
New script – Journal Bits


Did you ever see those paper scrap pages where a long phrase is cut up in individual words? Did you ever try to do that in digi? Most of the time, it is a pretty tedious task, but no more. This script will just do that for you, and you are not limited at all. In fact, you can pretty much decide everything. Of course, you can have the text you want. Then, you choose the font you want too, and the color for the text and the color for the paper. You can have opaque paper, or translucent. If you choose translucent paper, you also decide on the opacity; maybe you want to pretend you wrote on a piece of scotch tape, which is very translucent, or on tissue paper which is more opaque. It is your call. You can then decide to have all the papers cut straight and evenly, or go crazy with irregular shape and size. But wait, that is not all. You can also ask the script to separate all the words without any paper. If you are working on a layout, the script can, if you choose so, to place all those word bits on your layout for you (no need to copy and paste dozens of bits) and it will even rename each layer according to the word on it. Neat huh? I am telling you: it probably will take you longer to decide on all those options than it will take the script to execute it.


This script is available in all my stores: Creation Cassel, Do It Digi, Scrapping Whispers, Divine Digital

You have also a chance to win this script by adding your name to this thread in the Happy Place at DST.

Want to see this script in action? Here is a layout we did for the ADSR5, challenge #10.

ADSR5 – Challenge #4

For our challenge #4, we had to create, as a team, 4 ATC: 2 for/about our race partner, and 2 for our real life love. Here is the set of 4 ATCs made by our team:


How about you hop over the NDISB gallery and add some comments? Or if you dont want to go and register to post a comment, you can still post something here!

ADSR5 – quick update

We are glad to say that our layouts for Challenges #1 and #2 have been corrected and meet the requirements so we are clear to continue! Keep following us. Remember that you can add comments to our layouts:

Diosa's layouts: Challenge #1 and Challenge #2

My layouts: Challenge #1 and Challenge #2

ADSR5 – Challenge #2

I have to say that the first challenge was a tiny bit challenging, but this one was definitely tougher. Finding 5 pictures was the easy part. finding a picture with a 5 in it, well, let's just say i got lucky as one of the pic i wanted to use DID have a 5 in it so i didn`t have to take another shot or do any magic to get it. So, here is my layout.


What do you think of that layout? You can comment here, on this blog, or in the NDISB gallery, here (or both!)

I am still waiting for the correction of the challenge to see if we are good to go.

ADSR5 – FIrst challenge

As i told you recently, i teamed up with Diosa to participate in the ADSR over at NDISB. Yesterday, we got our first challenge. We had to use a pic of our partner, and scraplift a LO of theirs to introduce her to the world.  So here is my LO to present you Diosa, my race partner.


You are more than welcome (hint, hint, hint) to go to the NDISB gallery to leave some comments to our layouts. Click here to get to mine. And here is the lovely page Diosa made about me.


And you can also add comments to HER layout. Just click here. She really did a beautiful job, didn't she?