
New tubes – Natural Ropes

Natural rope tube for Paintshop ProAre you always looking for a rope or string in the size and shape you want but can't find anything ready-made that matches your project? That is when you can REALLY take advantage of these rope tubes for Paintshop Pro.

These are picture tubes, and you can "draw" with them as you would with a brush tool. Make them long, make them short. Make them straight, make them curved, make them twisted. Create "rope doodles" if you want, draw freehand or shape them neatly with a free script (link in the description).

You get 12 different natural rope tubes that you can use to make frames, tie tags, write words, etc.

Grab this set of rope tubes in the store now: Natural Ropes.

Would you like a chance to win this set? Tell me how you would use these picture tubes in a project of yours. Post in the comment below and i'll announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Rope doodle frame in PNGTo show you how versatile these rope tubes can be, i created a doodle frame. First, i drew it with the Pen tool so i could get a vector path. That required some work and tweaking to get the smooth curves. Then, i just ran the VectorTube script to place the rope along the vector path. That was the easy part.

The biggest challenge was to add the shadow ON the rope where the pieces overlap. Since everything was on a single layer, i had to use a few steps:

  • added a shadow on a separate layer
  • selected the area where the shadow should be on top of a rope.
  • promoted that selection and moved it above the rope
  • deleted that duplicated section from the initial shadow layer
  • with the eraser tool, i removed the shadow that appeared on top of the top rope but should NOT be there
  • then, i had to feather the remaining shadow so it would look natural

It was not hard, but it was a bit time consuming. But what do you think of the result? This free download includes a shadowed version and an unshadowed one (in case you need to add your own).

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Will you show me your end result with a photo in the frame? You can also post it on the pinboard HERE. Everyone would LOVE to see your project.

New script – Ice Texture

Ice Texture script for Paintshop ProAlthough it is summer, you probably have some winter photos that you need to enhance with some icy elements.

With this script, you can convert any shape into an icy element. You can choose simple elements, arrows, frames, or even convert an alpha of your choice into a cold one.

The script will take the shape of your element, whether it is a raster or a vector layer, and work on a copy of it, so it won't affect your original. The end result will be a bit translucent to simulate real ice that lets you see through, somehow.

Due to a random feature integrated into the script, you will get a slightly different ice texture every time, even if you use the same shape to start with.

You can get this script in the store: Ice Texture

What element or shape would you convert to ice? Tell me in the comments below for a chance to win this script. The winner will be announced, next week, in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Icy AlphaHow about an icy title? Check out this fun alpha i created with this script. To make it simple, i just typed in my alphabet on a 3600x3600 pixels image. I used a 350 pixels size, and a kerning setting of 300 to space out each letter. Then, i ran the Alpha Sheet Separator 2 script to create individual files from each letter.

Each letter of this set is 325 pixels high.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

So, what layout will you do using this alpha?

Show us your masterpiece by posting it on our PSP Scrapbook Showcase pinboard on Pinterest. If you don't have access to pin on that board, just send me an email so i can grant you that access.


New script – Custom Banners

Custom Banners script for Paintshop ProLast week, i attended to my daughter's wedding, and at the reception, she had a cookie bar where people would pick their own treats to bring home. She had a set of banners that said "Love is sweet".  I remember her asking me where to find the individual banners in the colors she wanted, and i didn't know. She ended up having the decorator do them for her, but that sparked the idea in my mind that Paintshop Pro can easily be used for hybrid projects. And that is how this Custom Banners script came to be.

This script will create individual banners with each character of your text (including the blanks) and the color you want. You can choose one of the 9 preset shapes for the banners or use your own if you have others. You can also pick a simple or elaborate font for those banners. All in all, you get the option to create your own banners.

Do you have specific patterned papers you want to use to create the banners? Not a problem: the script will ask you and if that is the case, it will only create an outline that you can cut out and the number would be printed.

And if you want to keep it digital, that is quite ok too as you can create the text message of your choice and size down each banner to suit your layout.

You can use this script to write any message you want!

Get this script in the store now: Custom Banners.

Do you want a chance to win this script? In the comments below, tell me what is the first text/message you would like to write with these banners. I'll announce a winner next week in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Custom Banners for Fahter's DayFather's Day is coming soon (at least here in Canada), as it is next week. For this occasion, i created all the banners to write the phrase "Happy Father's Day". Since you would need to print out the individual banners, i didn't duplicate the letters like A and Y which are repeated in the message. You can just print them twice or three times. There is also a blank one for you to place between the words or to add your own design.

I created them in white fill so that if you want to use a colored or patterned paper, it would still be possible to do without printing all over it.

Once you have them printed and cut, attach them together with a string or other fastening system, and hang it something (and remember to take a picture).

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

And now, why wasn't there anything in the store last week? Because i was busy with my daughter's wedding, which was taking place out of town. Here is one picture of the happy couple.


