
New script – Triangles

Triangle pattern making script for Paintshop ProTriangle patterns are basic designs that are timeless. Change the size and the colors, add outlines or not and you can get a wide array of different seamless patterns.

Using those seamless tiles, fill any size paper to create matching background for your various projects.

Pick from up to 6 different colors and generate up to 20 tiles in a single run. You can choose to have square tiles or rectangular ones for yet, a different look. Since the outline of the triangles can be hidden, emphasized, changed color, thickness or even linestyle, the possibilities are endless.

Grab this script in the store: Triangles

What kind of colors would you like to see in a set of seamless triangle pattern tiles? Tell me in the comments below for a chance to win this script (or a coupon for the same value purchase). A winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-triangles-pumpkinAs a way for you to have fun with the end result of this script, i generated a set of 15 tiles with fall colors from a palette of 5 colors. Use those tiles as is as flood fill pattern, or you can also change the proportion of the tiles to get different types of designs.

Each tile is 600 pixels in size so you have ample opportunity to resize the tiles to your need.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

What will you do with those tiles??

You can also show us by linking in the comments below.

New script – Flashcards

Flashcard script for Paintshop ProIt is the time of the year when just about every school age kid is finally back to school. How about displaying your favorite photos as flashcards, as if you were teaching the viewers? Although it could be used in a school themed project, it can also just serve as a fun frame for any picture.

You have the options for the color of the card, the color of the text, the font for the text and of course, the text itself too.

Then, using whatever photo you want to display, the script will adjust its size to fit, but will leave it unmerged so you can tweak it if needed.

Get this script: Flashcards

Would you like to get this script for free? In the comments below, tell me what would be other INSPIRATIONAL words you could think for those cards. I'll pick a winner and announce it in the newsletter, next week.Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Inspiration flashcards in PNG formatAs a sample, i created 6 inspirational cards for you. Each card has an empty area for the photo (what is showing in black on the preview) so you can add your own image.

Each card is 900x1300 pixels.

How about printing your finished cards and distributing them, like postcards, to your loved ones?

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New script – Powder Texture

Powder texture script for Paintshop ProThis script will be fun for anyone who has a cooking theme project: now you can write and draw with flour. Well, not real flour but you can turn your design into flower looking elements.

If you are using different colors, it could become spices: yellow for turmeric, red for paprika, grey for black pepper, etc.

Write a name, draw a shape, have fun with any design. Make it uneven with the Brush variance for an even more realistic look.

You can have flour (or baby powder) on your scrapbook pages, without making a mess!

Get this script today in the store: Powder Texture

For a chance to win this script, tell me what element you would most likely create with it (flour, baby powder, spice, paint, etc.) in the comments below. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Flour alphabet freebieAs a sampler, this week, I created a complete alphabet for you. It includes all the 26 letters, and some punctuation elements.

Each letter is about 900 pixels high so you have ample opportunity to resize them to suit your project.

Will you use them as flour or baby powder?

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News from the Campus


Are you joining us this Sunday for our monthly live online class?

We'll have a different perspective on angles... and Paintshop Pro.

It is free and you can register today.

Register now

New script – Page Maker – Photo

cass-PageMaker-PhotoWhen you have a whole album, how many photos would you need? If you want to use layered templates to complete your project faster, you still might have to add dozens of photos. How long would it take you to open each of those photos, copy them, paste them on the template, in the correct layer, resize them, center them in the correct location, crop or trim them and save the layout when all the images are added? Just listing those steps in here, i am out of breath!

Now, imagine that you have 200 vacation photos that you want to place into 25 pages from layered templates. How long will it take you? Would you like it if most of the tedious tasks were done for you, leaving you only the tweaking to do?

This script will do just that. Layered templates are meant to save you time as they are great starting points, but this script will make it even more of a time saver by placing those photos FOR YOU, while you can do something else. You don't even need to be beside the computer once you completed the first few steps.

Michele tested this script and let the script work for almost 3 hours on its own. Yes, totally on its own (unsupervised) and it placed over 1400 photos in 49 templates she had. No stopping and starting and stopping again. Even if she took ONE minute per photo (which would be quite fast), it would have taken her 20 hours!!!

Grab this time saving script today: Page Maker (Photo)

Do you want a chance to win this script? In the comments below, tell me how many photos you would average in a full scrapbook album. I'll pick a winner at random and announce it in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-StripCluster-02As a little sampler today, I created a couple of strip clusters using the Strip Cluster script. I used Southern Creek Design's kit, Spring Thing for that.

