
New Script – Stack’n Cluster


If you like the result of stacked papers and clustered elements but do not like the time involved in the copying, pasting, resizing, rotating, moving, in addition to the opening and closing of the files, you will LOVE this script. Created for Paintshop Pro scrappers and designers, you can use this script to save you a lot of time. The script is coded to go grab the papers directly into the folder you will indicate; no need to open all those papers and slow down your program. You choose the different options (how many papers you want, how much rotation you want, where you want the stack to be visibly overlapping, etc.) And the script goes with that. If you are not happy, the script will redo it, as often as you want. With a random command integrated in the script, you will never get the same result twice, even if you run it 50 times. Then, if you want to add elements to create a cluster, you just have to open the individual files, tell the script how many copies of each you want and where you want them, and the rest is like watching a movie: sit and enjoy. The script will NOT replace your creativity as it will only do the tedious part, the “technical” repetitive part, but it will NOT know how to place the papers and elements harmoniously. That is YOUR task as a designer or a scrapper. YOU have the final word. You can delete some of the elements, move them, resize them again, add other elements, etc. But it will take you much less time than doing it all manually, i promise!

You can grab this script in either of my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse (always on special until Sunday night).

And if you want a chance to win it, go add your name to the Happy Place thread at DST here. I will announce a winner on Monday night.

Bernadette Hunt tried this script and here is what she did with it:

cass-StacknCluster_05  cass-StacknCluster_06

She said it took her a whole 17 minutes to do them instead of an hour or more to get all those papers and elements ready into the layouts. Talk about a time saver!

cass-DecoStitch-Frame01 And now, as usual, you want to see my products in action. Since this week’s script is a tool and i cannot really give you a sample, i thought you might want to play with some frames. This is a layered frame (because it includes 4 individual layers) in PSD format. You can use each frame separately, or in combination. They were made using the Decorative Stitches FONT. Yes, they are made using a FONT, not a brush (although i have them in brush format). This font (and all the others in my store) can be used with most graphic programs, as long as they can use outside fonts. And if your program can do text along a path, it can do stitching along a path too. Isn’t that great? Anyhow, start playing with this frame and since it is in greyscale, you can color it as you wish.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New script – Dimension


How would you like to add some depth to any shape you want with Paintshop Pro? No need for a filter or outside tool: this script will give you many options so you can create a 3D element starting with any shape. You can use any shape, drawing, letter, words, in just about any size although tiny shapes will not work well. You will get 5 options for the edge color: the same color as the top, a lighter shade, a darker shade, a greyscale version or a totally different color. One particularity of this script is that it will give a “shaded” look on the edges, changing them slightly depending on how they face an imaginary light on the top left of the element (if your layout implies a light coming from a different source, just mirror or flip the element to match).

You can add a thickness as small as 10 pixels or as large as 100 pixels, and you can also have the extrusion in 8 different directions.

You can use this script to create many different elements, alphas, wordarts, and probably more.

Grab this script in either one of my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

Try running the script several times on the same shape, with different colors or different thickness. It can look like a layered jello or an ice cream sandwich! Or how about running it several times with different directions or alternating left and right and left and right!

If you want to give other suggestions for using this script, you will get a chance to win it. Just post in this thread at the DST forum.cass-Dimension-Digits


And how about this layered set of digits made using this script? With the blue, white and red, it can certainly match any American celebrations (July 4th) or our French cousins (July 14th) or Acadian friends (August 15th). This script will give you so many possibilities!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New script – Alpha Layer Stacker


Last week, I released a script that would take layered alpha and create title or text in just a few seconds, but creating a layered alpha was still a tedious task you had to do by hand, especially if you had an alpha in individual files. Now, this script will do that tedious work for you. This script will retrieve all the similar files in a folder you will indicate and all the files will be layered. Since you will be asked to name each layer as it is created (either with a lowercase, an uppercase, a digit or a symbol), you will be certain that the Text Creator script will now work in just a few seconds. Once you have your layered alpha, simply save it in psp or psd format.

Designers, you might want to offer your alphas in single sheet, individual files, and now, in layered format. The PSP users will thank you for that!

You can get this script in either one of my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

As usual, there is one way you can enter a draw to win this script. Check out the RAK thread here, in the DST forum and simply add your name there, and answer the little question.

cass-WordAlbum-DAD This weekend, it is Father’s Day on this side of the Atlantic. I dont know about other countries, in Europe or in Australia. But if it is not the time to celebrate Father’s Day, you can still get ready for next time you want to thank a man in your life for what he brought. This layered “album” can be used to create a hybrid photo album, or, if only printed, cut out and glued on cardboard, it can make a great card where all the children or other people touched by that special man can write good wishes, kids can stamp their hand or doodle for a great memorabilia. The album is about 12 inches long on separate layers (you surely can resize if you want a smaller version).


