
New script – Glitter Gel

Glitter Gel script for Paintshop ProIf you ever did some paper crafting, you have seen those puffy paints or glue or gel. Some will just be translucent or opaque, some will have glitters or not.

This script will turn any line drawing you can make into a gel paint, with or without glitters. You can choose the amount of glitters, and the color. You can use a line drawing or a solid shape, in which case the script will just use the outline.

This is perfect to add a handmade look to a project with a color that will match everything.

If you prefer something more regular, use a preset shape and you can use the outline only too.

Get this script in the store: Glitter Gel.

You can get this script for free (or a coupon for a future new release if you already bought it) by adding a comment below. Tell me what you would use such glitter gel on a project. I'll pick a winner and i will announce it in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Glitter Gel samples with Summer themeSince spring is finally getting here now (believe it or not, we got another 4 inches of snow on April 26th!), i decided to hand draw a few spring themed elements for you.

Each element was hand drawn. For the flower and the umbrella, i ran the script on the two parts separately. To make the color a bit brighter, i simply selected outside the gel part with the Magic wand, inverted the selection, contracted the selection by 1 pixels, and flood filled with a solid color on a new layer that was placed below.

For the umbrella, i used almost the same steps, except that i selected the whole area of the umbrella instead of just the gel part.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

And remember to show us what you do with those free samples or the script itself!

News from the Campus

SelectionsEverywhere-400Did you register to the live presentation that will be held tomorrow?

Registration is still open and ALWAYS FREE to join, view and hear live, ask questions, and share resources with other attendees.

Join us to discover a lot about the numerous Selection tools (how many of them do you know?)

Sunday, May 3rd, at 5pm Eastern time.


New tubes – Leather Braids

Leather Braid picture tubes for Paintshop ProMany elements you can get online, whether they are free or paid for, are made from photographed objects that are then extracted. This has many limitations: you can only use the element in the shape or size you have, you can rarely use a different color (although you MIGHT be able to colorize it) and you cannot customize them to fit your particular needs.

These braids are not single elements, but they are picture tubes to use with Paintshop Pro. Those tubes will create a braid as long as you want, in the shape you want; it will just follow your cursor, as if you were drawing with them.

This set includes 12 different picture tubes, perfectly set to give a continuous braid, as long as you want.

Get those braids in the store: Leather Braids.

Do you want a chance to win those Leather Braid Tubes? Tell me, in the comments below, what element you would create using those braids. I'll announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Leather Braid Frames in PNG format for free

For a sampler, this week, i created two frames: one rectangular that would fit a 5x7 photo and one round that would fit a 4x4 photo.

As you can guess, i didn't draw those shapes freehand! (you would not want to use a frame i drew freehand!) so i used the Vector Tube script from Joe Fromm to place the tube around a vector shape, which makes the placement so even.

Due to the shape of the individual images of the tube, sharp corners can give some unwanted extras. That is what happened with the rectangular frame, so i had to do a little bit of erasing of the "extra" details. If you use a smooth curve, it won't happen to you, but if you have corners or sharp curves, you might need that little extra step to make the whole element looking smooth.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


News from the Campus

After months of waiting, the brand new Basic Scrap Course is now live in the Campus.

This course will walk through from the moment you open your Paintshop Pro for the first time, to the completion of 5 different layouts.

Image16-shadowed  Round-and-Round-shadowed-600 Layout3-shadowed-600 Image2-shadowed-600 Layout5

It includes lessons on

  • how to customize your PSP to suit your workflow,
  • how to add simple and not so simple shadows,
  • how to use scripts to save time,
  • how to create clusters,
  • how to do layering,
  • how to use the guides,
  • how to cut out your own paper elements,
  • how to use picture tubes to create stitching,
  • how to create titles from alpha, alpha sheets or the text tool,
  • and much more.

Perfect for beginner scrapbookers, but also perfect for someone new to Paintshop Pro. No matter your learning style, you will find this course will suit you because you get both video AND written instructions.


