Alpha Sheet Separator 2 - PSP Script


Are you struggling to create alphas with all the characters in individual files? Are you feeling stuck having to use a long process to separate all those characters, one by one, then save them with the proper name?

This script will automate this whole process for you.

Using one of the given templates, choose the font, the color, or the size for the alpha, and create it on a single sheet. Then, run the script to separate and save the individual characters. 

Unlike the Alpha Sheet Separator, this version will require you to draw lines to separate rows and columns of characters, however, it will allow the script to properly separate and name characters that include more than one part, like colons, question mark, quotation mark, or accented charaters too.

You can run this script on any size alpha.

Compatible with PSP8 and up.


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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 20 February, 2015.


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