
Stray pixel catcher – a review


Did you know about this designer tool?

One customer just added a review for it. I think she likes it!

"This makes catching stray pixels so easy that I am using it every time I do an image or element. I am the one who something always goes wrong with scripts or actions, but this one has never failed me. It is a very useful tool and should be in every digital scrappers box of goodies."  Dianne Parham

parallel lines – new script


This script will certain help you to quickly create base patterns for papers. You can make full size papers (3600x3600) or smaller size (1000x1000). Create zigzags, scallops or waves, of draw your own shape. Choose the colors you want the script to use (from 1 to 6). Choose the thickness of the lines, or let them go randomly. Choose if you want randomly picked colors, or regularly placed. Many other variations and options are yours to decide.

The possibilities are endless, and with the randomized function included in the script, even with the same settings, you can get different looks.

This script is available at Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers.

If you want a chance to win this script, check out this thread at DST and add your name.

Gingham and argyle sampler


Get these 6 tiles made with the Gingham and Argyle script. All the tiles were generated starting with the palette shown, so they would all match together. Maybe some Christmas kit or layout? Show me what you do with those!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Gingham and Argyle – New script


Do you like to create some fun designs for papers, either for your kits or for your layout? This script will do that in just a few seconds. Provide the colors you want to use (from 3 to 6), and the script will generate random combinaisons for Gingham or Argyle. Some combos might not look the best, but others might surprise you. Generate between 5 and 10 tiles at the same time. If you like the tiles you get, save them or use them. If you dont like them, delete them and run the script again. It's that simple!

Get this script at either of my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital or ACOT.

And for a chance to win this script, hop over to DST forum and add your name to the thread.

See what Guyloup did with this script:


Dots and Diamonds – New script

cass-dotsndiamondsDo you sometimes find it tedious to choose a color combinaison, make a tile to then make a paper when you create a kit? This script will save you a lot of time. Provide the script with 3 to 6 colors from your favorite palette, and you can produce up to 10 different tiles using those colors. The script will randomly generate them but using YOUR input: dots or diamonds? single or multiple? blurred or sharp. Use the gererated tiles to floodfill your paper (or other element) using the scale you want and the rotation you want. Save the tiles you like (for future use), delete those you dont like or run the script again. It takes just a few seconds.

Available at Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, A Cherry on Top.

And you can go at DST add your name to this thread for a chance to win this script!

Denim texture – new script

cass-denimWhether you want to make a denim ribbon, a jean pocket, or apply a photo to a denim hand bag, this script will allow all those fantasies. It will turn ANYTHING into a denim element. You can create a denim "paper", a denim "ribbon", a denim "clipart", you name it!

It is compatible with PSP version 8 and up.

Check them in my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital and A Cherry on Top

But there is more. Do you want to get this script for FREE? head over to DST and add your name to this thread. There will be one winner announced Sunday night.

new script – Paper cutout


Use any shape, color, size, design, and run the script. You also get to choose how long you want the garland to be (up to 8000 pixels). The script will then create that nice cutout effect where all the pieces touch each other to make a long garland.

The script will also create a matching template (same size, same shape) in greyscale in two open layers: one for the "paper" and one for the "folds".

Works with PSP 8 and up

Creation Cassel,  Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital


Have  a look at what Guyloup did with this script.

Now, best for last. If you want a chance to get this script FREE, hop over at DST, and add your name to this thread. A random winner will be chosen Sunday night.

Quality Check Utility – New script

cass-quality-check-scriptWith all the focus on quality control of products in the store, this script can be a real time saver and maybe a business saver too.

This little program will not turn a bad product into a good one (i wish) but it will help with the Quality Control. In fact, it will perform several tasks for you:

1- it will check for any excess space around a png element. If there is some, it will trim it.

2- it will check for the resolution of all the png and jpg files. If the resolution is under 300 dpi, it will correct it for you.

3- it will check for gif files. Knowing that some customers are annoyed with extra blinkies that add files and weight, store owners might want to check if they are included or not. The script will not do anything to the files, but will at least let you know.

4- it will generate a QualityCheck.txt file for you that will be a report of all the files checked, whether they were ok or if they needed changes. This report can be useful to document the feedback you will give the designers. It will give you how much trimming was needed, or what was the incorrect initial resolution. That might help troubleshoot some recurring problems with some elements.

You can use this script on a single image, open in PSP, or you can use the batch process mode to check a whole folder at once.

This script is available at Creation Cassel,

One store owner tested this script, and here is what she said:

Excellent tool for all digital scrapbooking store owners, quality check team and even designers. In a few minutes you can have all checked and sure about is under the quality standards! Brilliant! Marta Pavluk , designer and store owner

Tulle lace script

cass-tulle-laceThis script will convert ANY solid shape into a tulle lace. As usual with my scripts, you are given many choices to create that tulle. You get 3 sizes for the edge (or no edge at all), 5 sizes for the mesh,  4 choices of colors (including 2 greys to colorise later), then you also have the choice of the default texture or your own. All in all, that makes for a pretty versatile script, dont you think?

Now what could you use this script for? create a frame, make a mat, copy a cutout shape, draw a star, butterfly wings, hearts, etc.

Get this script at any of my stores:

Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital.

Also get a chance to win it here.