
New script–Scattered tubes


I am sure you have used the picture tubes in Paintshop Pro and loved how easy it is to add 10, 20, 50 flowers just by clicking on your project. Click, one flower, click, one flower, and so on. However, did you ever clicked happily for dozens of times only to realize that a few flowers are too close to the edge, or you ended up with too many pink flowers grouped together and find yourself having to restart from the beginning since all the flowers were on a single layer and you could not move one separately? I have! I always wished the tubes were on individual layers, but to do that, it would become cumbersome and not as quick anymore.

That is where this script comes in. You choose the tube you want to use, and the script will scatter multiple instances of the tube (or from a series of tubes) and add them on individual layers. And to avoid having to work further with 50 layers, they are also grouped so you can collapse the group and have a manageable layer palette where all those 50 layers only look like one, while still letting you move individual tubes, remove some, resize others, rotate a few, and more.

You can grab this time saving script in my store at Creation Cassel.

And as usual, you have a chance to get this script free if you win the RAK in this thread. What kind of tube would you like to scatter yet still have the option to move them around individually or edit them one by one? The winner will be announced on Monday night.





As the new year is here, do you want to make a great conversation starter at home? Gather your 2012 photos and use this word album to place them. Add only photos or some anecdotes too. Use the same pages and flip them so you can get a reverse too. Print them. Collate them. Bind them. It can also be a great gift.


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Photoshop and Photoshop Element user, i didn’t forget you. I had a script for PSP a while ago that would automatically split double pages into single pages. Well, after popular demand, i got this script for you too.

This is a SCRIPT but for PS and PSE. It will either split perfectly in the center, OR it will cut the page with an extra 3/8 of an inch. This gives a total of 3/4 inch that you can play with when you print your page in a book so that the center will not eat up some of your page. This amount of overlap is not necessarily a standard “bleed” but a space for you to manoeuvre depending on the printer’s specs.

The fun part about this script is that it cuts the pages but also saves them without you having to type in anything! That is called automation!

You can grab this time-saving script in my store : Creation Cassel.

Element Separator for Photoshop and Photoshop Element users


A while ago, i coded a script for Paintshop Pro to separate elements from a single layer into individual files. I got repeated requests to convert it to be used by Photoshop and Photoshop Element users but that was impossible at the time. Now, it is available.

This is a script, not an action, but works on CS2-CS6 and PSE6-PS11, on PC and Mac.

This tool will separate as many elements as you have on a single layer. They don’t need to be arranged in particular way. They don’t need to fit any template. You don’t have to do any selection when the script runs. Everything is automatic. Simply start the script, click OK on the first message window, and watch. You can even go get yourself a coffee and when you come back, it will all be done. How much easier can it be?

This tool will separate all the elements, turn them into individual files, save them in the same folder the initial image is saved, and will name the individual files based on the initial image filename plus add a number. You can split a layer of 5 elements, or 50. If you have elements with shadows, it will trim each of them correctly and not chew up the shadow.

Here are some comments i got from the testers:

“The biggest benefit seems to be ease of use with just dropping the script into PSE6 and clicking YES to run script on item and poof it does it - my other action I have to 'cut' each letter to it's own layer first, name then run an action to save each layer - your script is WAY easier and faster. Saves a ton of time and I love it.  “

“What impressed me the most is that even with shadowed elements, the separation is perfect while if it is done manually, we might have to do the selection more than once to not cut off the shadows. In addition, it is super fast.”

“I think its great and would be great for doing alphas. Put your fonts/text spread all over a page, select a background paper and clip mask over it then use your script and they will make individual for you.”

Do you want to get it? It is available in my store: Creation Cassel.

In addition, there is a thread in the Happy Place, where you can add your name and get a chance to win this wonderful time-saving tool. Check out this thread.