
New script – Brush Frame

Although you can place brush imprints easily along the edge of an image, it is not always easy to make it EVEN on all sides.

This is what the script will do, taking care of all the calculations for you. You can get different options for colors, width, and whether you want the borders to be single or double.

Get this script in the store: Brush Frame

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what theme would use for your first frame (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sample, I created three holiday-related frames of different formats: square 3600x3600 pixels, and rectangular 2100x1500 and 1500x2100 pixels with different holiday brush tips.

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New Script – Stamped

You can get the look of stamped letters, digits, and shapes in just a few clicks. You can create a single element or a whole series for a themed project.

You can use a solid color, a gradient, or a pattern and it will maintain the original color. Run it on raster or vector shapes.

Get it in the store: Stamped

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what theme would go well with a stamped effect (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sample, I created a full alphabet in orange color, perfect for Halloween. Each letter is about 500 pixels in height and in PNG format so it will show the background color of any paper or project.

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New script – Hand Drawn Chevron

It might not be hard to draw chevrons by hand, but it is tedious... very tedious.

This script will use some of 40 different hand drawn patterns to create that effect for you. You can also choose a color palette with up to 8 colors for a unique result that will suit your project or your photo.

It will generate a large seamless tile that you can then use as a fill pattern for any image.

Get this in the store: Hand Drawn Chevron

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us if you have ever hand drawn chevrons in PSP (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sample, I created two seamless tiles with Halloween colors. Each tile is in PNG format so you can add whatever background color you want on it.

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New script – Travel Tag 4

You don't have to limit yourself to boring, simplistic, or ready-made tags when you want something customizable.

This script will create a travel tag that you can customize with any color/gradient/pattern you want, and any text to showcase dates, events, people, locations, etc.

Get this script in the store: Travel Tag 4

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what you would write in the center, if it has only a maximum of 8 characters allowed (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For samples, I created 12 tags for the months of the year. Each one has a different color that matches the month. I used solid colors so you CAN brush over any section with the brush tool if you want to erase some text and replace it with something else. Each tag is in png and if you are doing traditional scrapbooking, you could even print and cut them.

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New script – Multiple Confetti

You can create scattered confetti with any image using the Custom Confetti script. But what if you want to use images in different colors, or in different shapes? Of course, you can create one for each but when you will scatter them on your project, they will not "mix" as natually since they will be layered by type.

This script will combine different images together to create a single set of picture tube. You can use completely different images, but you can also use the same image/shape in different colors.

Get this script: MultipleConfetti

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us if you do use confetti in your projects (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sample, I used three spider webs and ran the script. I didn't choose to vary the brightness because I wanted them all in white. You can change the Step value if you want the scattering to be denser or lighter.

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New Picture Tube – Crochet Lace Edge 7

More crochet laces for you to decorate your projects. Create them in any length you need, and colorize them in any color you want to match your project.

There is now a total of 35 crochet edge tubes available in the store, so you can create a wide variety of frames, edges, clusters, etc. And you can use different scripts to create square/rectangular or circular frames.

Get this set in the store: Crochet Lace Tubes 7

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us how many of the previous 6 sets of crochet laces do you have (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) We will announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For this freebie, I used a long lace and created a square frame by manually "mitering" the corners. I needed to do it manually to make those corner look realistic.

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New script – Masks Library

This script will create a visual catalogue of all the masks that are available in your PSP. Whatever folders you have listed under the File Location, they will be scanned for any compatible masks (they can be in many file formats). Once done, it will place a copy of each of those masks on a page, along with the path of the individual folders.

Beware that if you have lots of masks, it might take a while. The script will warn you if it finds more than 200. That will give you the opportunity to change some paths in the File Location, if you find "too many".

Get this script: Masks Library

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what supplies in your PSP you wish you had a catalogue of (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sampler, this is the time of year where you might have some autumn projects. I have created a wood fence with fall color vines on it. The fence is 4000 pixels long and in PNG format so it can be used in most graphic programs.

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New script – Broken

Although it is easy enough to create a broken effect on text, it can be tedious and not as interesting when you need to do it randomly. The script will do all the work for you in just a few seconds. If you don't like the result, run it again as you will get a different result every time.

The end result will be on unmerged layers, so you can rearrange them if you want, but they will also be grouped to make it easy for you to copy and paste onto your next project while maintaining the layers.

Get this script in the store: Broken

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us word would you associate with a "broken" appearance (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sample, I created four words that were run through that script. All four words are "accident-related" and in greyscale for you to color. They are in PNG format, so you can use them in a variety of programs.

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New script – Scribbles 3

Scribbled designs can be associated with kids' projects, back-to-school themes, and most. You can turn any shape, letter, or digit into a scribbled design. You also have many options to create different types of scribbles. You can choose the density, the outline, the color. Furthermore, there is randomness in various settings so you will always get a slightly different result every time you run the script, even with the same chosen options.

Get this script: Scribbles 3

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what theme could you use these scribbles with (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sample, I created a set of 10 digits in greyscale with similar settings. You can colorize those digits however you want to match your project. Each digit is almost 500 pixels high.

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New script – Photo Corners

Photo corners are probably one of the most traditional ways to fasten a photo to a page. With the digital era, those fasteners were not long NEEDED,  but we can still pretend we use them.

They are fairly easy to make but using a script will speed up the process and allow you to generate several sets (yes, with four corners) very quickly. Use any color palette and the script will combine the colors, the shapes, and the designs for those corners.

Keep the ones you like and discard the others.

Get this script: Photo Corners

To win this product, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us if you ever used photo corners in a layout (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sampler, I used the color palette from the June bog train on DigitalScrapbook.com. You get 6 sets of corners. They are available in .PspImage format (where the four corners are on separate layers) and in PNG format (where you will have to cut them out separately).

Check out the other resources available in this blog train.

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