
New Brushes – Easter Punches

By popular demand, another set of punches has been created, this time with an Easter theme! This collection includes 12 designs, featuring corner punches, edge punches, and individual elements like eggs, chicks, and flowers.

Since they are brushes, you can use them as punches with the Eraser tool or as regular brushes with the Brush tool.

Get these in the store: Easter Punches

In order to win these punches, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us if you have other of my punches (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For samples, I created three bookmarks for you. I used those punches as brush imprints instead of cutout. Add a word or a quote in the center to suit your project.
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New font – Decorative Stitches 3

You can get various stitching in any size and color you want, and along any path you want. You can even combine different characters to get a unique effect.

Use these stitches to decorate any element, edge, tags, and more.

Get this set: Decorative Stitches 3

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us if you have used any stitching fonts before (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sample, I created a rectangular frame in separate layers for you to colorize. Each component of the frame can be colorized differently.

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New script – Strawberry

You can have fun this summer with titles and shapes. You can use the Watermelon but now you can turn your shape into a fresh strawberry, complete with a stem.

You can write titles, or add details in various shapes (hearts, stars, teardrop, etc.).

Even if you start with the exact same shape, you will always get a slightly different result.

Get this script in the store: Strawberry

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us how you like your strawberries (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sampler, I created a full alphabet (A to Z) in uppercase and ten digits (0-9). Everything is in PNG format so it can be used in most program. Each strawberry is about 600 pixels high.

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New script – Photo Corners

Photo corners are probably one of the most traditional ways to fasten a photo to a page. With the digital era, those fasteners were not long NEEDED,  but we can still pretend we use them.

They are fairly easy to make but using a script will speed up the process and allow you to generate several sets (yes, with four corners) very quickly. Use any color palette and the script will combine the colors, the shapes, and the designs for those corners.

Keep the ones you like and discard the others.

Get this script: Photo Corners

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us if you ever used photo corners in a layout (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sampler, I used the color palette from the June bog train on DigitalScrapbook.com. You get 6 sets of corners. They are available in .PspImage format (where the four corners are on separate layers) and in PNG format (where you will have to cut them out separately).

Check out the other resources available in this blog train.

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New script – Periodical

I have seen someone wear one of those t-shirts where individual tiles spelled out a meaningful word. I was wondering how to create those tiles for any word a user would want. And I did manage to code a script that will use any word you give to generate individual tiles.

The script also allows you to get four different styles with those tiles so they could fit your project.

Get this script in the store: Periodical

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what word I could spell out to create a new freebie (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sampler, I created the tiles to spell out the words ADORABLE and TECHNICAL. Each tile has a transparent background so you can add your own, and customize them further.

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New script – Quick Tile 3

To create patterns from photos is a great way to have matching colors for your papers. In addition, it is a great way to use "bad" photos, those out of focus, with odd colors, etc.

The script will create up to 25 tiles in just a few seconds. Some designs will be great, others, maybe not-so-great, but you can just discard those that don't suit you. And if needed, run the script again to generate more tiles. With the random feature integrated in the script, you will always get different results.

Get this script in the store: Quick Tile 3

In order to win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us if you knew about the first two scripts in the Quick Tiles series (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

As a sampler, I created 10 seamless tiles using the same starting image as for the previous Quick Tile scripts. That means our tiles will match the other 20 patterns you can download.

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New script – Cork

Cork texture script for PaintShop ProYou can now have a corkboard to add any note, memo, paper, or even some lost and found objects. And even better, that board can be any shape you want.

You can start with a simple basic shape like a circle or a star, but you can also use some meaningful shapes like the outline of a country you visited, or the shape of a cruise ship where you spent your last vacation. Or what about a Christmas tree to hang decorations?

Grab this script in the store: Cork

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what shape you would like to turn into a cork element (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) We will announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Cork digits in PNG formatFor a sampler, I created individual digits using the font Rolipoli, which is a fat font, in order to give enough room to pint elements. Each element is about 1000 pixels in height and in PNG format.

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New script – Projection

Projection lights script for PaintShop ProWhether you have a festive theme or something related to theaters or movies, you can use projection lights to make any text really stand out.

This script will either create the text for you (with your choice of font, color, and text) or use the text element you might have created initially. This would give you the option to use more than one line of text and hand-colored letters.

The end result is on separate layers so you can tweak the projection or the text even more.

Get this script in the store: Projection

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what you would write with this script (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) We will announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Projection lights in png formatAs a sampler, I created some projections from the name of the four seasons in colors that are matching the time of the year. The files are in layers so you can use some or all of the layers and you can tweak them as needed for more creative results.

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New script – Extrusion

Extrusion script for PaintShop ProYou can add dimension and perspective to any design, element, shape or text.

You choose how thick you want the extrusion and in what direction.

The top layer and the side layers are left unmerged so you can have the opportunity to tweak them separately if you want.

Get it in the store: Extrusion

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us whether you ever tried to make a photo-mosaic (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Extruded wordsThis week, I created a couple of words that might be used to embellish your project. They are big enough to be sized down if needed.

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New script – Diamonds

Diamonds pattern script for PaintShop ProDo you like the diamond patterns? Although it is easy to create a seamless tile for a single diamond shape, it might be a little more tedious to add a second color. However, when you want to be fancier and create tiles with more colors, it can definitely get more complicated. And if you want specific patterns, like lines, it can get even harder to create.

This script will generate up to 15 tiles using your own color palette either in regular or random patterns. And each tile will also be seamless so you can use them to fill a larger surface.

Get it in the store: Diamonds script

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us how you created diamond patterns (if you did) (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Diamond patterns in PNG formatAs a sample, I created 10 tiles from a basic Halloween color palette.

Each tile is seamless and has no background so you can add a white or black layer or a totally different color.

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