You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.




As i am developing more and more content in the Campus for scrapbookers and PSP users, i want YOUR opinion on what you feel is really important for a “course” or a Campus. Please, go over this survey and answer the 3 short questions. I already got some great suggestions that i will implement so maybe your idea will be done too, who knows? If you have any PSP friends, share the link with them. More answers and suggestions will help get a better Campus for you.

New Script – Palette Expander


Do you sometimes have a color palette to work with but feel somewhat trapped by the given colors, wishing you had more options? Maybe you want some in-between colors that would still fit the palette, yet, be different enough to give some flexibility? This script will help you achieve this. All designers using Paintshop Pro will want this. If you have a starting palette of 5 colors, you will be able to expand your palette to add many many intermediate colors. Choose any 2 colors from the palette, and choose how many colors you want the script to generate (from 3 to 10), and just watch it go. It will take only seconds and you will now have a perfectly matched set of colors to create richly colored scrapbooking kits.

You can get this marvellous tool at my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

And if you want a chance to get this script free, add your name to the RAK thread here and i will come back Monday with a winner. Even if you decide to purchase it at sale price, you can still add your name and if you win, then you get a coupon for a future new release.

cass-WordAlbum-MOM Since this weekend is Mother’s Day at least in some countries (i am not sure about everywhere in the world), i thought it might be a fun to create either an album or even a multipage wishing card for your mom or any other mom you know who deserves well wishes. This album, created with the Word Album script. It is 6 inches high and just over 10 inches wide. You can resize it down if you want to use it only as a card. It is available in layered PSD format for use with most graphic programs.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.



Now…. are you shopping a lot for this iNSD weekend? Still some energy? Want a surprise?

I will have a 40% sale on ALL MY PRODUCTS Sunday, May 8th. If you missed my Birthday sale, this is the perfect opportunity to catch up. You are VERY lucky there is a second sale in my store within such a short period of time, as it is a very rare occurence. So, hold on to your wishlist and come back Sunday, for 24 hours.

New Script – Cookie Cutter


You know how cookie cutters are used to cut out cookies always in the same shape, of the same size out of cookie dough. This script for Paintshop Pro will do just about the same thing (without the dough). Unlike actual physical cookie cutters, you can use ANY SHAPE you want. You can use circles, rectangles, hearts, stars, arrows, spirals, ovals, frames, etc.

And more than choosing the shape, you can use any paper you have, colored or not, textured or not, big or small, from your stash or your kit. You can choose 1, 2, 10 papers, or how many your computer can handle open at once. The script will cut out the same shape, with some options of whether you want always the same size or slightly different, but it will cut from different sections of the papers every time. This means that even if you were to get 10 shapes from the same paper, the end result would be 10 different pieces. Isn’t this great?

Now, what can you do with so many little pieces of papers? You can create clusters, strings, mosaic, borders, patchworks, and probably more.

You can get this script in both of my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

cass-CookieCutter-sampleAnd why not try to get it for free too? Check this thread in the DST forum, add your name and wait for Monday night.

I am sure you would love to see something made with this script. Initially, i was wondering what i could make as a sampler, since this is mostly at TOOL script and useable with your own papers, but i found some textures i scanned a while ago and used just as texture, so i used those “images”, colored them in red/pink shades and used a heart shape to run the Cookie Cutter script. Once done, i simply aligned the hearts, mirrored some of them and added some bead tubes i had. I think it looks cool, dont you? This string is 4000 pixels long so you can size it down a bit if you want.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Do you want to see something else made with this script? Suzy, who was the one who suggested this idea made this layout using the kit Chatterbox from Sandra of Studio 68. Click on the image to reach my gallery where she posted it, so you can give her some love. How long do you think it would have taken to cut out all those circles?


New script to help remove jaggies – Smoothener


Whether you are a designer who is concerned about quality control, or a scrapper who wants to check their supplies, this script will help you a lot. This is the first script coded for Paintshop Pro that will remove jaggies, smoothen the edges, AND fill in missing pixels with a perfectly matching color inside the element.

Although the script will not fix EVERYTHING or replace a good extraction technique in the first place, it can still help you get the best end result before distributing or using your element.

You can find this script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

And for a chance to win this script, hop over the DST forum at this thread and tell me how you normally remove jaggies on elements. And i will come back on Monday with a winner.

This script is a great addition to the Stray Pixels Catcher and the Quality Check Utility script (which are already bundled here too).



