A while ago, i saw some of those old fashioned curtains made of glass beads. I thought i could make a script to create those but i ran into various problems with it and decided to put it on the back burner for a while. Last week, Connie posted on our Facebook page the suggestion to create this exact same element, so i brought it back to the front burner and kept working at it. It must have worked because i figured out how to get all i wanted into it.
This is how this Bead curtain script for Paintshop Pro was born. This script will allow you to use ANY picture tube and make vertical lines of it. Obviously, the most comment tubes you will be using are going to be beads, right? Well, probably, but you can also use chains, drops, flowers, gems, and more. For a fun Halloween curtain, you can even use strings of bugs! I am sure it would make a fantastic background for some Halloween theme layouts!
The script offers many options. The length of the strings and the width of the “curtain” will be determined by the size of your image, so you can work directly onto your current project, or make a smaller one on the side. You can have all the strings of the same length, or in random length, or even in a triangular pattern (check the sampler, below). You determine how many strings you want, how spaced the elements will be, and you can also have individual elements all of the same size or randomly sized. You can use directional tubes (like chains and ropes), but also tubes that need to be used in sequence (like always 5 small ones and 1 big one), or totally randomly.
You can grab this script in my store at Creation Cassel.
You can also add your name to this thread for a chance to win it, as usual. So what are you waiting for?
I am sure you will LOVE this free sample i made for you. I used one of my bead tubes and ran it on a 600x2000 pixels image asking for a triangular shape bottom. Then, i used that tile to flood fill a 3600x2000 image to get that chevron effect at the bottom. Isn’t that lovely? You can use it as a background for something fancy, or formal, or maybe a wedding page, or Christmas layout. What will you use it for? This is a png format, so anyone can use it.
The beads are slightly uneven to give it more depth and life.
You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.
>>> New in the store
As you know, i specialize in Paintshop Pro scripts. However, i regularly get requests from Adobe users asking if i could convert my scripts so they could use them in Photoshop or Photoshop Element. Well, i decided to take the plunge and get a few chosen scripts to be made into actions (or scripts) so that more people could enjoy creating custom elements for their kits, layouts or other projects.

Today, i am making this action available to you. It is a first. I do not have a set schedule of how often Adobe-compatible products will be released in the store. When it happens, i will tell you in here, and in my newsletter.
This action will let you create a custom license plate that you can match to any kit, layout, theme that you want. Aren’t the samples in the preview lovely? Thanks to Michelle and Jenn for those! If you want to get this action, simply head over to my store HERE to buy it. Just like my regular PSP products, it is on sale for 25% off over the weekend, so hurry!
Get it HERE.
News from the Campus
Did you have a look at the latest workshop recording in the campus? It is about Customizing your PSP workspace. It is free to watch it, so go have a look over there.
Watch it
This weekend, we will also have a fun brand new activity. I am all excited about it and the more people join, the more fun it will be, and the more everyone will bring home afterward.
Because of the annoying “time zones issues”, there are 2 meetings planned, so it is more than likely that one of them will be accessible for you, in YOUR time zone.
Those meetings are called VIDEO SPEED SCRAP. It is probably not the best name for it, and it is surely going to change, but i didn’t find anything better for now. It will be a VIDEO meeting. Nothing to do with a webcam, so don’t worry about your hairdo or makeup. You can come in your pyjama if you want, nobody will see. The VIDEO part is about sharing your screen. As we meet and work (yes, YOU will work too), we will share screen of what everyone is doing. Sharing screen is NOT mandatory, if you prefer not to, but it will be available to all.
The VIDEO SPEED SCRAPS will take place on Sunday, July 22nd. (and they are NOT software specific so everyone can join in)
- The first one is on ALPHA. We will be making MONOGRAMS based on one single kit that you will get to download just before the meeting. Everyone will work on different monograms, but using the same palette, the same theme and maybe the same base material, but i can promise you that everyone will be doing something VERY different! The meeting for the ALPHA will be at 10 am Eastern time zone. Register here.
- The second one will be on TEMPLATES. We will all create a different template based on some identical elements, and some specific instructions. At the end, everyone will be able to get a set of templates from what each participant created. As you see, the more people who join, the more templates we’ll get. It is a bit like a template exchange, but with a twist. And again, we will allow everyone to share their screen during the meeting. This meeting will be held at 9 pm Eastern time zone. Register here.
Finally, as the month of July nears the end, our Anniversary celebration also will be closing soon. As a last offer to you, both the Basic Scrap course and the Element Creation tutorials course are currently on sale. This is a great offer, and it will last until July 31st. Check them out.
Basic Scrap Course Element Creation Tutorials
See you in the Campus!