
Knot #2 script

cass_knot2This script will give you the opportunity to use your own ribbon to create a knot, or if you want to start from scratch, you will get prompted to provide your choice of color/sgradients/patterns
to make a 3600 pixels long ribbon. So you can end up with ONE ribbon and ONE matching knot to embellish your page or complete your kit. At the end of script you will also have the choice of merging all the layers or leave them only linked in case you want to insert decorative element inside the knot.

This script has been tested with versions 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

As usual, this script is available at all my stores and it is 25% until Sunday, Jan 25th.

See what Guyloup did with this script. cass-knot2_01