With this script, you will not have any excuse to not be able to attach elements to your layouts. Use those straps to attach photos, make a frame out of them, tie some flowers around, etc. This script has so many options that you can create over 100 different models of straps. In addition, since you can use your own ribbon, or generate one with your choice of colors, gradients, patterns, AND since you can use the default finish for the rings OR use your own (if you want to use SBP for example), AND you can choose the length of your strap too, well, i am sure you can make a different strap for weeks, months, and years to come! And as an added bonus, if you generate the strap through the script, you will also get a 4000 pixels straight strap to match. Isn`t that cool?
It is on sale, as usual, until Sunday, and as usual, i also have a RAK over at DST. So if you want a chance to win this script, go check this thread out.
You can get this script at these fine stores: Creation Cassel, Scrapping Whispers, and Divine Digital.