
new script – Paper Cutout 2


When i was a kid, i used to take papers of different size and fold them to then cut out along the folds. I was making “snowflakes”, even though they were usually not folded in 6. We had that activity in arts and crafts class pretty well every year. I learned that regular writing papers were not square so i always had to cut off a piece to make my craft (what a waste).

Whether you want to use lined paper to simulate those school projects (not done in art classes) or really plain colored construction papers, or using a patterned paper from a kit, there is no limit.

Start with any paper, and run the script It will take care of the not-so-square papers, it will fold it (or pretend) according to what you ask, and you will have the chance to cut out any design you want, with any tool you like. Use the eraser tool or the selection tool. That is up to you.

Cut sections along the “folds” or the outer edge, or snip the center (you surely did that when you made your “snowflakes”). Once you are done, the script will unfold your piece and reveal the whole design (you might be surprised too). And furthermore, it will add creases to your masterpiece exactly where it WAS folded for a more realistic look. The creases are on a separate layer so you can tweak their opacity depending on the color or pattern of your paper.

You can get this script in my store: Creation Cassel.

cass-PaperCutout2-sampleAnd if you want a chance to win it, check out this thread, and tell me what theme would work well with this script. I will be back on Monday to announce a winner.


I used a couple of “school” papers to cut some more “snowflakes”. But in fact, they dont look like snowflakes at all. If you are crafty, you can surely create some very intricate designs and turn those “snowflakes” into doilies! These two elements are about 900 pixels wide in png format. They don’t match only “kid” kits!


You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

News from the Campus


scraphappierWe had the draw on Sunday night for a free registration to LOAD213. Andrea was our winner, and she already started her month-long challenge. She said she loved the idea of a challenge as it will give her a little more incentive to scrap. Even more, i asked her to keep us updated on her activities and she already did her first layout, and we are the first of the month! I guess she is right on track!

Did you register for LOAD213? How are you doing with it?


Photo-Graphic with PSP

We will have our monthly live presentation on Sunday (it should be right before the SuperBowl for those of you who are fans). There is still time to register. We will look at how we can turn a regular photo into something else: a watercolor piece, a cartoon, a sketch, and maybe more (time permitting).

Sunday, Feb 3rd, at 5pm Eastern Time zone.

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