
Scrappy College is open
















Scrappy College has opened its doors. So far, only two courses are ready, but more are on their way.

GETTING STARTED WITH PSP is a great starter course if you are new to PSP. It will show you how to install PSP and get ready to use various PSP ressources. An best of all, this course is FREE.

SHADOWS AND REALISM is a must for any designer who wants to make fantastic previews or scrappers who want to make gorgeous layouts. The course will address shadows, of course, but also bevels, cutouts, and other 3D effects that can make or break your final result. For $10 you get four courses AND you also get to pick one kit in the store (see the detailed description for limitation). You also gain access to a restricted area of our forum where you can post your assignments, and get constructive criticism. All that, to help you achieve the most realistic results. NOTE: this course can be taken with most graphic programs, not only PSP.

July promo – suggestion box


Did you ever envy Photoshop users because they have actions that do not have anything similar for Paintshop?

Did you ever see something in a kit or element pack and wish you could do something similar with a script?

Do you find yourself creating some elements manually and wish you could have a script to help you do them faster and more efficiently?

Well, this is the perfect time to make your wishlist. In July, you can actually win $$ for suggesting your ideas. You can email me your suggestions (with a picture as it is much much easier for me to know what you are wishing for), and every Friday, in July, i will draw a winner among all the suggestions received in that week.

The winner of the draw will get a $10 coupon for my store, but that is not all. If i manage to create a script following your suggestion, you will be allowed to get most beta versions, test it, give feedback  for added options, and you will also get the final script FREE. So what are you waiting for? You can certainly post a comment in here or a suggestion. If you want to link to a picture, or preview of something you would like to do, it is fine too.

Put on your thinking cap and send me your ideas.

New script – Custom Buttons



Create a custom button in seconds. You can choose any shape you want, whether it is from a selection, or a vector shape. Then you can pick any color, gradient or pattern to fill the shape. You can also pick to add an edge if you want. Buttons can have 2 or 4 holes, your choice again. You can even draw a very irregular shape for the button and move the holes to a more logical place than the very center where the script will automatically suggest to place them.

Compatible with versions 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Available at Creation Cassel, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital, Scraphead.

New scripts – Toolkits for printing

cass-book-resize-artscow   cass-book-resize-mpt-viovio












Get your favorite layouts ready for printing. The script will add some "bleed" to your page from the background, and you will make sure that all the important elements like photos, journalling, titles, or other decorative elements are within a safe margin of the edge.

Two scripts are available: one for Artscow specs, and one for MyPicTale and Viovio specs.

Available at Creation Cassel Do It Digi Scrapping Whispers Scraphead Divine Digital

Check also the RAK thread at DST. You could win one of them.

Free sampler – Bow #6


Try this sampler made with the Bow #6 script. You get two ribbons: one greyscale and one yellow, and two matching bows. Each ribbon is 4000 pixels long so it can be used diagonally on a full size layout without the ends showing.

You can get this script at any of my stores.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Free sampler – Glittered acrylic


If you have PSP, you might want to have a closer look at the glittered acrylic script result. In this sampler, you will get a sample of each type of glittered acrylic: white, black, monochrome and multicolored.

This sampler will also include a gold frame so you can use the acrylic elements alone or with a frame.

And if you do not own PSP, and cannot use scripts, you can still use those elements.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

And if you like what you downloaded, leave a comment!

New script – Glittered acrylic


I am sure many PSP users have looked at those nice glittered acrylic styles that came in sets of 6 or 12 and wished their program could use those PS styles. Well, no more. Now, PSP users can get even MORE of those acrylics. No need to buy various sets for various color palettes. This script gives you 4 options for colors: you can have white glitters (like snow), black glitters (like dust), greyscale glitters that you will colorise during the script, or my favorite one, the multicolored acrylic where you will choose the dominant color.

But this script goes beyond those four choices. You can ALSO choose how much glitter you get: a tiny bit, a little, average, or a lot. And you get all that in one single script. Isn`t that cool?

It is available in all my stores, at Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Scraphead, Divine Digital.

And if you want this script FREE, check out DST where i will draw one copy on Sunday night.

New script – Stripes #2 – Multicolored


Let this script create multicolored striped patterns. You can choose 2, 3, or 4 base colors and also choose the width of the stripes, the type of contrast between them. You can choose if you want the stripes to be regular or irregular, and their width. You can generate a 200 x 200 pixels tile, or a tagger size page, or a full-size page with those stripes. Since there is a randomization function in the code, it is possible that all the colors you provide are not all included in the end result. But since it is so quick to do, you can generate dozens of patterns in just a few minutes.

Once the paper/tile is done, you also have the option to create a plaid from it (leaving the striped paper intact for better matching). Then, it is up to you to add texture or other effects to your newly created paper.

Available in the store: Stripes 2


Here is a sample of what you can get with the Stripes #2 script. This sampler includes 6 full-size papers. The papers are all plain, with no texture so you can personalize them. They were all made using the palette included.

You can use those papers as you wish (personal or commercial use), and with the palette included, you can create more papers or elements.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.