1,001 Words Album - PSP script


Do you like to create Word Albums? Do you do hybrid projects? This handy script will let you create the base for a word album with your choice of word, and mostly, your choice of font too. Yes, you can enter any word, and any font and the script will generate a layered image, with each letter-page on a separate layer. Of course, large, thick, bold letters work best, especially when you need to cut them out. The script will start the project at 1000 pixels high. You can use that size for a small album, a layered wish card (like in the preview), or let the script go to the next step and resize all the pages to 1800 pixels high (6 inches). Since it does require a lot of ressources, you have the option to go resize or not.

Use this script to create a template, a quickpage, a regular decorated page, a simple "blank" card to add handwritten notes on every page (makes a great idea for letting many people sign a card).

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 04 December, 2009.


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