Check out the more details HERE.

Do you know a friend who is considering scrapbooking with PSP? Send them over and watch them create their first digital pages.

New script – Scallop Pattern 2

cass-ScallopPattern2 You thought that the Scallop Pattern script from last week was a great tool to speed up the process of creating a scallop pattern that used the same "tile" over and over again.

This time, imagine trying to create a scallop pattern but using different colors for the tiles or for the individual rows. This is an even more tedious tasks, since you have more work to do. Now, imagine using using a different color for each individual tile. This is just about impossible to do manually.

Thanks to this new script, Scallop Pattern 2, you have many more options available to you to create totally unique papers.

You can have the tiles alternating in colors, on a single row or alternating by rows. But even more, you can use a gradient and the script will pick the colors from the gradient, and create the tile just at that place, with that color. Now THAT is original!

Grab this script now: Scallop Pattern 2

Do you want a chance to win this script? Add a comment at the bottom, telling me how you would like to experiment with this script. I'll announce the winner on the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-ScallopPattern2-TreeFor a little sample, i have this fun Christmas tree paper made out of scallops. In fact, i have to admit that i cheated a bit but i'll show you how to do it.

  • open an image 3600x3600
  • draw a green triangle with a brown rectangle at the base; flatten it
  • run the script and choose the Gradient option
  • when you are asked to choose the gradient, use the Pattern tab instead and pick the tree image you drew; it will appear as one of the patterns, as long as it is open on your workspace
  • the script will use it as if it were a gradient!

Yup, that means that you can use any picture with this script, not only gradients! It might not always yield a fantastic result, but you can surely try and experiment!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


News from the Campus

12DaysJust in case you haven't heard about the 12 Days of Christmas, you still have time to register.

This will send you a daily email with a layered template and a sketch for a card and matching envelope, and a tutorial from a different designer each day, with inspiration to create your own.

New Font – Satin Stitch Font


If you want to use a stitched font, you might be quite limited in finding some ready made alpha, that has one style, one color, and you can maybe colorize it.

Another option is to find a font that has those stitches, but it will not give you the overlapping effect that real stitching would have.

Yet, another option is to do it yourself; NOT convenient, and quite tedious.

Finally, this font is what you were looking for. In fact, you get TWO fonts, and each one will be a layer of stitching, so you can have that exact overlap that you are looking for.

Since it is a font, it can work in most graphic programs, like Paintshop Pro, Photoshop, Photoshop Element, GIMP and more.

And as a font, you can choose the color, the size, the kerning, and if your program allows it, you can even put the text along a path! That would not be easy if you had just a regular ready-made alpha, would it?

You can grab this font in the store as Satin Stitch Font.

Do you want a chance to win this font? Add a comment below, telling me what program you would likely use this font with. I’ll be announcing the winner in next week’s newsletter. Not subscribed to the newsletter yet? Not a problem, you can register here.

cass-SatinStitchFont-LOVEAs a sample, i figured i could do a little combination of the font and something else. I used the font for the letters in this one, but for the heart, i used a regular preset shape and ran the VectorPaint script on it, using a narrow rectangular brush tip.

It is really simple to do, and you can do the same thing. It would be fun to use in creating wordart too.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

News from the Campus

MagicFillDid you have a look at the new version of Paintshop Pro? Did you see the Magic Fill feature that was added? That is much better than the Smart Carver and the Clone tool.

Check the video demonstration in the Campus.

New script – Puzzle 5×5


Kids and adults love puzzles. There are different stores that can turn a photo into a real 3D puzzle, which can be a fun present for the holiday, don’t you think?

But not everyone needs or wants a real tangible puzzle, however, it is a fun way to display a photo either as a desktop, a scrapbook layout, etc. You can get puzzle overlays that will give the impression of a finished puzzle, but in order to have “loose” pieces, you would still have to cut them out individually. This can be tedious and not very accurate.

