If you use digital scrapbooking supplies, oftentimes, the designers will include their name and the kit name in the filename for each file they create. This is great when you want to know where this paper or that element came from. However, in some cases, it makes for very long filenames. Renaming those files one by one can be tedious. Using the Batch Rename in PaintShop Pro will allow you to ADD to the existing name, but not replace part of it.
This script will allow you to select whatever PREFIX you want to replace and by what. So you can replace the designer's name from [long-designer-name] to [name].
You can also size down the name of the kit if you want. So you can go from [designer-long-kit-name-here] to [designer-kit].
All the jpg and png files will be renamed for you.
Compatible with PSP9 and up.
This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 27 July, 2023.