
New script – Bundle Preview


Do you create bundles, or make previews with several smaller previews for collab kits? This script will save you a lot of time. Simply start the script, open the individual images you want to include in the preview, and continue the script. It will automatically count, resize and arrange the images to cover most of the space available. You can get the images rotated or not too.

Use this script to display individual previews in a bundle, quick pages, layouts, or even papers or photos in a layout. The script ends with unmerged layers so if you want to rearrange some images, you still can.

Available at Creation Cassel and Do It Digi.

And if you want a chance to win this script, go to this thread and post your name along with an answer to the question from the first post.

New Product – Rope Tubes – Set #2


Did you check out the Rope tubes that i released last week? They were solid colors. This week, you can get another set of 10 rope tubes, but this time, they are multicoloured. You can still use them in the same way you were using the previous set.

These tubes were created with my Directional Tuber Script, and starting with a tiny piece of a real rope photography. Some tubes were recoloured to add variety to this set.

Use them to make doodles, tie some tags, attach various trinkets, etc.

You can get this set on sale until Sunday night, at my stores: Creation Cassel and Do It Digi.

And if you want a chance to win this set of ropes, you can check this thread in the DST forum.cass-Ropes2-Digits


Now, if you are not a PSP user, you can still enjoy and use this free sample. They are layered PSD files so you can use the rope outline with or without the fill. You can also colourize either one or both layers if you want. Each digit is approximately 550 pixels high.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


DigiScrap Campus – New lessons


Since March, we have opened the DigiScrap Campus to give classes to scrappers and designers. Right now, only the classes for scrappers is available. The whole program will be of 12 units covering all the bases for using Paintshop Pro and scrapping pages.

This program can be good for new scrappers, now to PSP scrappers, or even for some who are already using PSP to scrap but feel they would like a refresher in addition to great new tips.

Each unit has 3 lessons so each set has 9 lessons. The lessons are in video format with a pdf handout. The first set of lessons addressed (1) layers and shadows, (2) alphas and fasteners (3) color tools and selection tools. Then, this second set covers (1) brush tool (2) text tool (3) ribbon/papers/shadow tricks.

Set 1 (Units 1-2-3) is available here.

Set 2 (Units 4-5-6) is available here.

You can also purchase the bundle (Units 1 to 6) for a saving of 20% off the cost of the two sets purchased separately.

Also, if you are CTing for a store or a designer, you might want to consider this course to help get the most out of your PSP. Designers, if your CT members are using PSP, you might want to encourage them to take this program too!

New Product – Rope tube


This week, my new release is NOT a script, as you might expect, but it is still a PSP specific product: a set of 10 tubes. If you are not too familiar with tubes, you might have seen some in your PSP, and they look like individual pictures that you can place here and there on a layout or other montage. These tubes are more than that. Although they are made of individual images, they are made to follow wherever you draw, and create a rope along the way. You can hand draw any line, or apply this string along a path or even around a vector shape for a regular look.

You get 10 individual files, in 10 different colors. If you want to de-saturate them, you can. You can draw loops, bows, strings, doodles, etc.

You can get this set of 10 tubes in either one of my stores: Creation Cassel and Do It Digi.

And if you want a chance to win this set, go add your name to this thread at DST forum.cass-Ropes1-sample

If you are still unsure about how good these will really look, or if you are not a PSP user and would still like to use something like that, i made a simple hand drawn alphabet. You get 26 individual PNG files for the 26 basic capital letters.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

So, what do you think of this? Did you notice that it is called Braided ropes #1. Well, in the near future, other sets of tubes will be released, but i am not telling you when it will happen. You will have to follow this blog, or follow me on twitter to find out!

PSP Chat – That was fun!

Did you join in the PSP chat yesterday? If you missed it, i am sorry. We had a lot of fun, learned a few tips (especially for scripts and extractions), and we learned that Velcro is called Klittenband in Dutch (thanks to Joelle!).

We are hoping to get a PSP topic chat on a regular basis, once a month. For now, we are aiming for the first Sunday of the month. The problem is that it will coincide with July 4th, which might not be a good day for a chat for our US friends. I will be looking at another date for that particular month.

Having the chat at 3pm Eastern, allowed us to have participants from over the Atlantic, which is great! I know it was a bit early for those on the West coast, and probably totally impossible for the Aussies (sorry, we missed you) but it is hard to find a time to cover all 24 time zones!

It would be great if you have any suggestions for topics for next times. Talking about particular versions, particular tools, techniques, use of PSP with photos, or even have a guest among us would be great. Do not hesitate to suggest ideas, either by emailing me, or adding a comment below.

