
New script – Eyelet #3


Eyelet laces are so diverse that I thought there would not be any problem in adding another eyelet script, with some different designs and combinations.

This script will use a 4 petal flower (instead of the 5 petal one, from last week), and the edge has a different shape. You can have one or two rows of flowers, which will be alternating if you choose a second row. And you can add another “edge” above the flowers, and it will be aligned perfectly, depending on whether you have a single or double row of flowers. You can even have both “edges” with no flower at all, and add your own gems or designs in the space created with them.

As for the previous eyelet script, you can add designs on the top, the bottom or both edges in the same run.

Use those designs on ribbon (you just choose the color of the embroidery, but you can use an actual ribbon to add the embroidery on it, create your own ribbon, etc.

You can grab this fun script in my store: Creation Cassel

If you want to add your name to the RAK thread in here, go for it. You have a chance to win this script and be on your way to add eyelets to all your projects.

cass-Eyelet3-sample-frameHow about a little sample of what this script can do? I ran the script on a long piece of textured solid color to create a ribbon. I did the same thing twice, to get a top and a bottom edge with proper bevelling (NEVER flip or mirror an element that has been shadowed or bevelled). Then, using a copy of the ribbons, i applied a different bevel angle before merging and rotating the copies to make the vertical edges of the frame. Then, it was just a matter of applying a mitered corner technique to align and cut the corners correctly. What do you think of it?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Father’s Day Card Contest–Winners announced

Thank you all for participating in either submitting a card for the contest or voting to determine the winner.

Congratulations to Mary who created the winning card which was this one.


This card got 58% of the public vote, so it was obvious that everyone loved it. Mary earned herself a coupon worth $15

Then, thanks to Corel, we also had a random draw of a copy of Paintshop Pro X5, and the winner was Sgt Ynot. He was really happy to win as he was considering purchasing that version of PSP since he was working with version X4.

Keep in touch and keep an eye on this blog (or the newsletter) so you know when the next contest comes up.

See you around and again, congratulations to the winners!

New script – Eyelet #2


A long time ago, one script was added in the store to create a basic eyelet design using Paintshop Pro. This time, not only you get ribbon, but you can choose many more options and the script is also responsive to offer you choices based on the size of your starting image.

You get 3 embroidered designs: the edge, the eyelets and the flowers. Each will be on a different layer and can be combined. You can have an edge and eyelets, and edge and flower, or an edge and eyelets and flowers. You can have the design on the top, on the bottom or on both edges. If the image/ribbon is thick enough, you can have the row of flowers doubled, if not, it will be single and centered.

You can use any straight and boring ribbon, or you can create your own using a strip of paper or a solid color with a texture.

Once the “ribbon” is done, it is up to you to use it as you wish. Make it into a frame, sew it to another element, ruffle it, tie it or knot it (with another script). Since the embroidered designs are left on separate layers, you can adjust the colors. And if you ran this script on a piece of paper, you can even remove the embroidery and just pretend you punched the paper!

You can grab this fun and creative script in my store at Creation Cassel.

If you want a chance to win this script, you can add your name to this thread in the DST forum and tell me how you could use this script BESIDE making a ribbon. Let’s be creative! I’ll be back on Monday with the name of a winner.

cass-Eyelet2-sampleI know it is a bit American holiday coming up (I see that in the numerous 4th of July), but I also know that not everybody is American, so I figured I could create some basic eyelet edges for everyone, in basic colors. This sampler will give you 5 different eyelets in 4000 pixels each.

Being more than the traditional 3600 pixels in length, you can use them at an angle and still go across a standard scrapbook page. You can also make frames out of them.

Available for FREE when you register to our mailing list HERE.

Father’s Day Card Contest – You vote!

Although there were not many entries in the contest (i am sure everyone was busy celebrating with their Dad), those that were sent are beautiful!!!

Now it is time for you, the public, to vote.

The system only allows you to vote ONCE (it makes it more fair, don’t you think?)

Check out all the entries, and scroll down to the poll.

The winners will be announced Sunday, June 23rd.

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger version.

A big thanks to all those who sent their entries.


Card1  Card2

Card3  Card4

Card5  Card6

It is now, time to vote. You have a say in who will win the $15 coupon to the store.

At the end of the poll, a random draw will be done to determine who will win the copy of PSP X5.

[poll id="3"]

Although you do not have to disclose your vote (you can if you want), if you want to add specific comments or praises about some cards, simply type in the comment box below and indicate who it is for; I will point the creator to this post.

New Script – Vector Separator


Did you attend the live presentation on Texting Again with PSP? We looked at how easy it was to split a word into individual letters to manipulate them separately. Someone asked a great question about adding shadows to those individual letters, and at the time, i didn’t know how to do it easily. I knew there was a way to split them but it was tedious and not convenient.

In order to accomplish what was asked, i coded this script. Not only will this script convert each letter into a shape, but it will also split them into individual vector layers that can then be manipulated at will and even converted to raster to add more effects, like shadows, textures, distortion, etc.

And if you have several vector objects (text, shape, path), and want to move them, rotate them, or otherwise manipulate them, the script can also split them into individual vector layers. This is perfect to create wordart.

You can get this time saving tool in my store atCreation Cassel.

There is also a thread HERE, where you can add your name and ANSWER the question to enter into a random draw. I will be back on Monday night with the name of a winner.



For this week’s freebie, with Father’s Day just around the corner, I thought of making a wordart for DAD. Using the Vector Separator, i was able to add all the words and phrases to one vector layer and then split them for easier manipulation.

You can use this wordart to make a frame, to overlay on a photo, or just print it and frame it.

