
New script – Baby Block Alpha

Baby Block Alpha script for Paintshop ProYou have certainly seen those wooden blocks young kids have been playing with for decades. You can often see those blocks associated with baby or even pregnancy pictures. Now you can create them yourself to write any name or phrase you want in your baby project.

The fun part is that you are not limited with a basic and common font since you can choose ANY font you want. Although you can really choose any font and create some unique blocks, it will give a better result with simple and bold fonts. In fact, you can also use dingbat fonts for some fun results.

Grab this script in the store: Baby Block Alpha

Do you want a chance to win this script? Tell me what word or phrase you would write with these blocks, in the comments below, and i'll announce a winner in the newsletter next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-BabyBlockAlpha-whiteAs a sample of what you can do with this script, here is a full alpha that includes letters, digits and a hyphen. I chose white so it is gender neutral.

Each block is about 500 pixels wide and you can resize it as you wish (or keep them full size).
You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Cluster Maker

Cluster Maker script for Paintshop ProA lot of scrapbookers and designers love to create and use clusters, but the task is often daunting because of numerous repetitive tasks that seem to drain their creativity. So, why not have a script to give them a jumpstart?

This script will almost randomly pick elements from a single folder for you. Starting with long elements like ribbons and stitches. Then adding more rectangular or somewhat smaller elements like frames, cards and such. Finally, smaller or more "square" objects, like flowers, buttons and stickers. Once the elements are picked (one by one), the script will randomly resize them slightly to add variety in your cluster, will rotate them also, and place them based on the type of cluster you want to generate.

You can create a central cluster, or a corner cluster (and you can obviously pick which corner too). And in a single run, the script can generate as many clusters as you want.

Obviously, the script cannot SEE the elements and cannot determine if each element will look good in the cluster. That is YOUR job. But you will have a headstart instead of starting from scratch.

Get this time saving script: Cluster Maker.

For a chance to win this script, I will make this a little different. I want you to just tell me if you have purchased (or won) any of the other cluster-type scripts in the store. If so, which one. If not, just say so! I'll pick a winner next week and it will be announced in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Corner ClusterAs a samplers, this week, I used a kit from Hat of Bunny, Baby Mine. I ran the script to create a corner cluster for the bottom right corner.

Once the script was done, i tweaked the placement of the elements, and removed a few. Initially, i asked the script to have an average number of elements, knowing i would likely have too many so i could remove them. I also added a couple of elements that were ignored by the script, but that i liked (namely the banners and the string).

All the shadows were added to the elements, individually.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Blurred Fill

cass-BlurredFillYou probably have seen those images where a video has been shot vertically, but it has to fit in a horizontal space, then the extra on each side is a copy of the main image, but blurred and darkened to keep the focus on the main image.

This script will achieve the same effect. You can start with any kind of photo, whether it is square or rectangular, and then, you can "fit it" inside an image that is rectangular or square.

This is a great way to fit your photo into a space that is of different proportions without having to crop the photo.

Use this strategy to fill in a carousel or a slide show. Or use it as a header, or to fill a PowerPoint presentation of some kind. Or just fill part of your scrapbook page.

Get this script in the store: Blurred Fill

What would YOU use this for? Can you see yourself using this in a scrapbook project? what would it be? Tell me in the comments below and i'll pick a winner next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-WoodenWindow-Sample1Since this script is about creating a special effect on your own photo, i can't really create a sampler from any photo of mine. Well, I could, but i doubt you would find it very useful, so instead, i created a different sampler based on one that was VERY popular recently: the Wooden Window.

I created two windows in png format: one is using a fine wood while the other is more rustic, with visible nail heads holding the pieces of wood.

Both windows are 3000 pixels wide so you can use them for a scrapbook project, or even size it down too.

Place your favorite photo behind it for a wonderful display.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


News from the Campus

RibbonsAndBowsJoin us for our live presentation on Ribbons and Bows, where we will take a look at how to create knots and bows from straight ribbons, using PSP.

It is free, as usual, so join us and tell a friend.


New script – Bow #11

Bow made from straight ribbon - script for Paintshop ProWho can say they have enough bows in their digital stash? Nobody!

When looking for bows to use in your projects, are you stuck with the same design, with the same polkadots or the same stripes? And then, having other ribbon elements that are just not matching?

This script will take any straight ribbon and tie it in a simple bow. You can use any kind of ribbon, opaque or translucent, plain or patterned, striped or polkadot, etc.

And for a unique touch, the loose ends will be randomly cut so you won't get two identical bows, even if you start with the same ribbon.

Get this ribbon script in the store: Bow #11

For a chance to win this script, tell me where you would use bows in a project? This is probably going to be a super easy answer to add to the comments below. I'll pick a winner and announce it in the newsletter next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-Bow11-samplesThis coming weekend, it will be July 1st (Canada Day) and July 4th (Independance Day) so i created two basic ribbons with the blue white and red colors and one with red and white. Then, i ran the script for each one. I also used the Knot#7 script to create the additional knot.

