
New script – Quick Guides

Quick guides for PaintShop ProWhen working with PaintShop Pro to create frames or other effects, it is convenient to use guides so we can snap to them and keep our elements, our lines, or brush strokes aligned. Although adding guides along the edges of any image is not really difficult, it is a little tedious to place them exactly on the edges, especially for all four sides. Furthermore, if you want to place guides in the very center, you have to do some calculations too.

This is what this script will do for you, and in a single click too!

You can now get this script for FREE in the store (you still have to go through the checkout though). Quick Guides

Since this script is free, there is no random draw to win it, but if you want to add a comment on Facebook, you can do so on this post.

As a utility script, I can hardly create a sample from using it, right? So, as a freebie, I decided to create a mask template for you using the Fireworks picture tubes available in the Campus for the January theme blog post (you can get those tubes HERE).
You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.