
New script – Hammered Metal


Hammered metal script for Paintshop ProIf you like jewelry, you will love this script to create gold or silver elements.

You will get a hammered texture on your piece based on the black and white design you will start with: the white area will be hammered while the black area will stay smooth.

What can you create? You can use any design so your element can be any shape and any size. You can create tags, coins, word plates, frames and more.

Get this script in the store: Hammered Metal

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Hammered silver live event tagsAs a free sample, I created some "tags" illustrating some common life events (first day of school, first car, graduation, new baby, new house, trip/retirement) that you can use for your various projects.

Each element is 500 pixels so you can size them down to fit your need.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Playdough

Playdough texture script for Paintshop ProAs a child, you likely have played with playdough (or plasticine). You must have created textures, poked your finger in it, rolled it to make snakes and used cookie cutters to create various shapes.

Now, with this script, you can replicate that fun effect with any shape and color (even multicolored elements).

The script will generate a texture based on a texture tile but also a random array of settings, making each run create a slightly different texture.

You can choose one of 4 thickness, which will be more appropriate with the size of the project, or the size of the individual element.

The script will even add a drop shadow on a separate layer. If you like that shadow, just keep it. If you prefer to add your own, you can do so too.

Get this script in the store: Playdough.

What kind of designs would you create with this script? Would you write text? Create long and twisted "snakes"? cut out shapes? Tell me in the comments below. I'll pick a winner and will announce it next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Playdough alphabetFor a sampler, I created a "hand drawn" alphabet for you. I used three fall colors.

Since several letters were created with overlapping segments, the drop shadows were added to each of them.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

What project will you crate with those?

New script – Ice Texture

Ice Texture script for Paintshop ProAlthough it is summer, you probably have some winter photos that you need to enhance with some icy elements.

With this script, you can convert any shape into an icy element. You can choose simple elements, arrows, frames, or even convert an alpha of your choice into a cold one.

The script will take the shape of your element, whether it is a raster or a vector layer, and work on a copy of it, so it won't affect your original. The end result will be a bit translucent to simulate real ice that lets you see through, somehow.

Due to a random feature integrated into the script, you will get a slightly different ice texture every time, even if you use the same shape to start with.

You can get this script in the store: Ice Texture

What element or shape would you convert to ice? Tell me in the comments below for a chance to win this script. The winner will be announced, next week, in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Icy AlphaHow about an icy title? Check out this fun alpha i created with this script. To make it simple, i just typed in my alphabet on a 3600x3600 pixels image. I used a 350 pixels size, and a kerning setting of 300 to space out each letter. Then, i ran the Alpha Sheet Separator 2 script to create individual files from each letter.

Each letter of this set is 325 pixels high.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

So, what layout will you do using this alpha?

Show us your masterpiece by posting it on our PSP Scrapbook Showcase pinboard on Pinterest. If you don't have access to pin on that board, just send me an email so i can grant you that access.


New script – Granite


Granite can be used in many ways, and although the first thing might be tombstones, it is still a material that has other associations. Imagine making a path with irregular shape stones. Or maybe you have a stone wall and would like to simulate a date engraved in it.

Whatever the theme you are working on, you can use one of those three granite texture to turn any shape into a permanent, and solid element!

You can have a light grey, a dark grey or a pink granite. Use any shape you want. Add an outline, or another detail to engrave or keep it plain.

Perfect to turn letters and shapes into granite element, but you can also use a simple shape and then engrave the letters or designs in it.

You can get this script in the store: Granite script.

As for a giveaway, as usual, leave a comment below, and tell me what element would you create using this script? I will be back next week with the name of a winner.

cass-Granite-DigitsTo give you a taste of what this script can do, i created a set of digits on a simple ellipse shape. I chose the option to add design/text on it, to engrave the digits. And i left you a blank one, just in case you wanted to do something else with it. With those digits, you should be able to put a date, or a year, or a birthday number.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New Script – Worn & Glow


Everyone likes a little distressed look on some project once in a while. The proof is that there are lots of filters one can purchase to create that look. With this script in Paintshop Pro, you can create a distressed look on any line drawing with just a few clicks. You get to choose if you want a little bit of distress, or a lot or something in-between. In addition, since there is a random feature integrated inside the code, you will get a slightly different distressed pattern for every run.

Many years ago, i bought a kind of a gel pen (probably among the first kinds) and the ink seemed to include some “oil” that would seep out of the ink giving a colored glow around where i would draw. Kind of a neat effect that i added to this script, as an option.

