
New script – Squiggles


Do you sometimes want to have a drawing that does not look as neat as usual? A bit of a child like look? or hand drawn doodle like when you are waiting on the phone or in a boring meeting? This script will turn any design, line drawing or shape, and slightly distort it to give you that look. You get several options: you can use the given line drawing only, you can add one to a solid shape, you can choose the thickness of an added outline, you choose the color and the thickness of the outline. And everything is left on a separate layer so you can even recolor each individual outline or add whatever effect you want.  Use it for alphas, basic shapes, hearts, frames, etc. Very versatile!


You can find this script in my stores: Creation Cassel and Digi Scrap Warehouse.


cass-Squiggles-Arrows And here is a little sample made using this script. These arrows were initially drawn by hand, so they are not vector base and probably did look a bit uneven to start with! Each of them is in greyscale (i darkened them so you could see them better on the blue background!) so you can colorize them to match your layout or your kit. Use them as is on your layouts, or use a blend mode to get a different effect. Add noise to simulate a little glitter. Apply whatever effect you want. They are in png format and about 400 pixels wide.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

If you want a chance to win this script, check out the Happy Place thread at the DST forum and simply add your name and answer the little question. A winner will be announced on Monday night.


KimericKreations made a wonderful layout using this script. Here it is for you to enjoy. She used her own kit “A la carte” for it. Can you spot the squiggles? They are so beautifully integrated into the layout, i had a hard time finding them, although they are in plain view. Check the description in my store for a closeup of where she used the script (and she used it more than once too!)


FREE Paintshop script – Edge Magic


For the New Year, I created a simple yet very effective tool for scrappers and designers. In just a few clicks you can darken or lighten the edge of any element or shape. It gives great results on many situations.

If you have some extracted elements, like flowers, leaves, torn papers or cardboards, or many of those available elements, adding a dark or light edge might give it a whole new look. It will save you time since this process will take only a second, instead of having to use the burn or dodge tool all around the edge.






I also found that if you are using layered element templates, it is perfect to add that little volume effect instead of the flat look of layered papers. Look at this little bird template from Americo. Adding colors only makes it ok. Adding the darker edge almost makes the bird fly! Don’t you think?

It is available exclusively in my store, here.

New script – Paperclip


Although this is nowhere the time for back to school (except if you consider going back after the holidays), here is a script for you to create your own paperclips. They will look like those plastic paperclips that you can get in stores, but in this case, you can use just about any shape you want. Use some basic shapes, letters, numbers, arrows, speech bubbles, or any hand drawn shape. Of course, thick shapes will give better results.

You can also let the script add the default bevel or add your own. Or, if you have a particular filter you want to use, just run the script to create a paperclip shape, with the correct cutout. The script will also allow you to decide how high the cutout will be, so if you have a shape that requires a cutout to stop at a precise height, you can set it up for that too.


This script is available in my stores: Creation Cassel,


In case you want a chance to win this script for free, have a peek at this thread at the DST forum. Just add your name and on Monday, i will ask Mr Random to pick a winner.

And as usual, here is a free sample for you. You will get a whole set of paperclip digits. These are perfect to include a date, an age, or any other emphasis on numbers.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Free gift – Year 2010


If you want to wrap up your year 2010, here is a little template for you to do so. It includes 8 individual layers (in PSD format), so you can use each of them to include pictures, text, notes, etc. The whole template is 6 inches high so there is enough room to get lots of details. Print and glue onto thick cardboard, cut out and bind as you wish. A great way to send a summary of the kids’ year to grandma, or for themselves later on.

This word album was created using the Word Album script (in case you want more albums with different words) and it is available to you in PSD format, meaning that Paintshop Pro users and Photoshop users can enjoy it.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New script – Mosaic Maker


Getting to the end of the year, did you gather lots of pictures in the last 12 months? Do you want a way to display many many pictures in one layout but you don’t want to spend toooooo much time resizing, cropping, copying, pasting, aligning, etc.? This script is made for you. You can create a mosaic of many pictures in just a few seconds. You decide how large you want your montage: you can make a whole standard page, a double page, or maybe a smaller area that will contain the pictures, while leaving you some room for journaling, title or other larger photos. Whatever you prefer, this script will let you do it. Then, you can choose how many rows and columns you want (ranging from 4 to 20, meaning you can use up to 400 pictures in a single scrapbooking montage!!). Several other options are available like the shape of the small pictures, and the padding between them. In the end, since all the images are on separate unmerged layers, you can customize the montage as you wish. You can remove some photos, replace them by text, elements, other photos, paper pieces. You can move photos around if you want. The script will place some guidelines, so moving photos and aligning them will be very easy to do.

This Paintshop Pro script is perfect for a year in review, or a simple collage of many photos that you want to use, although they might not need a full page on their own.

See another layout i made using this script. This time, i chose round photos, and i deleted the ones in the middle to place the larger photo, and some at the bottom for the text/title.


This script is available in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrap Warehouse.

