
New script – Powder Texture

Powder texture script for Paintshop ProThis script will be fun for anyone who has a cooking theme project: now you can write and draw with flour. Well, not real flour but you can turn your design into flower looking elements.

If you are using different colors, it could become spices: yellow for turmeric, red for paprika, grey for black pepper, etc.

Write a name, draw a shape, have fun with any design. Make it uneven with the Brush variance for an even more realistic look.

You can have flour (or baby powder) on your scrapbook pages, without making a mess!

Get this script today in the store: Powder Texture

For a chance to win this script, tell me what element you would most likely create with it (flour, baby powder, spice, paint, etc.) in the comments below. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Flour alphabet freebieAs a sampler, this week, I created a complete alphabet for you. It includes all the 26 letters, and some punctuation elements.

Each letter is about 900 pixels high so you have ample opportunity to resize them to suit your project.

Will you use them as flour or baby powder?

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News from the Campus


Are you joining us this Sunday for our monthly live online class?

We'll have a different perspective on angles... and Paintshop Pro.

It is free and you can register today.

Register now

New script – Cluster Maker

Cluster Maker script for Paintshop ProA lot of scrapbookers and designers love to create and use clusters, but the task is often daunting because of numerous repetitive tasks that seem to drain their creativity. So, why not have a script to give them a jumpstart?

This script will almost randomly pick elements from a single folder for you. Starting with long elements like ribbons and stitches. Then adding more rectangular or somewhat smaller elements like frames, cards and such. Finally, smaller or more "square" objects, like flowers, buttons and stickers. Once the elements are picked (one by one), the script will randomly resize them slightly to add variety in your cluster, will rotate them also, and place them based on the type of cluster you want to generate.

You can create a central cluster, or a corner cluster (and you can obviously pick which corner too). And in a single run, the script can generate as many clusters as you want.

Obviously, the script cannot SEE the elements and cannot determine if each element will look good in the cluster. That is YOUR job. But you will have a headstart instead of starting from scratch.

Get this time saving script: Cluster Maker.

For a chance to win this script, I will make this a little different. I want you to just tell me if you have purchased (or won) any of the other cluster-type scripts in the store. If so, which one. If not, just say so! I'll pick a winner next week and it will be announced in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Corner ClusterAs a samplers, this week, I used a kit from Hat of Bunny, Baby Mine. I ran the script to create a corner cluster for the bottom right corner.

Once the script was done, i tweaked the placement of the elements, and removed a few. Initially, i asked the script to have an average number of elements, knowing i would likely have too many so i could remove them. I also added a couple of elements that were ignored by the script, but that i liked (namely the banners and the string).

All the shadows were added to the elements, individually.

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New script – PhotoBooth

Photo booth script for Paintshop ProAlthough they might be getting less and less popular in real life, photobooth are still often associated with fairs, and fun places. Back in the days, you could get a set of 4 black and white photos in those booth. Over time, they became more modern and started offering color photos. Those strips of photos still bring back memories to many people.

This script will create such a strip of photos very quickly. You choose the number of photos you want, their orientation, and once you open the photos you picked, the script will place them all with the correct size and placement.

You still have many options because the photos, although they are resized, are not cropped so you can tweak them a bit, you can center the subject (of move it off-center), you can rotate the photos, you can apply various effects to them. So many ways to customize the end result.

You can get this script in the store: PhotoBooth.

Considering that you can apply any kind of effect to the individual photos once the script is finished, what kind of effect could you consider applying? Tell me in a comment below and I will pick a winner to be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Photo booth frame in png formatAs a free sample, I am offering you the frame that was created when I ran the script for the four pictures of my daughter and her friend. It is 660x1950 pixels, which is about the size of a real photobooth strip of photos. Add your own photos to it and place the result in your next scrapbook project.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Strip Cluster Maker

Strip cluster maker script for Paintshop ProMaking clusters can be a great way to expand a kit you want to sell, or a way to use a kit you just purchased.

Making clusters can be a tedious task however. This script will help you as it will serve as a starting point, in gathering a certain number of long elements (like ribbons, tapes, stitching) and other elements (like flowers, buttons, tags, knots, etc.).

You can generate as many strip clusters as you want, from the elements in a single folder. You can create horizontal strips or vertical ones. Did you know that it is not a good idea to rotate a strip cluster that is already made? The shadows will be showing in the wrong angle, and any light source indication will also be inaccurate, giving an odd looking result in the end. So this script will NOT rotate any element (except the long elements) but will place them in  a vertical arrangement, if that is what you want.

You can also choose to have few elements on the cluster or a fuller arrangement.

Since the script cannot "see" the result, it will not know if it looks good or not. That is YOUR task. But the script will have given you a starting point, from which you can rearrange the elements, add new ones, remove some.

