
New script – Beads Maker 4

Decorated beads script for PaintShop ProAnother script will allow you to create a variety of decorated beads. This time, the beads will be a slightly different shape than the previous scripts. Furthermore, you can create monochrome beads in addition to the duotone ones. Different rotations will be associated with the correct bevel and shadows to give a more realistic effect.

You can create up to 15 beads in one run using up to 6 colors. The script will randomly combine those colors. Keep the beads you like and discard the others.

Get this script in the store: Beads Maker 4

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what other shape beads you would like to see (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Decorated beads in PNG formatFor a sampler, I used the same color palette as for the previous freebies for the Beads Maker 1 and the Beads Maker 2. This way, you will have a total of 45 matching beads to play with and create a variety of elements.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Check the matching freebies HERE and HERE.

New Picture Tubes – Colored Pearls

Colored pearls picture tubes for PaintShop ProYou can create gold and silver chains with various picture tubes available in the store, and now, you can add colored pearls to your jewelry box.

You get 12 sets of pearls, and each set includes 20 slightly different images so that a string of pearls won't be just multiple copies of the exact same image. Place them manually with your cursor or use the VectorTube script to place them precisely along a vector path.

Get them in the store: Colored Pearls

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what would be your favorite color for pearls, if you could choose any (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Pearl digits in PNG formatFor a sampler, I created a set of digits using the red pearls. Each digit is about 550 pixels high, so you can resize them as needed.

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New script – Beads Maker 3

Beads Maker script for PaintShop ProYou can now create as many beads as you want to perfectly match your project, and in a short time.

You can pick up to 10 colors and the script will combine them to create gradients that will be unique to each bead. Generate up to 25 beads per run of the script. Keep the ones you like, discard the others. Use those beads to embellish alphas, frames, tags, or string them together (just make sure you don't rotate them too much or the light spot will become inconsistent with the rest of your project).

Get this script: Beads Maker 3

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us whether you have used the other two Beads Maker scripts (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Translucent glass beads in png formatFor a sampler, I used the color palette from the June Blog train at DigitalScrapbook.com and created 15 beads. Each bead is 200 pixels in diameter. You can collect other supplies in the Blog Train in this thread.

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New script – Beads Maker 2

Beads Maker script for PaintShop ProCreating delicate beads in the color scheme that you want can be challenging.

This script allows you to choose up to 6 colors in your palette and it will combine them two by two, in a gradient, along with a random texture. Then, the designs on them will be picked, at random (among 3 possible designs) and tweaked to make each bead different.

Get it in the store: Beads Maker 2

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling whether you use beads in your projects (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Decorated BeadsI used the same color palette as for the sample of this freebie and ran the script. This means that those beads will coordinate perfectly with the other 15, and you can use them together.

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New script – Beads Maker

Beads Maker script for PaintShop ProYou can now create your own beads to perfectly match your project.

This script will randomly generate up to 15 beads using a color palette of up to 6 colors. Each bead will have a fine design on it and every bead will be slightly different.

Beads will range from 150 to 300 pixels in length.

Get this script in the store: Beads Maker script

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling how you tend to use beads in your projects (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Decorated beads in png formatAs a sample, I created a set of 15 beads using a single color palette (which is included in the zip file).

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New script – Metal Beads

Meteal Beads script for PaintShop ProBeads can come in all shapes and colors and if you want to use them in your project, you might want to write messages or titles with them. What will you write?

This script will create the beads for you, using any font you want (although some fonts will yield better results than others) and you can choose to have gold, silver or bronze beads. If you want to have something other than alpha-numerical characters, you can choose to have a custom design too.

Get this script in the store: Metal Beads

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us which metal you prefer (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Metal beads in png formatAs a sampler, I ran the script to create gold beads using Oswald as a font. I find it is bold and simple enough to make it easy to read. You will get the full alphabet.

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New script – Marble Beads

PaintShop Pro script to create marble beadsYou can easily create solid color beads with the Balls and Bubbles effect, but in order to add a random marble texture to those solid colors, you need to add a few more steps.

This is what this script will do with any color you want to use. You can use gradients too (and even patterns if you want) to create your beads. The script will add a new marble texture for every bead so every one of them would end up being totally unique even if you are using a single color to start with.

