
New script – Ring strap #1


With this script, you will not have any excuse to not be able to attach elements to your layouts. Use those straps to attach photos, make a frame out of them, tie some flowers around, etc. This script has so many options that you can create over 100 different models of straps. In addition, since you can use your own ribbon, or generate one with your choice of colors, gradients, patterns, AND since you can use the default finish for the rings OR use your own (if you want to use SBP for example), AND you can choose the length of your strap too, well, i am sure you can make a different strap for weeks, months, and years to come! And as an added bonus, if you generate the strap through the script, you will also get a 4000 pixels straight strap to match. Isn`t that cool?

It is on sale, as usual, until Sunday, and as usual, i also have a RAK over at DST. So if you want a chance to win this script, go check this thread out.

You can get this script at these fine stores: Creation Cassel, Scrapping Whispers, and Divine Digital.

New script – Label #1

cass-label1 Create your own basic colored label. This script will generate a label that is proportional to the lenght of the text you enter. Choose the colors for the label, and the text. Choose the font you want, and the texture too. In the end, the vector layer stays intact so you can adjust the size, placement, etc. if you feel like it.

Get this script at Creation Cassel, Do It Digi and Scrapping Whispers.

It is on sale until Sunday night and if you want to win it, TWO lucky posters will win it. Check this thread at DST.


Did you ever try my scripts? Do you want to try it without risking your hard earned money? Here is a sample script for you. It will create a standard 1000 x 200 pixels label, and you get to choose the color. Of course you have fewer options than with the full script, but you at least get to check them out.

Get the FREE mini-script at Creation Cassel and Do It Digi.


And maybe you do not use PSP? NO problem. You can still download the 6 basic colored labels to use CU too. How about that?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Wax seal – free sample

cass-wax-seal-samplerHere is a little sample of what my Wax Seal Script can do. These seals are in greyscale so you can colorise them to match your layout or your kit.

How about a little contest here? Download these and let's see who will be first to show me a layout using one of them. I will have a surprise for the first person to link me to a layout in a gallery using one of them.

And while you are looking at this blog, what do you think of this new preview? How does it compare with the previous one i used? I'd love to know what you think.

And Enjoy!!

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Wax seal – new script

cass-wax-sealCreate an official looking wax seal with this script. Choose from 4 basis shapes (round, oval, square and octogonal) and you go on from there. You can pick your color, the texture, and any text or design to put in the center of the seal. And since there is a randomized function, you will never get the exact same shape twice. Add ribbons if you want for another interesting look.

Available at Creation Cassel, Scrapping Whispers, Scraphead, and Divine Digital

Rounded corners – PSP script


Remember those older photos with rounded corners? Now you can achieve that same look with your current square corners. This script will round the corners of your photos with your choice of three radius (small, medium or large).

In fact, you can use any shape that has sharp corners or points and the script will round them off. Try it with a star, or other shapes to see.

Currently availabe at Creation Cassel, Scraphead and Divine Digital

Free scripts



Get those two scripts for FREE in my store. They might be basic scripts, and maybe you can do the same manually, but they still do it faster than you can! And it will give you an opportunity to see how my scripts run, from version 8 to 12. Give them a try, and you will see how easy they are to use.

new script – folded corner

cass-folded-corner This script will outweight any template you might have for folded corner. With this script, YOU can choose how much to fold. You want a tiny fold? you want a large fold? It is all up to you. You can have one paper folded over itself, or, if you start with two paper layers on a single image, they will be treated as a two sided paper and you will see the bottom layer as the reverse. Isn`t that cool? But that is not all. You can also choose to have a medium, or thin fold, or no 3D effect at all if you want to add you own.

But there is  still more: the result will be left unmerged so you can insert any photo, paper, or decorative element inside the fold.

Also, unlike any template, the script will REALLY fold the paper, meaning that the design will change angle depending on the section you choose. Try it with stripes, text, pattern, anything.



It is available at all my stores: CreationCassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Scraphead, and Divine Digital

See what Guyloup did with this script:

July promo – suggestion box


Did you ever envy Photoshop users because they have actions that do not have anything similar for Paintshop?

Did you ever see something in a kit or element pack and wish you could do something similar with a script?

Do you find yourself creating some elements manually and wish you could have a script to help you do them faster and more efficiently?

Well, this is the perfect time to make your wishlist. In July, you can actually win $$ for suggesting your ideas. You can email me your suggestions (with a picture as it is much much easier for me to know what you are wishing for), and every Friday, in July, i will draw a winner among all the suggestions received in that week.

The winner of the draw will get a $10 coupon for my store, but that is not all. If i manage to create a script following your suggestion, you will be allowed to get most beta versions, test it, give feedback  for added options, and you will also get the final script FREE. So what are you waiting for? You can certainly post a comment in here or a suggestion. If you want to link to a picture, or preview of something you would like to do, it is fine too.

Put on your thinking cap and send me your ideas.

Custom buttons – sampler


This complete alphabet is actually a set of 26 buttons created with the Custom Button script.

When I say that the script can make a button of any shape, well, that is a proof.

Each button is greyscale so you can colorise it to match your layout. You can use those buttons commercialy, but please, dont just distribute them as is: make them into something you created.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New script – Custom Buttons



Create a custom button in seconds. You can choose any shape you want, whether it is from a selection, or a vector shape. Then you can pick any color, gradient or pattern to fill the shape. You can also pick to add an edge if you want. Buttons can have 2 or 4 holes, your choice again. You can even draw a very irregular shape for the button and move the holes to a more logical place than the very center where the script will automatically suggest to place them.

Compatible with versions 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Available at Creation Cassel, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital, Scraphead.