A time saving tool for you: Strip Cluster Maker.

Do you like strip clusters? Did you get the Cluster Template maker #3? Tell me how you use (or would use) strip clusters in your projects. Add your answer in the comments below. I will pick a winner and announce it in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Strip ClusterThis week, with Heather T's permission, i am giving you the exact strip cluster that I made using this script.

It is 3600x700 pixels in size, in PNG format. It also includes all the shadows for realism (including the lifted thread on the left).

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New script – Leaf Pattern 1

Leaf Pattern script for Paintshop ProCreating a geometric pattern can be easy if you have only one shape, but it can become tedious if you have multiple similar shapes, using different colors. Until now, you either had to do them by hand, or rely on layered templates, which only offer a limited number of color arrangement.

And now, what if you wanted to use totally random colors throughout the whole paper, with hundreds of those similar shapes. How would you do it?

This is exactly what this script will do. Using your own color palette (from 3 to 6 colors), you can generate simple 4-leaf patterns, or multiple ones, and the script will pick the colors at random while creating up to 20 tiles per run. Keep the ones you like, and discard the others. Each tile will have the shapes but no background so you can customize that last element to match your project.

Get this script: Leaf Pattern 1 (and yes, there are plans for a #2 also!)

Do you want to win this script? In the comments below, tell me how you would call this pattern. I called it a leaf pattern, but i am wondering if there is another name for it. I'll pick a winner next week and announce it in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Leaf Pattern tiles - Easter colorsAlthough Easter is over for most people, the colors associated with Easter are still very appropriate for spring, so whether you want to showcase your Easter photos, or spring photos, these colors should be quite suitable.

I generated 8 small tiles using a 5 color palette. In the preview, you can see the result when each tile was used to fill a larger page, with a solid background.

Each tile is in png format, so they can be used in most graphic programs.

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News from the Campus


OutOfThisWorld-400Did you register to our live class, tomorrow? There is still time to do so.

If you have never heard of Out of bound effect, you will be in for a treat, and if you have heard about it, you will see how we can bring it to another level!

Register now







Did you hear about the BIG 2016 Show Off event that is going on in the Campus. It comprises of several parts:

  • a way for PSP users to show off what they do with products from the store, freebies from the blog, or tutorials from the Campus
  • over $900 in prizes to be won at random, among all the participants
  • FREE video tutorials between April 22nd and May 7th (a new video every day)
  • special deals announced in the Campus emails

For more information, check it out HERE.

New script – Painted Background

cass-PaintedBackgroundLinda asked me recently if i could create a script that would generate a painted background from an image. Of course, one can always use the Brush Strokes effect in Paintshop Pro, but sometimes, we only want an abstract background based on the colors of a particular image we like. It can obviously be hard to find a perfect match unless we create it ourselves.

That is where this script comes from. Using a variety of brushes, the script will use the colors of the image and add colors on a separate layer, all randomly, for a different result every time.

You can choose what kind of "brush stroke" you want (whether it is a sponge effect, a dry or wet brush effect, a palette knife or an airbrush effect).

And you can also use that new background to showcase an element of the photo that you have extracted, by using blend modes, or other type of techniques.

Grab this fun script: Painted Background

Since this script can create a full size paper (if you want), you would also have the option to use that paper for other purposes than just a background (even though those backgrounds will be stunning). What other use can you think for those papers? Give me a suggestion in the comments below. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-PaintedBackground-PapersThis week, i picked a few very colorful images on Morguefiles and turned 3 of them into full size papers. Do you have a fun, happy project you want to showcase? You can use those background papers as a base for showcasing your photos. You can also use those papers in other ways (or use them with other scripts!).

You can add some blur, add texture, play with the adjustment layers, even blend them with something else. You can surely find more creative ways to use those colorful papers.

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News from the Campus


How-to-create-a-sticker-in-PSPCan you create your own sticker out of any image you have? Sure you can. Use any png image (even if you extracted Uncle Jim from a photo) to turn them into custom stickers. And also, have a peek how you can make that sticker look like it is curling up a bit.

Check it out



New script – Pinwheel

Paintshop Pro script to create pinwheel patternCreating designs for seamless tiles is not that hard, but creating many using the same palette without redoing the same one twice is a little be more challenging.

This script is there to help with that.

Starting with your own color palette (up to 8 colors), the script will mix them up and create various combinations for you. Since the pinwheel pattern is a little limited in the number of possible patterns, you might end up with a few repeats but you can just delete them.

You can generate tiles, tagger size papers or full size papers, using the same pattern.

You can also combine two tiles, flip/mirror them, and get a new tile for a different pattern.

A simple, yet versatile pattern.

