Folded ribbon #3 - PSP script


Use any ribbon of yours to create an interesting zigzag pattern. You only have to provide a 600 x 100 pixels piece of ribbon and the script will do the rest, copying the image enough to generate a 12 inches long pattern. You can even use a directional pattern as the script will know to invert the pieces when needed. Once the ribbon is all folded, you get the option of adding a stitching, and if you choose it, then you get to pick the color of the thread. One other little detail is that the script will add a slight dimple in the ribbon if it is stitched. Just another element to add to the realism of the stitching.
You can use this script with any ribbon you want, even one you created using other of my scripts.
This script has been tested with versions 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Another added bonus: the script will have several messages to help you through the process and if you run a French version of PSP, the script will detect it and show all the messages also in French.

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