New script – Paper Flower

cass-PaperFlowerIf you were to create your own flower, out of papers from a kit, how would you do it? You might choose to cut out one petal and simply duplicate it multiple times and rotate them around the center. But you know what? This looks "amateurish" because a real flower made of paper would NOT have 100% identical petals, would it? You would see some variations in the texture, the shading or the pattern.

This script will give you a much more realistic look because each petal will be cut from a different location on the paper, as if you were to cut out from a real paper with scissors.

You can choose any paper you have, whether it is a solid, a patterned, or a gradient paper. Any texture would work and it would even give that slight variation on each petal.

You can choose to have 1, 2, 3 or 4 rows of petals, using the same paper or different papers, or a combination of papers. Each petal will have a slight shadow to give some depth but still allow you to add other shadows to create a lifted effect if you want as each of them is also left on a separate layer.

Add any center you want, from one of the paper, or from another element like a button, a gem, etc.

Grab this script in the store: Paper Flower.

If you want to get this script for free (or another one if you already bought it), tell me how many rows you would prefer to have when creating a flower. Add your answer to the comments below and i'll draw for a winner that will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-PaperFlower-Sample-PinkAs a sample, i created a fun pink flower for you.

As a paper, i simply opened a blank image and flood filled it with a pink felt tile i had (from the Felt presets #1). I used that "paper" for the first row of petals.

For the second row, i chose the option of NOT using the same paper, so i duplicated the paper i had, tweaked it to get a brighter color and ran the script as if it were a new paper.

Once the second row of petal was done, i added a shadow to each petal, every time, on a separate layer then, tweaked it to create a lifted effect, on the smaller petals.

Finally, to make the row look better, i selected one part of the top petal and using the Interlacing technique, moved that half petal under the bottom one (i bet you can't see that cut, can you?)

For the center, i created a pink gem using the Gemstone script.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Alpha-Beads #3

Alpha-beads script for Paintshop ProYou now have another option to create beads with the letters, colors and font of your choice with this script.

You get individual beads that are about 300 pixels wide, and you have the option of having letters, digits, punctuation marks, and since you can use any character with any font, you even have the possibility to use accented characters that you can't find anywhere else.

You also have the option to add a drawing or a design: use a vector shape, or a hand drawn design if you prefer. And of course, you can also create a blank bead.

There is even an option for an additional metallic ring around the bead for another look.

Get this script in the store: Alpha-Beads 3

What type of beads would you like to create, that maybe you have had a hard time finding already made? Share your comments below. I'll pick out a winner and will announce it in the newsletter next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-AlphaBeads3-Yellow-DigitsHow about a little bit of sunshine with these yellow beads with digits? You can use them to display a date or an anniversary number.

They are plain, without any metallic ring around them so you can still customize them to suit your taste or your project.

What will you "date" with them?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Datestamp #2

Datestamp script for Paintshop ProDatestamps have been used for years in a way to indicate a particular date on a document, most often an envelope, but in graphic design and scrapbooking, these have become much more than just a way to add a date.

This script will allow you to create a custom datestamp that will really fit your need and your current project. You can choose any text you want, whether it is a date, a location, a name or a phrase. You can choose any font you want, as long as it is accessible by your PSP. You can choose any color, gradient or pattern and you can even add a texture if you want something original. Then, in the center, you can add another short text element, like a year, a name or another word and still use yet a different font.

Just like the old datestamps that had long lines to cover a certain number of postage stamps that would have been on the envelope, you also have the option to add those lines, either straight or wavy, on either side or on both. That makes this script extremely versatile and you can make so many different looking elements!

Grab this script in the store: Datestamp #2

With all the options available, what would you use this script for? What would you write on it? Post a comment below and i will pick a winner next week and will announce it in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-Datestamp2-MonthsHow about a little sample. Of course, i can't put the name of your sister, or the location of your last vacation in a sampler but i can give you a standard date datestamp. If you want to add a fun label to your layout to indicate when the particular event took place, you can use these stamps. They are in greyscale so you can change the color to your liking to match your project.

Each stamp is 500 pixels high so it is easy to size them down if needed too.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Although those stamps do not have the lines on the side, it would be super easy for you to add them yourself using the Brush tool (or the Pen tool if you prefer to work with vectors). Will you show us what you make with those? How do you use them in your layout?

New script – Sand Writing

Sand writing with Paintshop ProMaybe you have sandy pictures of your last vacation but wished you had a photo where you would have written your name or the date in the sand. With Paintshop Pro, you can now cheat a bit.

This script will let you draw or write anything on a separate layer, on top of a sandy image and will create the typical ridges you would get if you used a stick to write in the sand.

You can write or draw anything and if you prefer to use a preset shape or any shape for that matter, the script will draw the outline in the sand.