This script for Paintshop Pro, will really turn your photo into a puzzle. Each piece will be on a separate layer so you have all the flexibility needed to move, remove, or rotate any piece you want. This way to display a photo adds a touch of dynamism, don’t you think?

The script will create a 25 pieces puzzle (5x5). It is meant to work on a square photo, but it will work equally well on a rectangular photo, except for the fact that the pieces will be slightly elongated. And it will work on ANY size photo too (although the very small ones might yield some jaggied edges).

You can grab this original Puzzle script in my store: Creation Cassel.

If you want other size, check out the other puzzle scripts:

cass-puzzle4x4  cass-puzzle4x6  cass-Puzzle-Round

If you want a chance to win this script, check outthis thread in the Happy Place and add your name to it. Let me know if you ever converted a photo into a puzzle before, and if so, how.

This week, instead of giving you a sample of the puzzle script, i decided to give you a challenge!

cass-Card&Envelope2-template-previewI am including a set of matching Card and Envelope, in PSD format that you can use to create a variety of holiday cards. The basic template was made using the Card&Envelope script, and then, i just added various elements to decorate the base. Since everything is on a separate layer, you can really be creative. Use any paper you have. Use elements you have. Move things around. Rearrange elements.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

I would LOVE to see cards you will make with this template. Did you watch the Stretch-a-Sketch video? It is available in the Campus, here, for free until it is replaced by the Part 2 (which might mean only a couple of days?). So you better hurry.


News from the Campus

10PSP-scripts-for-holidays-200Are you still looking for last minute ideas for Holiday projects? Check out this article in the Campus.

Whether you want to create a calendar, embellish a card, make a frame, add sparkles to a project or decorate your room with a fun and unique Subway Art, you have many options at your fingertip.

Check it out HERE.

New script – Bar Code


Bar codes have become almost a boring fact of life whenever you go shopping since every single item has one of those. It is meant for faster checkout by allowing a machine to read the information instead of a cashier. But that “boring” design can be simulated and made much more interesting when used in conjunction with legible text, and fun colors.

This is exactly what this Paintshop Pro script will do. You can pick ANY text, in ANY font, in ANY color and then decide to replicate the traditional black design, or add fun colors. That is the perfect way to match your label to your current project or kit.

You can also choose to have a common white paper background or another color, or even have no paper at all, so you can apply the “label” onto any background as if it were stamped directly onto it without a paper support.

cass-Barcode-extraYou can use any text so that leaves you with so many options: names, locations, dates, phrases. Do you want even more ways to use those labels by modifying them? Check out the newsletter for that additional tip.

Do you know you can use those labels as printables? Check out what you can do (i am giving you three ideas, can you think of more?)

You can get this fun Bar code script in my store.

You have a chance to win this fun script by sharing some of your great ideas. Hop over to this thread, and tell me of ways to use this script in a printable format. What would you use those labels for?


cass-Barcode-sample-ChristmasObviously, i would not be able to create a sampler with the name of your kids, or the school subjects for you to stick them on their notebook, but we all know that Christmas is coming (yeah, i am serious!) and whether you are celebrating Christmas or not, it would likely be a time for gift exchanging, even if it is only between colleagues at the office or the little newspaper carrier, so i thought of creating some holiday season labels with this script.

You can get these 5 labels and print them out. Because they have some blank spots, you can handwrite the name of the recipient or the giver, and put them on presents for the holiday season.

They are pretty simple, but you surely don’t want to overpower the present you would offer, do you?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

News from the Campus

Did you see that the free video of the November presentation is already up in the Campus?


You can watch it for free, as long as you are logged in (registration to the Campus is totally free). So head over to watch it.

See how you can turn a flat sketch into a layered template.

See how you can use a single sketch and create a variety of layouts.

See how you can turn a square scrapbook layout into a card or a Facebook cover image.