Get this script in the store: Marble Beads

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what color(s) you would like to use to create these beads (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Marble beadsAs a freebie, I am sharing the pink beads that I created for the preview. With Mother's Day coming in May for parts of the world (I know, in UK it is already passed), you can create something for that special woman in your life. Just save the .pspTube file in your Picture Tubes and it will show up for you.

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New tubes – Seed Beads 3

Seed Beads picture tubes for PaintShop ProSeed beads are fun elements that can be used to add some pizzazz to a project, but adding them one by one is quite tedious if you want to have a lot of them. And if you are looking for "ready-made" sprays, they might not match the color you want, the size you want or the shape you want. But using these picture tubes, you simply have to drag your cursor where you want the beads and they will just appear.

And if you want a continuous string of beads, you can also do that by using the directional version of one of those 6 colors.

Get them in the store: Seed Beads 3

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us whether you would more likely use the random tubes or the directional ones (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Mom Mum charms in gold and silverSince it is Mother's Day (in North America) this coming Sunday, I created these two gold and silver charms for a special mother in your life. I created in two different spellings to accommodate different ways people call that special woman. The charms are about 1500 pixels, so they can be sized down as needed to fit your project.

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New script – Cube beads

Cube beads script for Paintshop ProThere are various ways to add letters or digits or fun symbols on a project. If you were a traditional paper scrapbooker, you might actually use some small beads, and you can do the same with Paintshop Pro.

This script will create various cubic shape beads with your choices of settings. You can choose the color of the bead, the color and the font for the text, the direction of the beads, the custom design you want to add.

Each bead will be about 300 pixels wide so you can easily resize them to fit your project. You can "thread" the beads if you want with any string (including some from the store). If you need to thread a bead facing left or right, just add a "hole" with the brush tool where the string would enter.

Get this script in the store: Cube-Beads script.

For a chance to win this script (or a future new release), tell me what message you would write using cube beads. Would it be a single word? a short phrase? a date? Tell me in the comments below and i will pick a winner next week to be announced in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Cube beads with digits in PNG formatAs a way for you to sample the result of running this script, i created a set of digits (with a hyphen and a blank) beads. I made them neutral white so you can use them in just about any project to write a date. I used a rope tube from this set to "attach" the beads on the bottom, and rotated the beads slightly to match the string curve (I find it easier to draw the curved string first and adjust the bead orientation than the reverse).

You can use those to write a date or any other number you need (the address of your new home, the year for a birthday, the date on a calendar, etc.)

What can you write with those digits?

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Paintshop Christmas

PaintshopChristmas-400Join us tomorrow, December 6th, for our monthly live presentation.

We will look at various projects you can do with Paintshop Pro. I already got a few interesting suggestions for projects i will illustrate and demonstrate. Come and add yours too.

Attending is always FREE, and you get the chance to ask questions, comment, and chat with the other attendees.


Remember that you can promote this presentation to your friends, in a Facebook group, in forums where you hand out, etc. The more we are, the merrier it will be!

New tubes — Seed Beads 2


This week, i am bringing you some more beads, but this time, they are opaque, and in a softer palette.

You get those bead spills at your fingertip as you can just draw with your mouse and the beads will be spilled along that path. No need to click dozens or hundreds of times to have that many beads on your project.

You get 5 colors: ivory, rose, plum, emerald and aqua. And you get two sets for each: one to spray the beads all around and one to have regular strings of beads. And you also get one set of multicolored bead spray.

Do you want more colors? Keep an eye on the store as more are coming.

You can grab this set of Opaque Seed Beads picture tubes in my store. Sorry PS users, but this is unique to PSP!

cass-SeedBeads2-SampleAs a free sample, this week, i decided to use these tubes in a different way than last week.

I opted to create a locket. How did i do it? Simple:

- i created a vector heart shape and used a gold tile as an outline and no fill. That outline was then converted to a raster and added a bevel.

- with a copy of the same vector shape, i set it for a solid fill and no outline. Once i converted it to a raster, i ran the Colored Acrylic script to give that particular “glass” look (even if i used only the plain one without any color).

- on separate layers, i sprayed pink and read seed beads. I reduced the step value so the beads would be closers, and i used several layers of beads so i could add a drop shadow on each layer.

- i deleted any extra bead that ended up outside the locket.

- finally, i added a chain with the Gold Chains directional tube.


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