If you like to have some text as a background paper, you probably can find some generic text, or some themed ones in specific colors to match a kit, but how about getting something totally unique, with the text YOU want to match your story or your project, in the colors you want to coordinate perfectly? That is exactly what this script will do, allowing you to create custom text paper.
Get this in the store: Text Paper
In order to win this script, add a comment on this Facebook post telling us what you would write on text papers (remember, add a comment, not just a Like!) The winner will be announced in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).
Since it is just two weeks from Valentine Day, I created two Love themed papers that you can use for your upcoming February projects, whether they are scrapbook pages, or cards. Each paper is 3600x3600 pixels in jpg format.
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