Check it NOW

New script – Custom Kit Buttons


A kit is not complete without buttons, right? Creating buttons within a specific palette is fairly easy (there is even a script for it called theButton Machine), but creating individual buttons out of papers for a perfectly matching result is a little more tedious. So i bring you the Custom Kit Buttons script.

This script will allow you to use any vector shape (round, oval, square, rectangle, octagon, etc.) and then choose all the papers you want to use (at once!) and it will create a variety of buttons from those choices of yours.

A single run of the script can yield many similar buttons, but since they are “cut out” from different spots on the papers, you might get some slight variations for each. You can keep them all, or just keep a few and delete the rest.

This script is perfect to help you complete your kit, to complete a layout, or even to create clusters with buttons that will all be matching.

Grab this time saving tool in my store HERE.

Do you want a chance to win this script for free? Hop over the DST Happy Place thread and add your name to it. I’ll be back next week with the name of a winner.

cass-CustomKitButtons-sampler-AlmostAutumnThis week, i used Missy’s kit called Almost Autumn to create a set of 14 octagonal buttons. Then, i tweaked them to add a slight variation in size, brightness and contrast, just to make sure they were not all exactly identical. What do you think of that?

I really could have used any shape but i thought that round or square buttons were a little too “ordinary” and common so i picked a different shape.

What shape would you like buttons to be?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

What about the kit i used? You can find it here: Almost Autumn.

Can you imagine all the scripts you can use with a single kit to expand the possibilities? You can create cutout shapes, tapes, buttons, additional papers, and more.


News from the Campus

ScrappersDozen-250x250The Scrapper’s Dozen event is underway. We had some fantastic results and the comments are great. Here are some comments we got:

“I want to share my 2 linoleum pattern...TYSM Carole for this amazing tut!!!! “ – Mariscraps about the Linoleum pattern tutorial

“Great fun with a simple but very effective process.” – Marlene about the Linoleum Pattern tutorial.“

“I tried the tip you had in the e-mail and then made a frame with my doily.” – Linda about the Doilies tutorial

“[Here are] My Doily sample and the Doily frame (Fantasy Forest elements) - very simple techniques again but very effective. Also very time wasting as you try lots of different effects but who cares, we're having fun!” – Marlene about the Doilies tutorial

Although the first week is over, you can still register and get all the free kits provided by our contributing designers AND get all the 12 tutorials including those released this week. You can surely catch up. Each tutorial is less than 10 minutes and as you can see from the comments, those tutorials are easy, effective and fun!


New scripts – Speed Scrap


Using templates to create a layout is a way to speed up the process as it helps you with some precise suggestions as to where to put the photos, papers, and elements. Of course, you don’t have to follow everything exactly, but it is a start.

Using those templates still require you to open the photos, copy them, close them, paste them into the new page, resize them, move them to match the location of the shape, then you have to either Clip it (using the Clip to It script), or go through the selection process, and so on. That is a lot of steps that can be automated with these scripts.

There are 3 scripts, for different types of elements in the template. The photo script will never merge the photo to the shape, giving you the option to tweak it and adjust it to your liking. The paper script will give you the option to merge the paper to the shape from the template, if it is within the size of the template (in case it extends outside the edge). Finally, the element script will adjust the size of the element you pick to match the size of the shape in the template, and replace that shape by the element.

There is a video clip in the description, showing how fast you can create the basis of your layout using the three scripts. Of course, you still have to add the shadows, the title, the journaling and any additional detail you want to use to make the layout truly yours.

You can get this set of Speed Scrap scripts, in my store.

cass-AlphaBeads2-Halloween-string-previewDo you want a chance to win this set of scripts? Head over to the DST forum in this thread and add your name while answering the question. I’ll be back next week with the name of a winner.

Again, i cannot give you a sample of the script, since it is a tool script, but i can make something that could be used for Halloween layouts. Check this fun wordart. The letters were made using the Alpha-Beads 2 script, and the strings are from the Twisted Rope tubes (i used the white one you can see in the preview).