When running the script, I created 5 or 6 clusters and picked my two favorite. I tweaked them a little, added shadows (including one for the curled ribbon).

I think it has some really fresh colors. What do you think?

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In troubled times…

BackupHow safe are you data? We often hear stories of friends or relatives who have lost a lot of photos or documents due to a computer crash. We always think that it only happens to others, while OUR data is safe. But is it? It seems like computer users fall into two groups: those who experienced computer failure, and those who will.

Systems for backup

You can do regular manual backups of your data, your documents, or your entire drive. If that is your solution, remember to be vigilant: don't postpone those backups. Don't wait until tomorrow because you are busy. Drive failures don't wait!

Automatic backup can be great if you tend to forget. Systems like Acronis can back up your data at regular intervals and you can schedule them to be in the middle of the night, when you are likely not going to be using your computer. You can save the back up to an external drive, or online. AmazonS3 can be a good location for that.

Continuous online backup like Crashplan can help you have the most updated backup possible. Instead of possibly loosing one day or one week of work and documents because of the schedule of backups, systems like Crashplan will update your backup continuously  (there are others but I can't tell about them since i never used them)


Although i do NOT have an affiliate link for Crashplan, i still want to tell you how it saved my sanity.

When i realized that after having my Windows reinstalled by the shop, all my data were apparently missing (about 300GB), i felt sick to my stomach. All the files for the store were on a different drive, so those were safe, but everything related to the Campus, for the last 5 years, was missing! EVERYTHING! Since the shop was already closed for the weekend, what could i do?

I remembered that i had Acronis installed, but although i had just recently upgraded to a newer version, i had not set it yet. Yes, i was procrastinating, so restoring from that backup was not an option.

Then, i remembered that i also had Crashplan installed, and it was backing up all the time. Once i opened the application on my computer (yes, i had to reinstall it first), i was able to connect with the service. I just had to go in the settings, see what folders were backed up and select which one i wanted to restore (everything was in a single BIG folder). I chose the option to restore that whole huge folder in its original location (since that folder was completely missing from my drive), and click RESTORE. I knew that 300GB of stuff would take a long time, so i went to bed.

I am very lucky that we currently have a very good internet connection (i think we got an upgrade just a few weeks ago) so the whole download and restore took several hours, but everything was back on my computer, by the time i got up in the morning. EVERYTHING.

So, if you want to prevent a heart attack from a computer failure, check out Crashplan. You can backup 1 computer for $5/month, or the whole family (up to 10 computers) for $12.50/month. Once you live through a crash or get very close to loosing everything, you will see that it is definitely worth it.


On a happier note, how about letting me know what is your favorite script in the store. Tell me in the comment below and i'll pick a winner to be announced in the newsletter next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

New script – Add Borders

Add borders script for Paintshop ProSometimes, you might want to add identical borders to the photos on your layout, but since you want the photos to be of different sizes. How do you do that? Adding the borders before placing the photos on the montage is not the solution since you will resize the photos, and therefore, the border will also be resized.

Do you think you can select the photo and expand the selection? Unfortunately, that will create rounded corners. If that is what you want, go for it. But if you intend to have square corners on your photos, you need this script.

You can choose any color for the border, any size (up to 100 pixels) and you can also have the edges straight or irregular.

Grab this script in the store: Add Borders.

When you add a border on a photo, what would likely be the color? Tell me in the comments below for a chance to win this script. I'll pick a winner next week to be announced in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-AddBorders-Template-01As a way to show you how this script can create identical borders even on photos of different sizes, I created this layered template for you. I had to tweak the end result since the script would merge the edge to the photo.

This is a full size layered template in PSD format.

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And here is the simple layout i made using this template:


What will you make?



News from the Campus

Did you attend the live presentation last week but felt you needed to see it again?

Did you try to attend but came in late?

Did you want to attend but had other things preventing you from joining?

Well, you are in luck. This live presentation will be repeated. Not a recording! It will be another LIVE presentation.

It will be showing the same techniques, but using a different template, different photos, and a different kit.

Join us again. REGISTER NOW.

New script – Brick Wall

Brick wall script for Paintshop ProYou might be able to use a photo of a brick wall as a paper background for your project, but you might wish to have something that would match more closely your favorite color, or color palette.

No need to colorize those bricks individually. This script will create a simple brick wall pattern with the brick colors matching your palette, despite still offering variations like normal walls would.

