
New script – Stretched Pixels

A great way to showcase a particular subject can be to add a colorful circle based on the image colors. The advantage of this script is that you won't be limited to a straight rectangular section to select the colors. In fact, you will be able to draw over the image where are the most colorful section you want to use.

Once the script has completed, you will have three circles generated from the exact section you have selected. You can use either one or more than one circle and place it/them behind your subject. It will obviously give a better result if your subject is isolated, but you can also use the circles creatively.

Get this script: Stretched Pixels

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us if you have ever tried to create a circular stretched pixel effect (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sample, since this script relies heavily on your own photo, I decided to create a set of sprinkles picture tubes for your Valentine photos, or any other project you want to create. One set is using shades of pink, the other uses shades of red.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Add Borders

Add borders script for Paintshop ProSometimes, you might want to add identical borders to the photos on your layout, but since you want the photos to be of different sizes. How do you do that? Adding the borders before placing the photos on the montage is not the solution since you will resize the photos, and therefore, the border will also be resized.

Do you think you can select the photo and expand the selection? Unfortunately, that will create rounded corners. If that is what you want, go for it. But if you intend to have square corners on your photos, you need this script.

You can choose any color for the border, any size (up to 100 pixels) and you can also have the edges straight or irregular.

Grab this script in the store: Add Borders.

When you add a border on a photo, what would likely be the color? Tell me in the comments below for a chance to win this script. I'll pick a winner next week to be announced in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-AddBorders-Template-01As a way to show you how this script can create identical borders even on photos of different sizes, I created this layered template for you. I had to tweak the end result since the script would merge the edge to the photo.

This is a full size layered template in PSD format.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.






And here is the simple layout i made using this template:


What will you make?



News from the Campus

Did you attend the live presentation last week but felt you needed to see it again?

Did you try to attend but came in late?

Did you want to attend but had other things preventing you from joining?

Well, you are in luck. This live presentation will be repeated. Not a recording! It will be another LIVE presentation.

It will be showing the same techniques, but using a different template, different photos, and a different kit.

Join us again. REGISTER NOW.

New script – Brick Wall

Brick wall script for Paintshop ProYou might be able to use a photo of a brick wall as a paper background for your project, but you might wish to have something that would match more closely your favorite color, or color palette.

No need to colorize those bricks individually. This script will create a simple brick wall pattern with the brick colors matching your palette, despite still offering variations like normal walls would.

You can have a monochrome wall that will have bricks ranging from your selected color to white. You can choose two colors and the bricks will range between those two. Or you can  have a wilder pattern with multicolored bricks, although they would still slightly revolve around one color you pick.

Choose to add a brick pattern on your active image or create a brand new one, in the size you want.

Get this script here: Brick Wall

What would you use a brick wall paper for? Give me some suggestions in the comments below, and i'll pick someone to win this script for free. I'll announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Brick wall papers - blueAs a sample, I created 3 full size papers (3600x3600) all based around the same blue color. It gives you a good idea of how flexible this script can be.

You can always modify those papers by "wearing" it down, tearing the edges (or cutting out some bricks).

So what will you do?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.






News from the Campus

TemplateTemptation-400We will have a live presentation on Sunday, August 7, at 5 pm Eastern Time.

We will look at ways to use templates and other tools to create your layouts faster.

Join us. It is FREE.





New script – Glitter Sticker

Glitter Sticker script for Paintshop ProStickers are fun, versatile and can be used in many projects. You can now create your own starting with any element, shape or text, and add some pizzazz by converting an ordinary shape or image, into a glittered one, with a glitter outline and paper.

You can use one of the default gold, silver or bronze outline, or choose your own color. Choose a gradient for a really cool effect. Or you can choose to have no outline.

Then, you can have a white paper, a black paper, a translucent plastic, or any other color or pattern as a paper. This could be a great opportunity to use a solid or patterned paper from a kit you like to customize it and make your sticker really part of the project.

Add those stickers to scrapbook pages, to business pages, to cards, to planners, and more.

Get this script in the store: Glitter Sticker.

For a chance to win this script, tell me what kind of outline you would likely use the most: gold, silver, bronze, or something else? I'll announce a winner in next week's newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-GlitterSticker-DigitsFor this week's sampler, I created a set of digits with gold outline and plastic translucent backing. Each digit is about 450 pixels in height so you can resize it as needed.

Since these digits are in png format, you can use them in most graphic programs.

A full alpha will be available in the newsletter, on Sunday.

This would be perfect to add a date, and with the alpha, you could write glittery titles.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.



News from the Campus


Did you enter the draw for our BIG 2016 Show Off?

You still have a few hours to do so, and enter our draw for over $900 in prizes.

What are you waiting for?

Enter ANY project you created using something from the Campus, from the store or from this blog (even the digits you just downloaded above).

Check out the forum to post YOUR project, and look at others that were already posted. You have until Saturday night to enter. You can have as many as 5 entries. Use them all!

