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Stitching fonts
I created these fonts after several customers asked me to code scripts to add some stitchings to shapes. I figured that since you can use "-" to make some kind of stitching, and then play with the size, kerning, offset, leading, etc. to get various results, why not do a whole set of stitches as dingbats? I had fun looking through pages and pages of various stitchings available for sewing machines, and sites for handstitching too. So that lead me to create those. There are 50 different stitches in each set. And also, each set includes one "neat" version of the stitches and one "grungy" version.
The basic stitches include straight, slanted, overlock, zigzag, blind, blanket stitchings and more.
The decorative stitches include scallops, diamonds, feather, stretch, flowers, honeycombs, and more.
Since they are fonts, you can also combine them, you can also use them along a path as you would do with any text. That will give you the option of making stitches along ANY shape you want, whether it is a preset shape, a text or a freehand path. Add your own texture, add a bevel, add a shadow. Choose exactly the color you want as there is no greyscale element to colorise.
See what Guyloup did with this set of fonts.
And i also released a set of PSP brushes WITH a png format set too. A set of ABR brush is in the testing right now for Photoshop users.
Get those stitches at Creation Cassel.
Multi-tool script for PSP
In just a few seconds, you can "clean up" your multiple layers. Whether you are working on a layout or any other project, you might end up with some empty layers, some hidden ones, some layers linked together, and most likely, layers called "raster/vector" with totally mixed numbers. Well, this script will help you. It will delete all empty layers (they just take up space). It will delete hidden layers; if you are hiding them, maybe you dont need them. It will re-number the layers: keeping their attribute of "raster" or "vector", they will be numbered starting at one on top. It will unlink all the layers; maybe you linked some layers but dont need that anymore.
Available at
Creation Cassel, Scrapping Whispers, Scraphead, Divine Digital
Stripes #1 – PSP script
Get a striped or plaid paper in seconds. Starting with a base color, you will get several options to choose from, to create a 250 x 250 tile, a 1000 x 1000 tagger size paper or a 3600 x 3600 full size paper. Run the script several times, and always get a different combination. And in the end, you can keep the stripes, or make it into a plaid. With all the options available, you have over 100 possible combinations, plus a randomized result. Add your own texture if you want, add an overlay or apply other effects. A great way to create matching striped/plaid papers for a kit.
Available at CreationCassel, Scraphead, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital
Scratched texture – PSP script
Get a great variety of scratched texture looks on your images. You get to choose to have either large, medium or fine scratches, but also horizontal, vertical or crisscrossed ones. The result can vary depending on the size of the starting picture. You can work on a background image, a vector or a raster layer. You can repeat the script on multiple layers if you want.
Apply this effect onto pictures, tubes, text, anything.
Available at Creation Cassel, and all my other stores.
Check here to see different types of scratches you can create.
And remember that you can use this texture for graet grungy papers too!
Shadow placer – New script
Do you hate adding shadows to your layouts or your kit previews, one by one? This script will save you a lot of time while doing this tedious and repetitive task. You get to choose the settings you want for your shadows: choose its orientation, its color, its opacity, etc. YOU choose the setting and the script will apply it to the elements/papers. The shadows will be added in four steps: for very thin elements (like papers), for thin elements (like ribbbons, staples), for medium elements (like paperclips and flat buttons) and for thick elements (like beads, flowers). And if some elements need a different type of shadows, you will simply add it at the end. It is that easy.
Element separator
Did you ever make or puchase a set of elements that were all on one layer? Did you want to separate them in individual files for easier access instead of cutting them out every time? This script will do just that. The script will cut out each element, and save it with the name you choose and a number to identify. It can save up to 50 individual files in one folder. Very useful to separate alphas that are made on single sheets. Be sure to follow the instructions included in the readme file.
This script is available at all my stores:
Creation Cassel
Scrapping Whispers
Divine Digital
and it is on special until Sunday night.
Note that this script was part of my Designer Tools Grab Bag #1
Crochet Lace #2 – new script
Did you like the first Crochet lace script? This is my second one (and probably not the last either). I love to code those laces. And this time, you can also have a fringe added or not. It is your choice.
Since this script allows you to colorise the rows separately, i found a great trick. Look at the bottom sample lace: i colorised the first few rows with a certain setting, with the Lightness set to about -75. Later on, i would just change the lightness and go -55, -35, -15, 15, 35, 55, etc. That is how i got that gradient effect. Neat isn't it?
You can get this lovely lace script at any of my stores, listed on the left. If you get it, and like it, be sure to leave some feedback.
Now, look at what Linda did with this script (and also the Curved photo script and the Ribbon #1 script). She used kits from Eden and Millcreek Canyon from Amanda Thorderson. Isn't that layout gorgeous?