Open A Copy - PSP Script

It's Free!

No more accidentally working on your original photo. No more auto-save that over-writes your original. No more auto-save that is not really saving since you were working on a never-before-saved image.

Save yourself a headache. For Paintshop Pro versions up to X3, the auto-save works only on previously saved image: if you never saved the image you are working on, the auto-save is useless to you; if you never duplicated the image you are working on, the auto-save can over-write your original (not good!).

A good habit to use for ANY Paintshop Pro versions, even if, starting with PSP X4, the auto-save works slightly differently.

Bind the script for an even faster process.

Works on photos, png elements, layered layouts, and layered templates. Automatically saves a "pspimage" format (keeping all the layers) in the same location as the original (you can move it later) with a "_copy" added to the name, so there is no confusion possible.

Compatible with PSP8 and up.

Even though this script is FREE, you still need to add it to your cart and go through the normal checkout.
You will not be charged for it.

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 15 February, 2013.


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