Furthermore, i am including the basic ribbons too, so you can use them as is, or with other scripts to create more knots and bows.

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News from the Campus

RibbonsAndBows-400Next week, we will have another live presentation in the Campus. Last month, Diana suggested we had a class on making knots and bows with the ribbons, so that is what we will play with. Will you join us?

Register now

New script – Strip Cluster Maker

Strip cluster maker script for Paintshop ProMaking clusters can be a great way to expand a kit you want to sell, or a way to use a kit you just purchased.

Making clusters can be a tedious task however. This script will help you as it will serve as a starting point, in gathering a certain number of long elements (like ribbons, tapes, stitching) and other elements (like flowers, buttons, tags, knots, etc.).

You can generate as many strip clusters as you want, from the elements in a single folder. You can create horizontal strips or vertical ones. Did you know that it is not a good idea to rotate a strip cluster that is already made? The shadows will be showing in the wrong angle, and any light source indication will also be inaccurate, giving an odd looking result in the end. So this script will NOT rotate any element (except the long elements) but will place them in  a vertical arrangement, if that is what you want.

You can also choose to have few elements on the cluster or a fuller arrangement.

Since the script cannot "see" the result, it will not know if it looks good or not. That is YOUR task. But the script will have given you a starting point, from which you can rearrange the elements, add new ones, remove some.

A time saving tool for you: Strip Cluster Maker.

Do you like strip clusters? Did you get the Cluster Template maker #3? Tell me how you use (or would use) strip clusters in your projects. Add your answer in the comments below. I will pick a winner and announce it in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Strip ClusterThis week, with Heather T's permission, i am giving you the exact strip cluster that I made using this script.

It is 3600x700 pixels in size, in PNG format. It also includes all the shadows for realism (including the lifted thread on the left).

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New script – Wax Alpha

Wax alpha script for Paintshop ProIf you want to add a touch of elegance or a formal look to a project, you might be looking for a wax seal. However, what you will find is often a set of ready-made seals that will not have the color you are looking for, or the font you wish it had. Or, you might find seal templates that will give an identical shape to all the seals you would create from them.

This script will do just what you need: you can pick the color that perfectly matches the color palette you are using; you can choose any letter, digit, punctuation marks you want (or generate a blank seal to add other designs); you can even choose any font you want, whether it is a simple Arial font, or something more elegant or formal.

Get this script in the store: Wax Alpha

Would you want to get this script for free? Tell me, in the comments below, if you ever used a digital wax seal in any project? If so, how did you create them? I'll pick a winner to be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Wax seal alphabetDo you want to add some wax titles to your projects? You can use this complete alphabet made of blue wax.

This alphabet includes all 26 letters, 10 digits (for dates or age), a hyphen and a blank seal.

Each seal is about 450 pixels wide and you can resize them as needed.

Add a ribbon underneath, or place the seal on the edge of a paper element to act as a fastener for another use of them.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.



News from the Campus

MadeWithRibbons-400Did you register for our live presentation scheduled for this coming Sunday, June 5th?
Come and see various ways you can use ribbons in a project, whether you created the ribbons, or downloaded them from the net.


New script – Quilling

Quilling script for Paintshop ProMany years ago (at least 35), my mom got me a kit to do some quilling. I had no idea what it was and didn't even have the proper tools to do it, but I improvised and created a few fund designs by rolling those long strips of papers, and shaping them in specific ways. I loved that, and often wished I could find time (and tools) to do it again.

But, in digital scrapbooking, those tiny elements are not as easy to create, until now.

This script will turn any line drawing into strips of papers shaped like that drawing. As long as you can create even lines, using the Pen tool or the Brush tool, you can turn those lines into intricate designs.

In order to help you, the zip file also includes 15 preset shapes that you can use in the color of your choice. Resize them or distort them at will. Since they are vector, they will keep nice edges. Create your design in larger size, so it will be easier to draw, and then once it is converted into quilling, you can size it down. Super easy.

Get this script in the store: Quilling script.

Did you ever do any quilling? Tell me about your experience or what you know about this art in the comments below. I'll pick a winner next week to get this script for free (or another one, if you choose to buy it immediately). Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Qulling - Daisy in png formatAs a sampler of what can be done with this script, I made a little daisy. I used one of the preset shapes, in white. I duplicated and rotated that one petal 5 times and arrange those petals around another preset shape drawn in yellow for the center. Then, using the Pen tool, I drew a couple of free form lines. Finally, I used a third preset shape, in green, for the leaves and I placed them along those lines.

Before running the script, I merged all the layers together, and voilà! A quilled daisy, ready to be used on your projects. It is quite large so you can size it down to suit your needs.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Can you create more flowers to go with this one?


News from the Campus

Did you have a look at the forum lately? After the live class on the Out of Bound techniques, viewers have posted FANTASTIC projects using that technique. And they are so creative!

