Element scripts

Ribbon Banner - PSP Script

Ribbon Banner - PSP Script

You can now create your own banner with your own ribbons or strip of paper to match whatever project you have. This script will REALLY curve the...

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Ribbon Butterflies - PSP Script

Ribbon Butterflies - PSP Script

With this script, you can turn any straight ribbon into a fun butterfly. It will adjust the process for any thickness of the ribbon. You can use a...

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Ribbon Dragonflies - PSP Script

Ribbon Dragonflies - PSP Script

Do you have some summer or insect theme projects in the making? Adding a fun matching dragonfly would be perfect. This script will use any straight...

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Ribbon Factory - PSP Script

Ribbon Factory - PSP Script

Create a series of straight ribbons, based on your own color palette. Each ribbon will be 4000 pixels long but the thickness you decide, from 100 to...

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Ribbon Factory B - PSP Script

Ribbon Factory B - PSP Script

Create a series of straight ribbons, based on your own color palette. Each ribbon will be 4000 pixels long but the thickness you decide, from 100 to...

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Ribbon Factory C - PSP Script

Ribbon Factory C - PSP Script

Create a series of straight ribbons, based on your own color palette. Each ribbon will be 4000 pixels long but the thickness you decide, from 100 to...

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Ribbon Flower - PSP Script

Ribbon Flower - PSP Script

If you want a flower made of ribbons, you might find a few to purchase or download, but how many of them will perfectly match the ribbons you are...

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Ribbon Heart - PSP script

Ribbon Heart - PSP script

For Valentine Day or any other time you want to show your affection to someone special, here is a script to create a lovely heart frame, about 1000 x...

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Ribbon Star - PSP Script

Ribbon Star - PSP Script

If you want a nice custom star to frame your favorite photos, your options might be limited, but this script will allow you to use any ribbon and...

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Ribbon Tabs - PSP Script

Ribbon Tabs - PSP Script

Do you have straight ribbons but wish you had a folded version? But if you have a folded version, how do you insert an element or a tag between the...

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Ribbon Tag Banners - PSP Script

Ribbon Tag Banners - PSP Script

Do you struggle with placing pieces of ribbons exactly on a string, with the correct angle and that multiplied by the number of ribbons you want to...

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Ribbon Tag Border - PSP script

Ribbon Tag Border - PSP script

How long would it take you to cut 35 individual ribbons pieces, align them and add a drop shadow to each one individually? Probably much more time...

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Ribbon Tag Corners - PSP Script

Ribbon Tag Corners - PSP Script

How would you like to use remnants of ribbons in a craft project? Would you like to use some random pieces and make little corners from them?...

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Ribbon Tag Flower - PSP script

Ribbon Tag Flower - PSP script

Create an unlimited number of flowers made from random pieces of ribbons. Once the script starts, it will prompt you to open the ribbons you want to...

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Ribbon Tag Tree - PSP Script

Ribbon Tag Tree - PSP Script

Did you ever have a look at those fun ribbon trees and wished you could do something like that? Did you ever try to do it and gave up because...

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Ribbon Tag Wreath - PSP script

Ribbon Tag Wreath - PSP script

There is so much one can do with ribbon tags, but to create a wreath out of those ribbons will require dozens and dozens of pieces.  This script...

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Ring Strap #1 - PSP script

Ring Strap #1 - PSP script

If you want to use your own premade ribbon, the script can add the rings to it. If not, the script can create one with your choice of colors and...

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Rocks and Pebbles - PSP Script

Rocks and Pebbles - PSP Script

Are you working on a project with a beach theme? Are you looking for some pebbles but only have a few and you want more variety? This script is...

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Round Candies - PSP Script

Round Candies - PSP Script

Whether you want a series of candies with a single digit or letter or very short word in various colors, or be able to write words or phrases with...

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Rubber Band - PSP script

Rubber Band - PSP script

Create an infinite variety of twisted rubber bands. With this script, you can choose the length, the width, the color and the number of twists you...

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New Products For February - PSP Scripts

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