
New tubes – Pompom Trims

Pompom trim picture tubes for PaintShop ProPompom trims might be fun to add to a project, but how do you get the right color, the right length of trim and the right direction? Finding a ready-made trim might save time if you find that perfect element, but otherwise, why not use these picture tubes and draw them with your cursor, wherever you want?

You can use any of those 12 colors, including a grey one that you can colorize if you really need yet a different shade.

Get them in the store: Pompom Trims

In order to win these tubes, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what would you use those pompom trims for, in a digital project (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

Pompom trimAs a sampler, I used the grey trim, along a vector path (using the VectorTube script) and then colorized it with a rainbow gradient. The whole trim is 4000 pixels long so you can choose only a segment if you don't want to use it all.

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