New script – Leaf Pattern 1

Leaf Pattern script for Paintshop ProCreating a geometric pattern can be easy if you have only one shape, but it can become tedious if you have multiple similar shapes, using different colors. Until now, you either had to do them by hand, or rely on layered templates, which only offer a limited number of color arrangement.

And now, what if you wanted to use totally random colors throughout the whole paper, with hundreds of those similar shapes. How would you do it?

This is exactly what this script will do. Using your own color palette (from 3 to 6 colors), you can generate simple 4-leaf patterns, or multiple ones, and the script will pick the colors at random while creating up to 20 tiles per run. Keep the ones you like, and discard the others. Each tile will have the shapes but no background so you can customize that last element to match your project.

Get this script: Leaf Pattern 1 (and yes, there are plans for a #2 also!)

Do you want to win this script? In the comments below, tell me how you would call this pattern. I called it a leaf pattern, but i am wondering if there is another name for it. I'll pick a winner next week and announce it in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Leaf Pattern tiles - Easter colorsAlthough Easter is over for most people, the colors associated with Easter are still very appropriate for spring, so whether you want to showcase your Easter photos, or spring photos, these colors should be quite suitable.

I generated 8 small tiles using a 5 color palette. In the preview, you can see the result when each tile was used to fill a larger page, with a solid background.

Each tile is in png format, so they can be used in most graphic programs.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.




News from the Campus


OutOfThisWorld-400Did you register to our live class, tomorrow? There is still time to do so.

If you have never heard of Out of bound effect, you will be in for a treat, and if you have heard about it, you will see how we can bring it to another level!

Register now







Did you hear about the BIG 2016 Show Off event that is going on in the Campus. It comprises of several parts:

  • a way for PSP users to show off what they do with products from the store, freebies from the blog, or tutorials from the Campus
  • over $900 in prizes to be won at random, among all the participants
  • FREE video tutorials between April 22nd and May 7th (a new video every day)
  • special deals announced in the Campus emails

For more information, check it out HERE.

New script – Datestamp #4

Datestamp script for Paintshop ProThere are so many ways you can have a date on a project. That is why we are up to the fourth different datestamp script. But don't limit yourself to a date; this script allows you to add other messages, words or phrases.

In addition to be able to choose ANY text, you can also choose any color for it, any font for the text and one of 6 ways to fill the center.

You can keep a simple set of straight lines so you can add hand written notes. You can leave the center empty so you can add another design, preset shape or hand drawn element. You can use the filled circle in the center as a template to add a photo of some kind. The possibilities are literally endless.

You can grab this fun script in the store: Datestamp #4.

For a chance to win this script, tell me how you tend to add dates to your graphic projects. Do you use elements? Just text? Alphas? Add your answer in the comments below. I'll announce a winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Datestamp with days of the weekAs a sample of what this script can do, I created a set of datestamps using simply the days of the week with straight lines in the center. This should be versatile enough to let you customize them. Of course, you can also remove those lines in the middle if you want. I won't be offended!

Each one is about 500 pixels wide, in greyscale so you can change the color (like I did in the preview). Since they are also in png format, you can use them even if you are not a PSP user.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.




News from the Campus

CuttingTheRibbon-400The edited recording of our live presentation is now available for viewing.

You can watch it for free as long as you are logged into the Campus (the login is not necessarily the same as the one for this site).

Watch now

New script – Group

PSP script to group layersWhenever you work on a particular project, and create many layers, it is a real pain to copy and paste each individual layer onto the new project. Of course, you can group them, but if you have 20, 30 or 100 layers, it can be very time consuming.

This is why I created this script. It will group ALL the layers in an image into ONE group in seconds saving you time that you can use for other projects. Once all the layers are grouped, you can copy and paste it onto your new project. If you need to tweak the individual elements, it is as simple as ungrouping the layers and continue your work.

A simple yet time saving tool for anyone working with many layers on their projects.

Grab this script in the store: Group.

P.S. you might want to bind this script and add it to your layer palette. Check out the video here.

I guess, since this script is free, there is no point in drawing for a winner to get it for ... free. But, i would still love to hear what you think of this script or maybe your ideas for other quick and time saving command combinations that could be turned into a script.

cass-Cookies-Letters-SymbolsAs a sampler, i obviously can't sample this script as it would just need to be applied to your own projects. But since i had a very good response to the Cookie Digits, a few weeks ago, i thought it might be time to get the matching alphabet for you.

So i created a matching alphabet with uppercase, and a set of symbols that you might use. I love this font called Fatty, as it has a shape that is uneven, just like cookies might be (at least mine).

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Can i challenge you to use those cookies in a project and show it to me? And it would be great if Alex (at the Corel office) could see how creative you can be using PSP. Post your project on their FB page, and tag it with #FanFriday.



News from the Campus

Shortcuts-for-PSP-1Are you using keyboard shortcuts when working with PSP? Check out which are my top 10 shortcuts in this blog post in the Campus.