The whole design is about 1800 x 1800 pixels and in png format so it can be used with just about any graphic program.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Father’s Day Card Contest



Whether you have purchased the Card & Envelope script, or not, you can enter this contest. You just have to create a fun Father’s Day card with matching envelope. It’s that easy.

If you have the script on hand, you can obviously create a card with a different size or shape. If not, use the template HERE. It is available for free and is layered so you can use it even if you are using PS or PSE.

Each PERSON entering the contest will get a $3 coupon to the store. You can enter as many times as you want (but you still get only one coupon).

Enter by emailing me a preview of the card and envelope at cassel AT creationcassel DOT com.


There will be another prize added to this promotion. I got a copy of Paintshop Pro X5 to be drawn among all the participants to this promotion, so to give more people a chance for this, the entries will be accepted until Sunday June 16th. The voting with then take place over the following week.

Share this with everyone you can!

New script – Chalk Texture


There are various “styles” available for Photoshop users to create a chalk texture, but this script will work for Paintshop Pro users and will turn ANY design, shape or text, in any color, in a chalk project.

You can add various options to your project, including smudges (aren’t those common on a chalkboard?), and outline, and you can even decide on the thickness of the outline, the amount of smudge and the size of the texture. This means you don’t have to rely on a small texture for a large project, or a large texture on a small project.

Despite the options available to the user, the script will still add a little randomness so that each run will be somewhat different than the others. You can take advantage of this feature to run the script on different layers and it will look like it was drawn by hand.

You can get this fun texture script in my store: Creation Cassel.

Do you want this script for free? Of course you do. You can just add your name to this thread in the DST forum and tell me what else than a school theme you could use this script for.




As a sample, this week, I am presenting you with 4 journaling cards that you can use in various ways on your projects. Use them vertically or horizontally.

Each card is dark grey, 1200x900 pixels with rounded corners.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Father’s Day Card Contest


Father’s Day Contest


Whether you have purchased the Card & Envelope script, or not, you can enter this contest. You just have to create a fun Father’s Day card with matching envelope. It’s that easy.

If you have the script on hand, you can obviously create a card with a different size or shape. If not, use the template HERE. It is available for free and is layered so you can use it even if you are using PS or PSE.

Each PERSON entering the contest will get a $3 coupon to the store. You can enter as many times as you want (but you still get only one coupon).

Enter by emailing me a preview of the card and envelope at cassel AT creationcassel DOT com.

Entries will be accepted until June 9th. After that, the entries will be posted for a public voting, and the winning card will bring an additional $15 coupon to its creator.

Be creative. Add unique designs, borders, layers, texture. Have designs on the flap of the envelope, add some cutout to the card, etc. Get your entries in. The more cards you have in the contest, the better your chances are. And tell your friends to enter too!

Share this with everyone you can!

New script – Textured Papers


We all know how adding texture to a plain paper can make the difference between a set of boring papers and a lively realistic result. Although most scrappers and designers know the importance of adding texture, it seems so easy to rely on our few favorite overlays and use them over and over and over again, leading to less creative results.

This script will add that variety by randomly picking overlays (between 2 and 4 per paper), rotating them randomly, layering them randomly, adding a random blend mode, and adjusting the opacity, also randomly.

Will it always give a pleasing result? Maybe not, since Paintshop Pro cannot see the result and surely, does not know your own taste, but that is not a problem since everything is left unmerged, so you can tweak all the layers, deleting some if you want, changing the blend mode, varying the opacity or even adding more overlays to the stack. One thing for sure, you will be playing with some different combinations that you might not have thought of.

The script will also rename each overlay layer to the overlay file name so you can easily refer to them if you need to reuse one or credit the source.

You can get this script in my store, at Creation Cassel.

There is a thread in the DST forum (that was added late) where you can win this script simply by telling me how many overlays you tend to use on a paper when you want to texture it. And by Monday night, i will pick a winner.



This week, as a sampler, I am offering you a simple layered template for a card and envelope. You can use these templates for our Father’s Day contest.

The template, in PSD format, will create a card, 1200x900 pixels (so 4x3 inches), with an envelope that will match.

Use your favorite kit, designs, or supplies. Add the text you want, in the language you want.

You can use the card template to create a card in either orientation: portrait or landscape.

Sorry, the download link expired. However, you can get this set for free once you join the mailing list to get our weekly newsletter.

New script – Jersey Knit


Did you ever follow a pattern to create an intricate design while knitting? It is time consuming, requires a lot of attention to details to not miss one stitch and a lot of yarn too!

This script will let you turn an image or a photo into a knitted project without effort, without yarn and without any knowledge of knitting!

The process is simple: open the image, run the script, choose the size of the stitches (small, medium or large) and watch it go. Then, you get the option of adding the stitches on top to put on a needle or not. That’s it! The whole thing is pretty quick, although, it takes a while to go the whole width of the project, especially if it is pretty wide. But it is effortless, i can promise that!

You can grab this fun photo script in my store: Creation Cassel

Do you knit? Do you know how to knit? Tell me in this thread and you will be entered in a random draw to win this fun script. I will be back on Monday night with the name of a winner.

cass-JerseyKnit-sampleSince this script is used to add something to photos, i am sure giving you a sample made with one of my photos would not have meant much to you! But i figured it might be fun to have a generic design to make you smile so i used a smiley.

You can probably make various inspirational knitted projects with this script and add them to your layouts. How about a “one little word” you might be working on this year?

This project is actually 2 files: one is the knitted image and one is the needle so you can use something else than the needle if you want to hand this a different way.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Have fun!