Once you have your design "marked" in the sand, it is still left on a separate layer so you can move the design somewhere else on the sand, but best of all, it allows you to tweak the perspective so it will match the angle of the photo, for a more realistic effect.

Use any sandy background, whether it is your own photo or stock photos.

Grab this unique script now: Sand Writing.

And do you want to see how it works? Watch this video i did when using the script:

If you want a chance to win this script, tell me in the comments below, what you would like to write on a sandy photo. I'll be back with the name of a winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Digit writing in the sand with Paintshop ProThis week, as a sample, i created a series of digits and a few other simple designs in sand. Since the drawing matches the sand background, and i can't give you that background, there is a link in the README file where you can download the seamless tile to create a fun sandy image. And it is FREE too.

I drew all the digits and the designs by hand, because it looks much more realistic than the idea of finding text in sand using Arial or Times New Roman! Could you imagine!?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Eyelet #4

Paintshop Pro script to create eyeletsThere are many designs you can find for eyelets. Some will have an edge, some will have multiple small round holes, others will have flowers and more. In the store we already had 3 other eyelet scripts, and today, we offer you a fourth one.

This design uses a slightly different pattern, with an edge made from little "eyelets", and 6 petal flowers. You can apply the edge only on one edge, or have it symmetrical to create a ribbon.

There are various options where you can choose to have only the outer edge, but you can add one or two rows of flowers and you can add another edge inside. The script is "smart" enough to know where to put that inside edge, based on what other designs you have already picked.

You can choose to apply this Paintshop Pro script to a paper or a ribbon. Both can yield very interesting results.

You can get this delicate script in the store: Eyelet #4.

Do you want a chance to win this script? Tell me, in the comments below, what you would do with the script. What element would you create or where you would add those eyelets. I will announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Free sample of an eyelet edge paper and ribbonFor a sampler, i created a full page "template" that you can colorize.

I started with a 3480 long ribbon (because each pattern is 290 pixels wide and i wanted the ribbon to be symmetrical), and i ran the Mitered Corner Frame script, which made an almost full size frame. With a little tweaking, i adjusted the flowers in the corners, and filled the center with the same solid color as for the base.

You can colorize this greyscale paper to the hue you want to match your project.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Stamps #3

Stamps #3 script for Paintshop ProYou might like the idea of turning a photo into a single stamp, or a full sheet with the same image repeated over and over again, but why not create a full sheet with different photos? This script can let you use a different photo for each individual stamp or use a few photos repeatedly.

The script offers you the choice of the number of rows and columns and the rest will be done automatically for you, after you open one image from the folder where all the photos are stored.

Furthermore, just like a real stamp, you can add text (like the value or the country) and you can be creative and add a date, a location, or a name. Talk about a fun way to display many photos of a single event or theme.

You can get this script in the store: Stamps #3.

If you prefer to create just a single stamp, you can use the Stamp script, and if you want a full sheet with a single image, you can use the Stamps #2 script.

If you want a chance to win this script, add a comment below telling me what text do you think you would add to a series of stamps like these. I`ll announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Stamps 3 script sample - free stamp sheet templateSince this script uses your own photos, i doubt you would have had any use for a full sheet of my photos! So i figured i could make a layered template with this script. You get a PSD file, and you can clip a photo of your choice to it, or just re-size your photos to fit the space available.

After that, you can manually add the date, value, or other text on each individual stamp. Of course, it will be a bit tedious (something you would not have to worry when using the script), but in the mean time, that is one alternative for you, or if you are using a non-PSP program.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

And remember to post your result in the collective PSP Scrapbook Showcase pinboard.


New script – Knot #10

cass-Knot10Yes, another knot! Considering the fact that you probably don't want all your ribbons and bows and knots to always look the same, you need a wide variety of them. That is why I coded this script.

Unlike other knot scripts you can find online, this one uses YOUR ribbons; you do not have to limit yourself to choosing the color or pattern since you can use actual extracted ribbons. This ensures that the knot will match whatever other element you might be using in your project.

This script is also the first one I coded that uses TWO ribbons. You can use any straight ribbons for this, whether they are opaque, or translucent, solid in color or with patterns or even with a directional pattern.

Another little tool for Paintshop Pro users.

Get this script in the store: Knot#10 (and you can check for other knots while you are there too!)

cass-Knot10-greyscale-sampleIf you want a chance to win this script, tell me, in the comments below, what you would attach with a double knot like this. I'll announce the winner in the newsletter next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

As a way for you to see, up close, the knot created by this script, i created a layered knot using greyscale ribbons from Melissa Bennett. The end result is a PSD file (so non-PSP users can open it too).

With the layers being left unmerged, you can colorize each ribbon the way you want, and you can also insert an element in the knot itself. What would you insert?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.