
New script – Glittered acrylic


I am sure many PSP users have looked at those nice glittered acrylic styles that came in sets of 6 or 12 and wished their program could use those PS styles. Well, no more. Now, PSP users can get even MORE of those acrylics. No need to buy various sets for various color palettes. This script gives you 4 options for colors: you can have white glitters (like snow), black glitters (like dust), greyscale glitters that you will colorise during the script, or my favorite one, the multicolored acrylic where you will choose the dominant color.

But this script goes beyond those four choices. You can ALSO choose how much glitter you get: a tiny bit, a little, average, or a lot. And you get all that in one single script. Isn`t that cool?

It is available in all my stores, at Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Scraphead, Divine Digital.

And if you want this script FREE, check out DST where i will draw one copy on Sunday night.

New script – Stripes #2 – Multicolored


Let this script create multicolored striped patterns. You can choose 2, 3, or 4 base colors and also choose the width of the stripes, the type of contrast between them. You can choose if you want the stripes to be regular or irregular, and their width. You can generate a 200 x 200 pixels tile, or a tagger size page, or a full-size page with those stripes. Since there is a randomization function in the code, it is possible that all the colors you provide are not all included in the end result. But since it is so quick to do, you can generate dozens of patterns in just a few minutes.

Once the paper/tile is done, you also have the option to create a plaid from it (leaving the striped paper intact for better matching). Then, it is up to you to add texture or other effects to your newly created paper.

Available in the store: Stripes 2


Here is a sample of what you can get with the Stripes #2 script. This sampler includes 6 full-size papers. The papers are all plain, with no texture so you can personalize them. They were all made using the palette included.

You can use those papers as you wish (personal or commercial use), and with the palette included, you can create more papers or elements.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

New script – Colored acrylic

cass_acrylic-coloredDid you ever want to have an acrylic element in a color that match your layout or your kit? Did you ever want such an acrylic to have a specific shape that you didn`t find ready made? With this script, you will be able to use any shape, and create its equivalent in a transparent or translucent acrylic, without altering the original layer. You will get to choose a color, gradient or pattern for the acrylic, and then, you can also choose various opacity level for your element. Basically, you end up with an infinity of possibilities for your acrylic element. 

Available at Creation CasselDo It Digi, Scrapping Whispers,Scraphead, Divine Digital

New script – Multi-photo

cass-multiple-photosIf you want to print some pictures multiple times either for handing out or to add to some paper craft or hybric scrap, this script will allow you to get many copies in one single print. This should save you time and mostly money. You can print 8 different combinaisons of photos on a 4 x 6, 8 x 10 or 10 x 14 print.


This script was released last week but since i had some formatting problem with this blog, i was not able to tell you then. It is still available in various stores:

Creation Cassel

Do It Digi

Scrapping Whispers

New script – Stray pixel catcher

cass-stray-pixel-catcherIn just a few seconds, this script will eliminate single stray pixels. In a second step, it will indicate which areas still have some groups of pixels that might or might not belong there. Since YOU choose the contrasting color to use, those will be much easier to see. Once you have deleted those extra pixels, run the script a second time to remove the colored indicator. This can be a perfect tool for scrappers and designers. And if you do some quality checking, this tool will save you a lot of time and improve the quality of the products.

This is a VERY handy tool for PSP users.

It is available at:

Creation Cassel, Do It Digi and Divine Digital

There is also a RAK available here if you want to try to win it.

Multi-tool script for PSP


In just a few seconds, you can "clean up" your multiple layers. Whether you are working on a layout or any other project, you might end up with some empty layers, some hidden ones, some layers linked together, and most likely, layers called "raster/vector" with totally mixed numbers. Well, this script will help you. It will delete all empty layers (they just take up space). It will delete hidden layers; if you are hiding them, maybe you dont need them. It will re-number the layers: keeping their attribute of "raster" or "vector", they will be numbered starting at one on top. It will unlink all the layers; maybe you linked some layers but dont need that anymore.

Available at

Creation Cassel, Scrapping Whispers, Scraphead, Divine Digital

Stripes #1 – PSP script

cass-stripes1Get a striped or plaid paper in seconds. Starting with a base color, you will get several options to choose from, to create a 250 x 250 tile, a 1000 x 1000 tagger size paper or a 3600 x 3600 full size paper. Run the script several times, and always get a different combination. And in the end, you can keep the stripes, or make it into a plaid. With all the options available, you have over 100 possible combinations, plus a randomized result. Add your own texture if you want, add an overlay or apply other effects. A great way to create matching striped/plaid papers for a kit.

Available at CreationCassel, Scraphead, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital

Scratched texture – PSP script

cass-scratchedGet a great variety of scratched texture looks on your images. You get to choose to have either large, medium or fine scratches, but also horizontal, vertical or crisscrossed ones. The result can vary depending on the size of the starting picture. You can work on a background image, a vector or a raster layer. You can repeat the script on multiple layers if you want.

Apply this effect onto pictures, tubes, text, anything.

Available at Creation Cassel, and all my other stores.

Check here to see different types of scratches you can create.

And remember that you can use this texture for graet grungy papers too!

Shadow placer – New script

Do you hate adding shadows to your layouts or your kit previews, one by one? This script will save you a lot of time while doing this tedious and repetitive task. You get to choose the settings you want for your shadows: choose its orientation, its color, its opacity, etc. YOU choose the setting and the script will apply it to the elements/papers. The shadows will be added in four steps: for very thin elements (like papers), for thin elements (like ribbbons, staples), for medium elements (like paperclips and flat buttons) and for thick elements (like beads, flowers). And if some elements need a different type of shadows, you will simply add it at the end. It is that easy.

Compatible for versions 8 and up.


Available in all my stores, and on special over the weekend too.


TrishH Design tested this script and allowed me to use her Dani's Summer Evening kit. Here is what Trish had to say about this script:
I actually timed how long it took me to do the preview with doing shadows on my own... and then how long it took for the script to do the shadows for me and honestly it saved me 12 minutes! I would use this script over and over again. I loved how it allowed you to choose different shadows for the papers, small elements and large elements.
As a designer/ preview maker, using this script I would for sure be able to make great quality previews in no time at all.
-Trish H.