Did you know that April is my birth month? Well, it is, so i am going to hold a big promotion all month long. How much you can save will depend on you, on how much you buy.

Stay tune for all the details in the newsletter on Sunday.




And this week’s newsletter will also include something VERY IMPORTANT for all digiscrappers using PSP (or other programs). It will be only this week. Make sure you open your mail when you get it. And if you have friends who scrap or design using PSP, send them to join my newsletter as soon as possible (they can always unsubscribe if they really dont want to receive future issues). Click on the link on the left to join.

New script – Element Stacker


You might know of the Element Separator script that can separate multiple elements from a single sheet into individual files. This script is somewhat similar, but instead of giving you many individual files to work with, it will separate each element into its own layer. That means that you can have 10, 15, 20 elements but all separated at the same time. And what advantages are there to individual layers? First of all, it is faster to copy and paste since you don’t have to make a selection around your element. But there is another trick that can save you a lot of time too. It is simply a drag and drop. You can see a little video explaining it in the product description.

This tool can be great for designers who want to offer three formats for their alpha: single sheets, individual files, and layered file. And for scrappers, this tool will help make their scrapper at least a bit faster.

cass-StackedAlphaYou can get this script in my stores: Creation Cassel, and DigiScrapWarehouse.

You can also add your name to the RAK thread here for a chance to win this script.

And to show you what you can do with a layered alphabet, i am giving you one that i made using my daughter’s handwriting when she was young. It is in greyscale so you can easily customize it to your layout. Each letter is on a separate layer, so you can copy and paste or drag and drop to use them. Your choice!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


You can surely use this alpha to create a layout to enter the big February contest. Remember? You still have 10 days to enter! Check the details here.

New script – Fanned Photos


This idea came up when i saw one scrap layout using several copies of the same photo in this fanned out arrangement. I thought it was a cool idea, but i could just imagine how long it would take to do all the copies, and rotations, and mostly the perfect alignment of each image to get a great looking result. Well, whenever you want to save time in performing a tedious or precise task, that is when i think of a Paintshop Pro script. So, i started this script to place all those copies in the perfect position, but i added many options. You can decide how many copies you want, the angle of rotation for each copy, where the pivot point will be, if you want the images to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. But then, you can also choose to have the images gradually smaller, gradually fainter, gradually more black or white. Basically, with all those options, you have hundreds of possibilities to create stunning displays.

You can use this script on photos, that is a given, but you can also use it with scrap elements too. Imagine doing that with a single flower, with a pivot point outside the element, and with gradually smaller copies. It would look like a great accent, don’t you think? How about using it with words too? So many possibilities.

This script is currently available at Creation Cassel

New script – Template resizer


Do you create templates? Do you use templates? Do you want to offer templates in square AND rectangular formats for your customers? Do you sometimes find a great template but it is not in the format you like to scrap? This script will be a useful tool for both scrappers and designers. In seconds, it will turn a standard 12 x 12 layered template into a rectangular one (horizontal or vertical) or vice versa. Of course, you will still have some tweaking to do especially if some elements have a particular alignment, spacing or overlapping, but most of it would be done.

You can find this script in my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi and Digiscrap Warehouse.

This script would be great in combinaison with the Template Maker and the Layer Separator.

If you want a chance to win this script, just go add your name to the thread in the Happy Place and tell me if you usually scrap with square or rectangular format.

New script – JPG Bleed


If you ever wanted to print your layouts either for individual pages or in a photo book, you needed to know how to add some “extra” margin around your design. Have you ever wondered why printers will ask you to add some margin, just to trim them after? To put it simply, it is too hard to be perfectly exact when trimming the paper, and if the cutter is just a few pixels short of the edge, you will get a tiny unsightly white line along that border. Having the paper or the design wider where the printer can cut in, will make sure that there is no such white line. But what if you dont add such a margin (called “bleed”)? The risk is that it will trim INSIDE your margin and you MIGHT loose some details if they are on the edge (like fine borders, journaling, etc.).

All that to tell you why it is important to have a bleed around your pages before you send to print. But what if you did your whole layout, and forgot to add the bleed? If you still have the layered file, it should be fairly easy to enlarge the background paper while leaving the more meaningful details intact. But what if you do not have those layered formats, for whatever reason? This script will take any jpg image and add a margin around it, in matching colors. You even have the option to choose different margin for each side so that you can match the specifications required by any printing service.

Someone mentioned that she had made paper scrap pages and photographed them. Of course, this will give only a flattened image, with no margin. This script would be perfect for her, dont you think?

This script is available in my stores: Creation Cassel and Do It Digi.

If you want a chance to win this script, just go add your name to the RAK thread at DST and tell me why you need this script. I will draw for a winner Monday night.