
New script – Mitered Corner Frame


With this script, you will be able to make an infinite number of rectangular (or square) frames using just about any long image. You can use any ribbon, lace, paper edge, wood piece, decorative doodles, etc. I am sure you can think of many other elements you can use to make the side of the frames.

The script can create the frames three different ways: (1) it can create a symmetrical frame with ribbons, laces, doodles (2) it can create a frame with a directional element, meaning it will take all the length (or almost) of the ribbon/lace or (3) it can create a frame from elements that are neither symmetrical, not directional, like you would get with a piece of wood.

You can get this script in any of my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, and Divine Digital. Remember that my scripts are always 25% off the first weekend they are released so you can get a good deal until Sunday night.

Do you want a chance to WIN this script? Check the Happy Place thread here and add your name to it.

Limequilla suggested that i code this script, a little while ago. I was not sure how I would write it with so many possible scenarios of what would be used for the edges, but i really think this will work well for any of your layout, or kit. Thanks Limequilla for suggesting it. Remember that if you want to suggest a script, and i make it, you will get it free (before everyone else too!)

Guyloup played with my scripts and here is a layout she made (using the Mitered Corner Frame, and the Custom Confetti scripts)


new script – Custom Confetti


Create your own scattered confetti, with the shape, the color, the design you want. Generate a tube with size variations, brightness variation. Since there is a random feature integrated into the script, you can generate a tube twice from the same starting image, yet get something different every time.

After that, scatter your tubes onto your layout, or create an overlay with them.

Available in all my stores:

Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Divine, Digital

And if you want a chance to win this script, check out this thread  in DST.



And how about a little freebie? If you are a PSP user, the zip includes a tube file that you can simply add to your Picture tubes folder. If you are not a PSP user, there is a 4000 x 200 png trail of red stars.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


Teaser – new script


I am not telling you YET, what will be my next release but this picture might give you a bit of a hint. I will let you guess. However, i will also tell you that there will be a freebie for PSP users but also for non-PSP users. So keep checking back. Follow me on Twitter if you want to be among the first to see.

new script – Notebook


Whether you are making a school themed kit, or advertising a course, tutorial or an e-book, this script can help you create a neat notebook. You get to choose between 3 types of binding, with it color but you can also create the cover page as you wish, with images, text, windows, textures, even some tears and stains if you want.

This script is available in my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers.

And if you want a chance to get this script for free, check out the Happy Place thread here, at DST. One winner will be drawn on Monday night.

Happy customer

Today, I noticed in the DST forum, someone looking for an action to turn layouts into templates. I suggested my Template Maker script, but since she had mentioned an “action”, i assumed she would have to download a trial version of PSP to run it, but lucky for her, she had PSP, so she purchased it. Well, it turned out she was VERY happy! Here is the reply she posted in the forum:

OMG Cassel, I LOVE YOU......I just bought this script and tried it out on a test layout....it is FANTASTIC......I recommend this to any PSP user.......can I give you a big HUG?????? You have saved me hours of work...... by frani_54

Another happy customer!

New script – Credit listing

cass-CreditListingBundle Do you like to have a list of all the elements and products used in a layout? Do you find it tedious to have to type that information in a txt document without forgetting any? But then, after you have played around with your layout, you don’t remember which element is still there and which one is not used or finally hidden? This script bundle will solve most of these. You will have instructions to configure your PSP so that you can copy or paste elements onto your layout with ONE keystroke each, and this will also copy the filename of the element as a layer name on your layout. Then, a third script will make a compilation of all the meaningful layer names and will save them in the Creator Information tab of the Image Information window. Now, this information will always be WITH your layout. No more lost txt file. You can refer to it anytime.


This script is available in all my stores as a bundle. One little detail though, the Copy and Paste scripts can only work on PSP9 and up, because of a particular feature that didn’t exist in PSP8. So if you have PSP8, you can purchase the Compilation script alone, instead of the bundle.

Check them all out: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital.

Mirror Mirror – new script

cass-mirrormirrorCreate some faded mirror images from any photo, element, shape or text. Add this effect to simulate a reflection in the water, or on a polished surface. You have the option to create that reflection on top, on the bottom, on the left or the right. You can get some overlapped images, or let the script delete that overlap.

Use an image slightly rotated for a very interesting effect. The script will work on any raster, vector or background image. If your document holds several layers, only the active layer will be used.

Availalbe in my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Divine Digital

And go add your name to this thread in the Happy Place of DST if you want a chance to win this script.

New script – Journal Bits


Did you ever see those paper scrap pages where a long phrase is cut up in individual words? Did you ever try to do that in digi? Most of the time, it is a pretty tedious task, but no more. This script will just do that for you, and you are not limited at all. In fact, you can pretty much decide everything. Of course, you can have the text you want. Then, you choose the font you want too, and the color for the text and the color for the paper. You can have opaque paper, or translucent. If you choose translucent paper, you also decide on the opacity; maybe you want to pretend you wrote on a piece of scotch tape, which is very translucent, or on tissue paper which is more opaque. It is your call. You can then decide to have all the papers cut straight and evenly, or go crazy with irregular shape and size. But wait, that is not all. You can also ask the script to separate all the words without any paper. If you are working on a layout, the script can, if you choose so, to place all those word bits on your layout for you (no need to copy and paste dozens of bits) and it will even rename each layer according to the word on it. Neat huh? I am telling you: it probably will take you longer to decide on all those options than it will take the script to execute it.


This script is available in all my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital

You have also a chance to win this script by adding your name to this thread in the Happy Place at DST.

Want to see this script in action? Here is a layout we did for the ADSR5, challenge #10.

New script sampler


Check this neat sampler just for you. They were all made using the Round Word Frame. Each frame is 1200 x 1800 pixels to match any of your  4 x 6 pictures. Use them on the pictures, or even in the background to incorporate your journalling inside.

Although each frame is of a different color, you are allowed to colorise them to match your picture or your layout.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

And if you used them, please, show me what you do!!! I would LOVE to see it!

New script – Round Word frame


Did you see my first Word Frame script? It was creating a rectangular frame where you could insert text. Now, you can get a round (or elliptic) frame with the similar features: you get to choose all the options of color, line type, line thickness, location of the text. In the case of a round frame, you can also choose to have the text go clockwise or counterclockwise. This gives you the opportunity to create very interesting frames.

Remember that this script will generate the frame on a separate layer so you can use it on your picture, or without it. And you can run the script on a blank canvas too for other use. How about placing the frame off center and partially off the picture? Or how about using the frame to create a wordart?

It is available at all my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital

If you want a chance to win this script, hop over to the Happy Place at DST here and add your name to the thread. Draw will be on Monday night.