You can get a chance to win this script by adding your name to the RAK thread at DST. Just tell me what theme would be suited for a collage of many pictures like that, or, what is the maximum number of pictures you have used in one layout. A winner will be picked on Monday night.

cass-Digit-buttons And this week, as a free sample, i figured it would be hard to give you something made with the Mosaic Maker script so i made something using an older script: the Custom Buttom script. I made this set of digits. They would be well suited, with the white and gold, for a holiday layout, to write the date, or maybe for a birthday layout.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New Script – Cogwheels


This week, my new script will help you create various cogwheels. You will be able to add any color or texture to them once they are done as the script will only create the shape. You will have the options of creating your own, custom design, or ask for a randomly generated wheel. You can have square, triangular or round teeth, and you can have between 15 and 60 of them. Talk about variation! but that is not all. You can create straight “spokes” inside (between 6 and 12), or some decorative cutout. Again, you can let the script generate them, or draw them yourself, using any tool you want. You can make bold designs, or delicate and intricate motifs. How many different wheel patterns can you create? As many as you dare design! Each wheel will measure about 1000 x 1000 pixels, and you can resize it as you wish.


You can get this script for Paintshop Pro in my stores: Creation Cassel .


If you see cogwheels, what does it make you think of? We know that those into the Steampunk style might like those cogwheels, but can you think of other themes where they could be used? If so, just tell me in this thread at the DST forum for a chance to get this script.cass-Cogwheels-cluster


And now, for a sampler. I am not particularly good at clustering, but i tried it. I made this corner cluster for you, using 6 different cogwheels, and some old chain tubes. I am not sure if you will like the cluster, but in case you dont, i am including the individual cogwheels in the zip so you can make your own cluster, or add them separately. If you make another cluster out of them, would you care to show me? I would LOVE to see how you can use them.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Corduroy sampler


Did you think i had forgotten about a sample this week? I guess i was just not quick enough. I didn’t know what kind of sampler would be useable and then, i thought of one pair of pants i had to patch/customize for my daughter and when i asked her what design she would like, she said “mushrooms”. So i figured that if a mushroom appliqué was interesting for her, it might suit you too so here is my sampler for this week.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

The appliqué is about 900 x 900 pixels and the texture was created using the Corduroy script. Looking at it closely, you can get an idea of what the script can do (all three designs).


Holiday Sample – Wreath


Following the two articles on tubes, i thought it would be appropriate to show you how tubes CAN be used to create an item. So i made this holiday wreath for you.

The green part is actually made from my green garland tubes simply drawn by hand. I  made little branches, and overlapped them. That garland tube is one multiple image tube.

Then, i used Bernadette Hunt’s Bubble blobs to decorate. Those are multiple images so clicking here and there would place randomly chosen balls.

I used the gold chain tubes to add… the decorative chain. It is a directional tube which gives this appearance of being a continuous chain.

And to add more festive look, i added a bow made using the Bow #3 script that created a large organza ribbon and tied it into a fluffy bow.

It is yours to enjoy, but for personal use only.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Stacked up


I have seen on some layouts, this kind of effect of using a single photo and stack several duplicate of the same image. I guess it is a good idea to use the same photo as opposed to different photos, since the viewer would get annoyed at not being able to see what is peeking out from under the main one. Thinking of all the steps required to accomplish this, I figured that a script would probably make this easier and much faster than manually do all the step: duplicating, rotating, displacing, bevelling, shadowing and possibly linking. This script will do it in less than a minute (i timed 32 seconds to duplicate 10 times, and add a bevel and a shadow to each and then linking everything).

And you know, you do not have to keep all the images placed where the script put them. The end result will be different every time since there is a random feature coded in the script. Also, all the layers can be linked but always left unmerged so any layer can be moved further. You can even use all the layers to scatter the pictures around your layout instead of keeping them stacked in one place. Or,  how about stacking two sets of pictures and kind of mix them as if you were shuffling two decks of cards? Or how about adding some extra elements, like tickets, stickit notes, or scrap paper between some of the layers? Talk about easy to personalize!

You can get this script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

cass-StackedUp-samplerAnd for a chance to win this script for free, check out this RAK thread in the DST forum. This week, even non-PSP users will have a chance to win something so even if you do not have access to a Paintshop Pro version, head over there.

And now, i know you were waiting for a free sample. Since this script runs on your own photo, i could not run it the same way, but i created a layered template for you. It includes 11 layers of the polaroid type of frame. It is up to you to insert one photo (or more, if you want). The sampler is in psd format so just about anyone can use it.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Will you show me what you can do with these?

New tubes – Old chains


If you like my chain tubes, you might want to look into these. Unlike the previous chains, these are old, rusty, worn. They contrast a fair bit with the shinny gold and silver chains i released before. These would be perfect for vintage kits or layouts, or even if you are into Steampunk style of kits/layout.


The set includes 10 different tubes to create chains in just about any shape you can think. Draw with them freehand, or place them along a path for a more regular appearance.


You can get it in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse (always 25% off until Sunday night).





Now, for a close look at these chains, i created a braided chains frame. It is about 2000 pixels wide and is in png format so anyone can use it.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

And if you want a chance to win the whole set, hop over to the Happy Place at the DST forum and add your name to this thread, telling me what “old chains” reminds you of. I will draw for a winner on Monday night.