So you can get the distressed look with or without a colored glow around and if you want the glow, you also pick the color.

Although the script works best with line drawing, you can definitely apply it to a photo or another element like a drawn embellishment.

Don’t waste your time trying to use the eraser tool all over your design, grab this time saving Worn & Glow script.

Do you want a chance to win this script? I am sure you do! Simply answer the simple question in the Happy Place thread HERE and one winner will be picked next week.

cass-Worn&Glow-sample-DaysWhat would you want to get this week, as a sampler? I thought you might be tired of alphas (although that was my first idea when i was thinking of a sample), so i created some labels. Whether you are doing a project 365 or not, sometimes, you might want to add the days of the week to your layout. That is why i created those day tags. I just used the distressed part of the script and didn’t add any glow. I am also including a blank tag so you can add a date or something else (even unrelated to the days of the week).

Each tag is about 750 pixels wide so they are large enough to be used in full size layout, but they are also easy to size down if you want them more discrete on your project.

You can use them on chore charts, calendar, to-do lists, etc.


You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Did you grab the set of digits as a free sampler last week? You can still go get it in the post right below this one. And there is the matching LOWERCASE alpha that was available in the newsletter last week. Did you get it? This week, the matching UPPERCASE alpha will be linked, FREE, in the newsletter.

Subscribe to the store newsletter HERE to get it (and you can always go back one issue to grab the matching lowercase alpha too… shhh).


How about a coupon for the store? Are you interested? Give me your suggestions for future products in the store (scripts, fonts, tubes, etc.) in THIS BLOGPOST. I got several emails with suggestions, but if you post them in the comments of that blog post, those suggestions will count as entries for the random draw. That means, the more suggestions you give, the more entries you get. Who doesn’t like a coupon for a free product?

And while you are there, click on the FB Like button so you can share with your friends. They might have good ideas too. And remember, if they add suggestions, it means there will be more coupons drawn, which will increase your chance to win too!

Corduroy sampler


Did you think i had forgotten about a sample this week? I guess i was just not quick enough. I didn’t know what kind of sampler would be useable and then, i thought of one pair of pants i had to patch/customize for my daughter and when i asked her what design she would like, she said “mushrooms”. So i figured that if a mushroom appliqué was interesting for her, it might suit you too so here is my sampler for this week.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

The appliqué is about 900 x 900 pixels and the texture was created using the Corduroy script. Looking at it closely, you can get an idea of what the script can do (all three designs).


New script – Corduroy texture


Remember those pants you had in corduroy? or maybe some furniture upholstered with corduroy fabric? This script will let you recreate those textures using any color, gradient, pattern, or even photos. Maybe you never saw a corduroy-ed photo, but you can do it with Paintshop Pro and this script now!

This is a simple script that lets you choose the design, and the width of the “wales”. So in the end, you have 12 different options for texture, but since you can apply it to just about anything, the possibilities are endless.

You can find this script in my stores: Creation Cassel and DigiScrapWarehouse.

And for a chance to win this script, go add your name to the RAK thread, here, and tell me of one thing you have that is made of corduroy.

Denim sampler

cass-denim-pocketDo you need a basic denim pocket? here is one for you, for free.

This download includes one pocket, and two appliques, so you can use the pocket with either one, or with your own. All the elements are done using the Denim Texture Script available in my stores.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Denim texture – new script

cass-denimWhether you want to make a denim ribbon, a jean pocket, or apply a photo to a denim hand bag, this script will allow all those fantasies. It will turn ANYTHING into a denim element. You can create a denim "paper", a denim "ribbon", a denim "clipart", you name it!

It is compatible with PSP version 8 and up.

Check them in my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital and A Cherry on Top

But there is more. Do you want to get this script for FREE? head over to DST and add your name to this thread. There will be one winner announced Sunday night.

Felt presets for PSP

Here they are. I was able to release 4 sets of presets to create wonderful felt textures using PSP. No more looking at Photoshop Styles and wishing we can use them. WE HAVE THE SAME. Of course, you cannot go and download PS Styles and use them as is, but I will try to provide you with some of them, as designers allow.

Check out what is available.

cass-felt-preset1 cass-felt-preset2

cass-felt-preset3 cass-felt-preset4

They can be purchased at any of my stores and they are on sale over the weekend.

Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Scraphead, Divine Digital

And if you want a chance to win one of those sets, hop over to DST, in this thread and add your name.