
New font – Banner Shapes B

Not only can you use this font to create banners hanging from a string, but you can also have combinations of colors with the thick and thin trim options. Use one, or both trims to match the colors to your photo, your project, or your school colors!

Create banners as long as you want. Add text afterward or leave them blank for just a touch of color.

Get this font: Banner Shapes B

In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us if you have used layered fonts before (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).

For a sampler, I created a simple string of 12 banners that are left in layers (string, banners, trims) that you can colorize however you want to suit your project. The file is in .pspimage format and compatible with all PaintShop Pro versions.

You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.

Stitching fonts

cass-basic-stitches-font  cass-deco-stitches-font

I created these fonts after several customers asked me to code scripts to add some stitchings to shapes. I figured that since you can use "-" to make some kind of stitching, and then play with the size, kerning, offset, leading, etc. to get various results, why not do a whole set of stitches as dingbats? I had fun looking through pages and pages of various stitchings available for sewing machines, and sites for handstitching too. So that lead me to create those. There are 50 different stitches in each set. And also, each set includes one "neat" version of the stitches and one "grungy" version.

The basic stitches include straight, slanted, overlock, zigzag, blind, blanket stitchings and more.

The decorative stitches include scallops, diamonds, feather, stretch, flowers, honeycombs, and more.

Since they are fonts, you can also combine them, you can also use them along a path as you would do with any text. That will give you the option of making stitches along ANY shape you want, whether it is a preset shape, a text or a freehand path. Add your own texture, add a bevel, add a shadow. Choose exactly the color you want as there is no greyscale element to colorise.cass-deco-stitches-font-600

See what Guyloup did with this set of fonts.


And i also released a set of PSP brushes WITH a png format set too. A set of ABR brush is in the testing right now for Photoshop users.

Get those stitches at Creation Cassel.