You can have a monochrome wall that will have bricks ranging from your selected color to white. You can choose two colors and the bricks will range between those two. Or you can  have a wilder pattern with multicolored bricks, although they would still slightly revolve around one color you pick.

Choose to add a brick pattern on your active image or create a brand new one, in the size you want.

Get this script here: Brick Wall

What would you use a brick wall paper for? Give me some suggestions in the comments below, and i'll pick someone to win this script for free. I'll announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Brick wall papers - blueAs a sample, I created 3 full size papers (3600x3600) all based around the same blue color. It gives you a good idea of how flexible this script can be.

You can always modify those papers by "wearing" it down, tearing the edges (or cutting out some bricks).

So what will you do?

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.






News from the Campus

TemplateTemptation-400We will have a live presentation on Sunday, August 7, at 5 pm Eastern Time.

We will look at ways to use templates and other tools to create your layouts faster.

Join us. It is FREE.





New script – Clouds

cass-CloudsDid you ever see those movies where someone has a plane write "Will you marry me?" in the sky? That is a cool idea but more expensive than most budget allow!

Or when you were a kid, did you stare at the sky imagining that this cloud looked like a cat, or a fish, or a dragon?

Now, with this script, you can create your own clouds, in any shape you want or to write the message you prefer. It will work better if you are using a fat or bold design.

Use a preset shape of your choice, or a thick brush to hand draw or hand write your message or design.

Get his script to create some fluffy messages: Clouds

Would you like to get this script for free? In the comments below, tell me what shape or word you would pick to create a cloud from. I'll pick a winner and will announce it in the newsletter next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-Clouds-digitsFor a sample, I created some hand written digits so you can write a special date in the sky.

Each digit is about 675 pixels high and in png format so you can use it in various graphic program.

I am also including a hyphen and a slash, so you can write a date in various formats.

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New script – Baby Block Alpha

Baby Block Alpha script for Paintshop ProYou have certainly seen those wooden blocks young kids have been playing with for decades. You can often see those blocks associated with baby or even pregnancy pictures. Now you can create them yourself to write any name or phrase you want in your baby project.

The fun part is that you are not limited with a basic and common font since you can choose ANY font you want. Although you can really choose any font and create some unique blocks, it will give a better result with simple and bold fonts. In fact, you can also use dingbat fonts for some fun results.

Grab this script in the store: Baby Block Alpha

Do you want a chance to win this script? Tell me what word or phrase you would write with these blocks, in the comments below, and i'll announce a winner in the newsletter next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

cass-BabyBlockAlpha-whiteAs a sample of what you can do with this script, here is a full alpha that includes letters, digits and a hyphen. I chose white so it is gender neutral.

Each block is about 500 pixels wide and you can resize it as you wish (or keep them full size).
You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Cluster Maker

Cluster Maker script for Paintshop ProA lot of scrapbookers and designers love to create and use clusters, but the task is often daunting because of numerous repetitive tasks that seem to drain their creativity. So, why not have a script to give them a jumpstart?

This script will almost randomly pick elements from a single folder for you. Starting with long elements like ribbons and stitches. Then adding more rectangular or somewhat smaller elements like frames, cards and such. Finally, smaller or more "square" objects, like flowers, buttons and stickers. Once the elements are picked (one by one), the script will randomly resize them slightly to add variety in your cluster, will rotate them also, and place them based on the type of cluster you want to generate.

You can create a central cluster, or a corner cluster (and you can obviously pick which corner too). And in a single run, the script can generate as many clusters as you want.

Obviously, the script cannot SEE the elements and cannot determine if each element will look good in the cluster. That is YOUR job. But you will have a headstart instead of starting from scratch.

Get this time saving script: Cluster Maker.

For a chance to win this script, I will make this a little different. I want you to just tell me if you have purchased (or won) any of the other cluster-type scripts in the store. If so, which one. If not, just say so! I'll pick a winner next week and it will be announced in the newsletter. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Corner ClusterAs a samplers, this week, I used a kit from Hat of Bunny, Baby Mine. I ran the script to create a corner cluster for the bottom right corner.

Once the script was done, i tweaked the placement of the elements, and removed a few. Initially, i asked the script to have an average number of elements, knowing i would likely have too many so i could remove them. I also added a couple of elements that were ignored by the script, but that i liked (namely the banners and the string).

All the shadows were added to the elements, individually.

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