This new script will allow you to cut any photo into pieces for an interesting layout. You will have many options. You can have each small pieces with or without a border. If you want a border, you have three thickness to choose from AND you obviously get to choose the color too. Although white is kind of standard in color choice, you can pick ANY color, or even a gradient or a pattern for a really original effect. Once the photo is split into pieces, you can have each one only moved, or rotated, or a combinaison of both. More choices than that too as you can have the pieces left flat on the page or slightly curved. Each run of the script will give a different result even if you use the same settings; that is because there is a randomized function built into that script. Check them out in my stores.
New scripts – Fence and Knit texture
Last week, i released, on its own, the fence script that was part of my first grab bag, back in December. This script gives the user many options. You could make a 3600 pixels long fence and in the process of running the script, you can choose between 6 different woods, 4 different board shapes, 3 different cutouts in the top of the boards or no cutout, and finally, you can choose to have all the boards even on top or in a wavy pattern. That gives you a total of 192 possible fences. See what you could do with such a script.
Guyloup did a nice montage with this script.
And how about knitting some mittens, scarves or other warm objects? With the knit texture script will give you that opportunity. In fact, every time you run the script, you will get a different pattern. The end result is a 400 x 400 pixels seamless tile, giving you the possibility to floodfill any surface or even a whole paper. Create a grey tile and import it as a texture for future use too. This script was also part of the December Grab Bag.
New script – Twill tape
This week, the newest script in my collection will let you create a 14 inches long twill tape. As usual, with my scripts, you get to choose the color for your ribbon. You can choose a gradient or a pattern, but I think that a solid color will usually give a better result. You don't have to limit yourself to a traditional white or off-white color, but go wild and use more vibrant colors. After all, you want to coordinate with something else. Of course, those neutral colors can still be very useful, but think outside the box and try other colors.
The script is available in the store: Twill Tape
Stamp it !
Did you ever dream of being famous enough to see your face printed on a stamp? Or maybe you want to commemorate a specific event? Well, you can do just that with this script. And not only one stamp, but a whole sheet of stamps too! You can have a sheet of 4, or a sheet of 64, and just about anything in between. What do you think of that idea? If you like the idea, you can check out any of my stores as it is available at Creation Cassel.
See what Guyloup has made with that script. Isn't that neat? And after you have a whole sheet of stamps, you can cut out a number of them and create a very original presentation.