Here are just a few examples:


Do you want to see more? Check out the forum HERE.

And if you want to know how they created those masterpieces, check out the edited video. It is free to watch for a couple more weeks; you just have to be logged in. And yes, you will be able to create such projects.

New script – Mosaic Photo

Mosaic Photo script for Paintshop ProYou might have seen tutorials on how to turn a regular large photo into a mosaic using smaller photos. It might not be too hard, but you can create that exact effect in less than a minute with this script for Paintshop Pro.

Start with a large image, and run the script. Follow the prompts and you will see your image turned into a mosaic using 1, 2, 3 or 4 different images of your choice.

Make sure you read the README file as you will have to edit the script to match the configuration of your own Paintshop Pro and your own computer (I can't guess that part for you).

Get this script in the store: Mosaic Photo.

For a chance to win this script, tell me if you ever tried to achieve that effect, and if you did, how you did it. Post your answer in the comments below. I'll pick a winner and announce it in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Cluster Templates in PSD format for scrapbookingSince it is impossible for me to give you a sample using a photo that would be of any interest for you, I decided to see what other sampler you seemed to have liked, and I found out that the Cluster Templates were a big hit, so I created three more for your own use.

They are in PSD format, so they can be used by non-PSP users.

Each one is about 3500 pixels in width, so they could be used on a full size scrapbook project, or you can size them down to fit your project.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Leaf Pattern 1

Leaf Pattern script for Paintshop ProCreating a geometric pattern can be easy if you have only one shape, but it can become tedious if you have multiple similar shapes, using different colors. Until now, you either had to do them by hand, or rely on layered templates, which only offer a limited number of color arrangement.

And now, what if you wanted to use totally random colors throughout the whole paper, with hundreds of those similar shapes. How would you do it?

This is exactly what this script will do. Using your own color palette (from 3 to 6 colors), you can generate simple 4-leaf patterns, or multiple ones, and the script will pick the colors at random while creating up to 20 tiles per run. Keep the ones you like, and discard the others. Each tile will have the shapes but no background so you can customize that last element to match your project.

Get this script: Leaf Pattern 1 (and yes, there are plans for a #2 also!)

Do you want to win this script? In the comments below, tell me how you would call this pattern. I called it a leaf pattern, but i am wondering if there is another name for it. I'll pick a winner next week and announce it in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Leaf Pattern tiles - Easter colorsAlthough Easter is over for most people, the colors associated with Easter are still very appropriate for spring, so whether you want to showcase your Easter photos, or spring photos, these colors should be quite suitable.

I generated 8 small tiles using a 5 color palette. In the preview, you can see the result when each tile was used to fill a larger page, with a solid background.

Each tile is in png format, so they can be used in most graphic programs.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.




News from the Campus


OutOfThisWorld-400Did you register to our live class, tomorrow? There is still time to do so.

If you have never heard of Out of bound effect, you will be in for a treat, and if you have heard about it, you will see how we can bring it to another level!

Register now







Did you hear about the BIG 2016 Show Off event that is going on in the Campus. It comprises of several parts:

  • a way for PSP users to show off what they do with products from the store, freebies from the blog, or tutorials from the Campus
  • over $900 in prizes to be won at random, among all the participants
  • FREE video tutorials between April 22nd and May 7th (a new video every day)
  • special deals announced in the Campus emails

For more information, check it out HERE.

New script – Photo Blinds

Photo blinds script for Paintshop ProHave you ever seen those wonderful images that are transposed into various slats to create vertical or horizontal blinds?

This script can recreate that effect with Paintshop Pro. Use any image to start and run the script. You will have various options to choose to create your own custom blinds.

You can even have the blinds partially open (one third, one half or two thirds), so you can still see the initial photo, yet have the option to show a window and a scenery behind it.

This is just a plain fun way to display your image.

You can use the top valence if you want, but you can remove it completely and just use the individual slats that the script created.

Get this fun script: Photo Blinds

Would you like to win this script? Tell me, in the comments below, how you would use these blinds. As usual, i expect some very creative uses! I'll pick and announce a winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-PhotoBlinds-SunsetThis week, i was really struggling to figure out what to create as a freebie that you might actually use. Since there was a big snow storm in the US this weekend, i thought that maybe, someone would want to have a nice, warm photo to cover the sight of all that snow. Of course, you could use this even if you don't have snow around!

It is a png format element and it is full size so you could use it to cover half of a full size layout. Add a frame and a window scene behind for an interesting effect.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

What will you hide behind that warm sunset blind?



News from the Campus

InTheNewsOur next live presentation will take place on February 7th (yes that is 2 weeks from now; for a change, we are quite ahead!).

Come and join us for a fun live class on ways we can be inspired by newspapers and magazines formats do display our photos and stories.

It is free so why not join in?

Register now

(and share with your PSP friends too)