The whole montage is about 1800 pixels wide and is in PNG format, so everyone can use it.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


News from the Campus

ScrappersDozen-250x250Did you follow the videos in the Campus related to the Scrapper’s Dozen?

The third video is now up, and you can even download something quite useful (and it is free). So go check it out.

Video #3

And while you are around the Campus, check out the blog section where you will see more about the “secret ingredients” and the designers who contributed them.

New Paths – Halloween theme


Do you have some photos or anecdotes to share about Halloween time? These are great to add some journaling or stories while keeping inside a Halloween theme shape.

Since Paintshop Pro does not have an integrated text wrapping feature, you can use those paths to manually add text (just like Text on path) and adjust the spacing and kerning, or you can use the Text Wrapping script that will automatically adjust those for you, to have your text along those paths and inside the shapes.

The paths and the shapes are on separate layers so you can use one without the other, or even use the templates to create something completely different, like a frame, a cutout, or just a decorative element.

You can grab this “scary” set of Halloween paths in my store.

Do you want a chance to win those paths? Add your name in the Happy Place thread HERE while answering the simple question. I’ll be back next week to announce a winner.

cass-PaperCutout-sample-cauldronThis week, to make sure that everyone (using Paintshop Pro or not) could use my product, I opted to create a paper cutout using a cauldron image, which was turned into a sticker (with a little white edge). Then, i ran thePaper Cutout script and it generated the long string of colored cauldrons, but also a separate template in unmerged layers. Both the png string of cauldrons and the layered template in PSD format are included in the zip.

Each string (the png and the psd ones) are 4000 pixels long so they are long enough to reach both sides of a full size layout.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


News from the Campus


ScrappersDozen-250x250You know about the Scrapper’s Dozen event, right?

Did you watch the first video where i shared a trick to organize your digital kits?

This week, i am sharing another trick to help you save money, by reusing kits that have colors you are not too sure about. Maybe they are too bright for your project, or they are too washed out to add life to your layout.

Be sure to watch that video, and add your name to the mailing list for the event.

Watch Now

New Script – Instant Photo Effects – 1


Do you like to apply some different effects to your photos? Do you like the idea of hiding some not-so-great photos with some “make-up”? This is what you need then.

This is a single script that provides 8 different photo effects. They are mostly just made from various adjustments to the colors, brightness and so on. Nothing fancy.

The advantage of this script over the Instagram effects is that you can apply it to any photo, any size, any shape, even if you don’t have the app (i know i dont have that app myself as i dont have a “smart” phone of any kind).

You can grab this Instant Photo Effects script in my store (and on sale until Monday night).


If you want a chance to win this script, hop over to the Happy Place thread in the DST forum and tell me which of the 8 effects you like the best. I’ll be back next week to pick a winner.


cass-LaceEdge4b-samplesThis week, i created more mats for you, using the lace font from last week.

These are much larger than the ones from last week so you can use a larger photo on them or use them to frame a series of photos.

Again, i used the Mitered Corner Frame script for the rectangular and the square mats.

As for the oval mat, it is simply a matter of adding “text on a vector path” as if it were regular text to read. This is the beauty of that being a font.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Will you show us what you do with those mats? Don’t hesitate to add a link to the comments below so we can admire your work. After all, if you download them, you probably plan on using them, right?


News from the Campus

CalendarClass-previewDid you start thinking of your holiday presents? Did you consider a calendar for family and friends?

If you are new to PSP, new to digital scrapbooking, or just interested in creating a fun project, thisCalendar Making Class will be perfect for you.

Everything is included: quick pages, instructions (video and written), alphas, even the dates.

And if you start now, you will have ample time to finish it and get it printed and shipped to whoever you want to give it to (unless you want to keep it for yourself, which is ok too!)

Get started now!