PSP Picture Tubes

Braided Trims - PSP Tubes

Braided Trims - PSP Tubes

Create your own decorative elements in any length and shape with these Paintshop Pro picture tubes. These picture tubes can be used to draw or trace...

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Chain Beads #1

Chain Beads #1

These picture tubes can be used to draw or trace any type of line, or shape, while creating a bead chain. Choose any of those 10 tubes. Draw around a...

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Chicken Wire - PSP tubes

Chicken Wire - PSP tubes

For all your farm theme projects or background needs, you can create these fences with chicken wires. You get 12 different "colors" of...

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Christmas Lights - PSP Tubes

Christmas Lights - PSP Tubes

How would you like to embellish your projects with some Christmas lights? How would you like to add any length of strings, in any shape? These...

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Christmas Strings - PSP Tubes

Christmas Strings - PSP Tubes

You can now decorate various projects with some Christmas strings, featuring bells, candy canes or stars in the main holiday colors. These are tubes...

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Colored Petals - Picture Tubes

Colored Petals - Picture Tubes

You can now spread petals all over your project if you want, or simply place a few here and there. These tubes will be added to your project simply...

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Fence Links - PSP Tubes

Fence Links - PSP Tubes

Do you want to use a wire fence as an element or a background for a particular project? Are you looking for the perfect fence, in the right size, the...

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Fringes - PSP Tubes

Fringes - PSP Tubes

These tubes will let you place vertical strands along a path or just with the movement of your cursor, to create a fringe. You get 12 different...

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Garlands #1 - Picture tubes

Garlands #1 - Picture tubes

Use these tubes to create garlands of any lenght, any size, and any shape. This set includes 15 tubes in Christmas colors: 4 golden garlands, 4 red...

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Garlands #2 - Picture tubes

Garlands #2 - Picture tubes

Use these tubes to create garlands of any lenght, any size, and any shape. This set includes 15 tubes in Halloween colors: 4 black garlands, 4 orange...

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Gimp Trims 1 - PSP tubes

Gimp Trims 1 - PSP tubes

Create your own edge trims in any length and shape with these Paintshop Pro picture tubes. These picture tubes can be used to draw or trace any...

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Gimp Trims 2 - PSP tubes

Gimp Trims 2 - PSP tubes

Create your own edge trims in any length and shape with these Paintshop Pro picture tubes. These picture tubes can be used to draw or trace any...

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Gold Chains - PSP picture tubes

Gold Chains - PSP picture tubes

These picture tubes can be used to draw or trace any type of line, or shape, while creating a chain. Choose any of those 10 tubes. Draw around a...

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Holiday Charms - PSP Tubes

Holiday Charms - PSP Tubes

For the holiday seasons, you can embellish your projects with simple charms on a chain. You get 5 separate picture tubes sets. For each one, you only...

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Leather Braids - PSP tubes

Leather Braids - PSP tubes

You don't need to rely on whatever element you find online and in stores; create your own decorative elements in any length and shape with these...

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LED lights - Picture tubes

LED lights - Picture tubes

Do you want some of those LED lights but can't find them in the shape or color you want? Check out this set of 10 picture tubes.  Just draw...

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Natural Ropes - PSP Picture Tubes

Natural Ropes - PSP Picture Tubes

These picture tubes can be used to draw or trace any type of line, or shape, while creating a rope. Choose any of those 12 tubes. Draw around a...

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Old Chains - PSP Tubes

Old Chains - PSP Tubes

These picture tubes can be used to draw or trace any type of line, or shape, while creating an old worn chain. Choose any of those 10 tubes. Draw...

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Pipe Cleaners - PSP tubes

Pipe Cleaners - PSP tubes

Children love to create shapes, flowers or monsters with these pipe cleaners, and adults can also use them in their scrapbooking layouts. These 12...

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Ropes #1 - PSP Picture tubes

Ropes #1 - PSP Picture tubes

These picture tubes can be used to draw or trace any type of line, or shape, while creating a rope. Choose any color or colorize if you prefer. Draw...

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Radial Shape - PSP Script
Radial Shape - PSP Script
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