Get this script in the store: Pinwheel

For a chance to win this script, add a comment below, about the idea of this pattern. I'll pick a winner next week and announce it in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-Pinwheel-greensFor a sample, i created 8 tiles in the green colors (for St-Patrick month). Each tile is 250x250 pixels and can be scaled up or down as a pattern. You can add a rotation. You can combine two tiles. You can duplicate a single tile and flip/mirror it to create a different pattern.

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News from the Campus

AdjustWhat-400What do you know about Adjustment Layers in PSP?

Do you want to learn a bit more and find out a few interesting uses for them?

Check out the edited recording of the live presentation we had last week.

Check the Master Class

Script update – Kidnap Alpha script

cass-KidnapAlpha1A few years ago, I came up with a script that would create uneven pieces of papers around individual letters. Those were perfect to simulate the look of ransom notes or such and it was called Kidnap Alpha.

This time, I updated this script to add the option of torn edges instead of just straight cut edges. So, with a single script, you now have the option of having a "messier" look.

Just as for the initial version, you can choose any color/gradient/pattern for the base paper, any color for the font, any font you want, and any number of fonts too, making those notes really fun and varied.

If you have already purchased the initial version of this script, the download link has been reactivated and the download has been updated.

Grab this fun script in the store: Kidnap Alpha.

If you want a chance to get this script for free, add a comment below telling me what message you would write with such an alpha. I'll announce a winner in next week's newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-KidnapAlpha-sample-greyThis week, I created a basic alpha using this script. The base paper is grey and the letters are either black or dark grey. All the edges are torn.

This alpha includes all the letters, and digits and some basic punctuation marks.

There is no upper or lower case sets as all the cases were randomly picked so you have a mix of uppercase and lowercase, which makes it for an even more realistic effect.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Will you show us what you do with this alpha?

Another matching alpha will be available in the newsletter, this weekend.

New tubes – Sprinkles

Sprinkles Tubes for Paintshop ProIf you ever had cookies or cakes, you know what a little sprinkles can add to the look!

Since you were able to make cookies last week, with the Cookies script, this week, you can add some sprinkles to them.

This set of picture tubes include 10 different colors of sprinkles. Simply "draw" with them as if you were coloring. The default size is the real size of a sprinkles, but if you are drawing cookies that are smaller than life, you will want to reduce the size. The step is set to allow you to place a light coat of sprinkles, but reduce the size and you will spill more sprinkles in a smaller area.

Use them to decorate cookies, cakes, donuts or cupcakes, but you can also spill some on your layout, to add a delicious effect, or incorporate some in clusters for a final touch.

Grab these (no-cal) sprinkles in the store: Sprinkles tubes.

In order to win this set of tubes, tell me what theme AND colors could you think of having. I can see that green and red would be perfect for Christmas. What other theme, and color combination can you name. I am hoping to get some themed sprinkles next week, so you can help me get your favorite themed sprinkles. I'll announce a winner in next week's newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Ranbow Sprinkles paper and element for scrapbookingThis week, i had fun "painting" with those sprinkles (it is addictive).

I created a simple rainbow using 6 of the 10 colors in the set. It is a PNG format, and is about 2000 pixels wide.

In addition, i created a full page (3600x3600 pixels) of sprinkles arranged in a kind of rainbow. This will be a great background for any baking, or sweet theme project. Or maybe a birthday invitation?

Grab those freebies now, and use them today.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Remember to show us how you are using them.


News from the Campus

InTheNewsDid you join the live presentation, last week?

The whole presentation was recorded and is being edited. It should be up this weekend.

Keep an eye on the Master Class section of the Campus.

Remember that it will be free to watch, as long as you are logged into the Campus.

New tubes – Twisted Strings

Twisted Strings picture tubes for Paintshop ProYou can find various strings in digital scrapbook kits, or sometimes as a set of elements, but are you struggling to find the right color, or the right length, or the right shape?

This set of picture tubes for Paintshop Pro allows you to simply draw the string with your cursor, any length you want, in any shape you want. It is like doodling a string wherever you want.

Adjust the size of the string by changing the scale of the tube: create thicker or thinner strings, depending on your project.

You get 12 different string tubes in different colors. Interestingly, the colors match those of the pipe cleaner tubes, so you can combine both sets of tubes for color coordinated projects.

Get this set of tubes in the store: Twisted String tubes.

What would you do with those tubes? Since you can create strings in any length or shape, you can surely find some creative ways to use the strings. Share your ideas in the comments below. I'll pick a winner and will announce it next week, in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-TwistedStrings-FlowersI created these fun flowers out of the twisted strings. They are fairly large so you can size them down to fit your project. You get two flowers, two leaves and one stem. Combine them as you wish, add them to clusters, make a border out of several flowers, etc.

The shadows were added on those.

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