And while you are at it, download my printable shortcuts cheat sheets.

New script – Pinwheel

Paintshop Pro script to create pinwheel patternCreating designs for seamless tiles is not that hard, but creating many using the same palette without redoing the same one twice is a little be more challenging.

This script is there to help with that.

Starting with your own color palette (up to 8 colors), the script will mix them up and create various combinations for you. Since the pinwheel pattern is a little limited in the number of possible patterns, you might end up with a few repeats but you can just delete them.

You can generate tiles, tagger size papers or full size papers, using the same pattern.

You can also combine two tiles, flip/mirror them, and get a new tile for a different pattern.

A simple, yet versatile pattern.

Get this script in the store: Pinwheel

For a chance to win this script, add a comment below, about the idea of this pattern. I'll pick a winner next week and announce it in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-Pinwheel-greensFor a sample, i created 8 tiles in the green colors (for St-Patrick month). Each tile is 250x250 pixels and can be scaled up or down as a pattern. You can add a rotation. You can combine two tiles. You can duplicate a single tile and flip/mirror it to create a different pattern.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.







News from the Campus

AdjustWhat-400What do you know about Adjustment Layers in PSP?

Do you want to learn a bit more and find out a few interesting uses for them?

Check out the edited recording of the live presentation we had last week.

Check the Master Class

New script – Photo Blinds

Photo blinds script for Paintshop ProHave you ever seen those wonderful images that are transposed into various slats to create vertical or horizontal blinds?

This script can recreate that effect with Paintshop Pro. Use any image to start and run the script. You will have various options to choose to create your own custom blinds.

You can even have the blinds partially open (one third, one half or two thirds), so you can still see the initial photo, yet have the option to show a window and a scenery behind it.

This is just a plain fun way to display your image.

You can use the top valence if you want, but you can remove it completely and just use the individual slats that the script created.

Get this fun script: Photo Blinds

Would you like to win this script? Tell me, in the comments below, how you would use these blinds. As usual, i expect some very creative uses! I'll pick and announce a winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-PhotoBlinds-SunsetThis week, i was really struggling to figure out what to create as a freebie that you might actually use. Since there was a big snow storm in the US this weekend, i thought that maybe, someone would want to have a nice, warm photo to cover the sight of all that snow. Of course, you could use this even if you don't have snow around!

It is a png format element and it is full size so you could use it to cover half of a full size layout. Add a frame and a window scene behind for an interesting effect.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

What will you hide behind that warm sunset blind?



News from the Campus

InTheNewsOur next live presentation will take place on February 7th (yes that is 2 weeks from now; for a change, we are quite ahead!).

Come and join us for a fun live class on ways we can be inspired by newspapers and magazines formats do display our photos and stories.

It is free so why not join in?

Register now

(and share with your PSP friends too)

New script – Ribbon Banner

Ribbon Banner script for digital scrapbooking with Paintshop ProYou might have seen those vector banners on various sites, but you wish you could have something using real ribbons, right? Now, you can do that with this script and Paintshop Pro.

Pick any straight ribbon (it could work with a ricrac but it is not as pretty) or a long piece of paper and run the script. Answer the prompts, select the area you want in the center and voilà!

You can use any kind of straight ribbon: lace, translucent, directional, etc. The script is coded to use the whole length of the ribbon so nothing is lost, especially those frayed edges if you have them.

This is even better than using layered templates because it really curves the center piece so you can use patterned designs, text, or stripes and it will follow that curve. In addition, you can have the central part as wide or narrow as you want, and even use a section of the ribbon that is not in the very center.

Grab this fun script in the store: Ribbon Banner.

Banners are often used to announce something and in a layout, it could be a way to label or date it. What would you use it for? Would you add text? If so, what text? Tell me in the comments below and i'll pick someone who will win this script next week. I'll announce it in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Ribbon banner sampler with the seasonsSince it is harder to add text on a curved ribbon, i figured i might as well create a banner with the text already in for you to use. I could have done a banner for each month of the year, or each day of the week, but i thought it would be interesting to have the four seasons for you to share various photos in a layout.

Each banner is about 3000 pixels wide, so they would nicely fit on top of a layout, almost as a title. Yet, you can size them down, or even trim the ends if you want.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.




News in the Campus


WeatherWise-400Have you registered to the live presentation this coming Sunday?

We will play alongside Mother Nature in adding rain and snow to photos.

It is FREE, as usual!

Register now




Corel Paintshop Pro Challenge



Do you have a photo with silhouettes? Do you have photos you have edited to create silhouettes? Or do you have other projects (not photos) that use silhouettes, like a card, or a layout?

Submit it to the #CorelChallenge

Let's show the world what we can do with PSP (and not just photography)!

Check out the collage i made for the Create Magic with PSP class. I posted it on that #CorelChallenge thread. Now it is your turn.

And if you want to create your own silhouette, there is a brief tutorial in the Campus HERE.