And if you want to know about the next chat, keep an eye on this blog or follow me on Twitter.

Grab bag sample


Check these two layered bags. Recolor them if you want.

They were both made using the Grab Bag script. What will you do with them?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.


New Script – Grab Bag


Do you sometimes have some grab bags in your store? Are you struggling to find something different to show off your products? Did you ever see bags and wished you could have them in layers? or maybe you found a layered one, but you don’t have much option to customize it other than colorize it?

This script will certainly help you create something unique. With this script, you can create a total of 10 base bags, but that means 2 different formats and 5 different types of handles. But more importantly, you can customize the front, the side, and the handle. Choose your store color, add a logo or a catch phrase, add some decorations (maybe from the elements in your grab bag??), use matching or contrasting colors/gradient/pattern for the front and the side. Really, you will never have a boring grab bag anymore!

You can get them in my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi.

And if you want a chance to win this script, check out this thread in the DST forum, and add your name. Make sure you also tell me some ways you would think of decorating a grab bag!

new Script – Kit Previews Maker


If you are a designer, you have to make previews. Whether your kits are small or large. If you are a store owner, you might organize some collab kits that end you containing a lot of papers and elements. For each preview that you make you have to open the paper files, resize them, copy them, close them, paste them into your preview, play around to distribute them more or less evenly depending on how many papers you have for that preview, rotate them if you wish, and add a shadow. And that is for ONLY the papers in the preview! Now, onto the elements, and of course, you have even more elements to place on your preview. So, the same routine, or opening, resizing, copying, pasting, closing, moving. Are you out of breath already? How long does it take you to make a preview for your kit? Twenty minutes? thirty? And that is if you have a regular size kit. Now, if you have a mega kit to organize, and you have too much stuff to put in a single preview, then you have to repeat the process twice, three times, four times, five times. OK, now that you know how long you take to make your previews the “old fashion way”, let’s see what this script can do for you.

Hum… everything that i listed above, the script will do. Yes. It will check in your folder (yes it will go look in the folder so you don’t have to open tons of files), separate all the papers and the other stuff (normally they would be elements, right?), count your papers and elements. Why is it counting? Simply to check with you how many previews you need if it finds more than 20 papers for example. Of course you can still want everything in one preview. You have that option, but you can also have more than one. Then, the script will split the papers into how many previews you want, place the papers in the first preview, rotate them randomly (yet with the setting you want so if you don’t want any rotation, the papers will be straight), spread them more or less evenly depending on how many papers will be in that preview. It can also add some basic shadows if you want. At this point, the script will let you have one previews with only the papers and will start another one to add all the elements it found in the folder and repeat the process of opening, resizing, copying and pasting the elements on top of the papers.

Now, if you wanted more than one preview, the same thing will be repeated. The fun thing with this script is that, once you answered the few questions at the start, you can go, have yourself a coffee, go check your emails, and when you come back, all the previews are done. You simply have to rearrange the elements where you want them (yeah, the script does not have very fancy taste as far as disposing elements in a preview!).cass-KitPreviewsMaker_01

Do you find that left to right placement of the papers is boring? The script gives you other options, like right to left, upward, downward and diagonally (from any of the 4 corners). This should help you get very dynamic and not-so-boring previews from one project to the next. See other ways that papers can be placed.

This script is available at Creation Cassel and Do It Digi.

As usual, you have a chance to win this script. This time, check out this thread in the DST forum and you have to guess how long this script took to place everything in a kit of 54 papers and 174 elements into 3 previews on my computer. The closest guess will win the script.

Thanks to Nathan’s Designs for allowing me to use his products to illustrate the result of this script.

Interested in a PSP chat?

During the iNSD activities at DigiscrapTalk, earlier in the month, we held a topic chat about Paintshop Pro. The participants all seemed to like the idea, and some people were really disappointed to have missed it. Following the suggestions received, we are planning another chat, and possibly something regular. Right now, there is not set day or time for it as we are waiting for your input. Due to the 24 time zones in the world, we sure cannot find a time when everyone would be awake. Other life activities can also affect the availability of prospective participants.

Are you interested in such a chat? Are you a PSP user? Are you a new scrapper and would like to start with PSP? Are you a veteran scrapper with another program and want to try it out with PSP too? We would welcome all participants, PSP users or not. But post in this thread at DST (or in the comments below if you prefer). Tell us when would be a good enough time for you. Tell us if you would like to discuss a specific sub-topic.

See you there!