourself, or use an extracted one. Just make sure it is really straight. If it is at an angle, the script will want it even longer to compensate. Also, if it is at an angle, you might need to tweak the end result manually (but it might be worth it if you are in love with a particular ribbon).

You can get this script in the store: Knot #8.

If you want a chance to win this script, add something in the comments below. Tell me what you would insert in a loose knot like this one, as opposed to a tight one like the Knot #7. I’ll announce the winner in the newsletter, next week.
cass-Knot8-HolidayAs a sample of what you can create with this PSP script, i created a ribbon using a greyscale one, added a layer and flood filled with a holiday color gradient. I adjusted the blend mode to Multiply to show the texture through while keeping the rich dark colors of the gradient. After merging the layers, i ran the script. I used the same steps for both ribbons but in one case the angle of the gradient was 0 and for the other it was 90, which gives you the two different ribbons that are perfectly matching in colors.

The ribbons are really long and the knots are in layered format (PSD) for all to use.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Bow #9

cass-Bow9Do you want to have a bow from your favorite ribbon but that ribbon is only straight? You can do it manually, but it is long and tedious.

This script will work in any version of Paintshop Pro, and will turn any straight ribbon into a layered bow that you can then use in any project, whether it is digital scrapbooking, card-making, or others.

The end result is a layered bow so you can tweak the layers or insert a decorative element in the knot if you want.

And it will not damage the original straight ribbon either so you can still use both in your project.

You can get this script in the store: Bow #9.

If you are to use that script, can you think of something you could insert in the knot? Since it will be left unmerged, that is one great way you can customize the bow. Share your idea in the comments below and i will announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not registered yet? Not a problem: register here.

cass-Bow9-Fall01As a sample of this, i created a bow from a simple straight ribbon. It was colorized for fall colors, which is the time of the year in the northern hemisphere.

Not only you get a bow in psd format with the knot on a separate layer, but you also get the straight ribbon so you can create a matching detail. You can attach the bow to the ribbon, in the middle (which shrinking the ribbon), to pretend the bow is part of it.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Photo-Stamps


In the old days, stamps were made of a single image that was only repeated throughout the sheet. Over time, we have seen some stamps that were created from larger images that made up 2, 4 or more stamps.

This script will allow you to turn your favorite photo into a full sheet of stamps. All the perforations will line up perfectly, no matter what the size of the image is. The script will resize and crop the image slightly, to make sure of that.

Once you have your image turned into a stamp sheet, you can easily re-connect adjacent stamps by UNERASING the holes, for a unique effect.

Cut off a stamp or two if you want.

This script is available in the store: Photo-Stamps.

Do you want a chance to win this script? Tell me what photo you could see turned into a stamp sheet. Add a comment below. I’ll announce the winner in the newsletter, next week.
cass-PhotoStamps-LLSAs for a sample, since it is a script that is applied to a photo, i obviously didn’t think you would want to use any of MY photos, would you? However, this script can also be used on a paper or a solid color image. That is what i did, and then, i added the letters to individual stamps. You can use this technique to add a fun and unique title with one letter per stamps.

Of course, although the sheet is intact, you CAN remove or cut off some of the stamps. You have a blank one that you can either add a design to, or cut from the sheet. Even the letters that you want to keep, you can separate them from the whole sheet, while still leaving them close enough to have the words legible.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Although there are great scripts in the store to create various effects, did you hear about the Filter Forge plugin? They say it is for Photoshop, but it works just as well with Paintshop Pro. Check out the little video that shows how to install it.


Then, once you have it installed (even if only the trial version), you will want to add more filters. They have over 10,000 of them. And they are all free to download once you have Filter Forge installed.


New script – Multi-Fold


The main way people will add folds to their paper or paper element is by using overlays. This is a fairly simple method, and once the overlay is blended into the paper, it gives a nice result. However, this is limited by the number of good overlays you have.

Creating folds manually can be easy but time consuming. So here is a script for Paintshop Pro that will help you add folds quickly.

The script can add between 2 and 6 folds, regularly spaced, or irregularly arranged, vertically or horizontally. The folds will be the size of your image but it will be on a separate layer so the image will stay intact.

Run the script repeatedly, and you will always get something at least slightly different even if you are using the same options.

No more recognizable folds on your paper pack!

Get this script in the store: Multi-Fold script.

Do you want a chance to get this script for free? To say goodbye to the same old overlays? Add a comment below about what you think of this script idea. I’ll announce the winner in next week’s newsletter. Register here if you are not already receiving our weekly news.

cass-MultiFold-Overlay01Do you want to see one such overlay? I ran the script on a plain red image, 3600x3600 pixels, choosing 5 folds, irregular and horizontal. I got a single overlay including all 5 folds, and since it was left on a separate layer, i saved that layer as a png file for you to use (especially if you are not a Paintshop Pro user).

Although the script will create the folds over the full surface of the image, you can also use it for elements that are not full size, like frames or tags. In that case, the script will delete all the folds that are not overlapping the element in question. This is also great if you want to add different folds on alphas!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New Font – Satin Stitch Font


If you want to use a stitched font, you might be quite limited in finding some ready made alpha, that has one style, one color, and you can maybe colorize it.

Another option is to find a font that has those stitches, but it will not give you the overlapping effect that real stitching would have.

Yet, another option is to do it yourself; NOT convenient, and quite tedious.

Finally, this font is what you were looking for. In fact, you get TWO fonts, and each one will be a layer of stitching, so you can have that exact overlap that you are looking for.

Since it is a font, it can work in most graphic programs, like Paintshop Pro, Photoshop, Photoshop Element, GIMP and more.

And as a font, you can choose the color, the size, the kerning, and if your program allows it, you can even put the text along a path! That would not be easy if you had just a regular ready-made alpha, would it?

You can grab this font in the store as Satin Stitch Font.

Do you want a chance to win this font? Add a comment below, telling me what program you would likely use this font with. I’ll be announcing the winner in next week’s newsletter. Not subscribed to the newsletter yet? Not a problem, you can register here.

cass-SatinStitchFont-LOVEAs a sample, i figured i could do a little combination of the font and something else. I used the font for the letters in this one, but for the heart, i used a regular preset shape and ran the VectorPaint script on it, using a narrow rectangular brush tip.

It is really simple to do, and you can do the same thing. It would be fun to use in creating wordart too.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

News from the Campus

MagicFillDid you have a look at the new version of Paintshop Pro? Did you see the Magic Fill feature that was added? That is much better than the Smart Carver and the Clone tool.

Check the video demonstration in the Campus.