How you would use knots if you had a traditional ribbon can vary from day to day. You would have options to tie that ribbon in multiple manners, attach different objects, wrap that ribbon around all kinds of things. This is why, in digital scrapbooking, there are so many different knots available.
This script for Paintshop Pro will allow you to "tie" a ribbon into a simple knot, but unlike other scripts where you can only choose the color or pattern and everything looks like it is "flood filled" with that pattern, this script will use your own straight ribbon. This is perfect to have a match if you are using the other ribbon in the project, whether it is left straight, or tied into a different knot or bow created with another script.
Grab this script in the store: Knot #12.
For a chance to win this script, tell me how you would customize a knot for your project otherwise. Do you colorize greyscale ribbons? Do you manually create a knot with your ribbon? Do you use a script that asks you for the color to use? Leave a comment below and i'll announce the winner in the newsletter, next week. Not a subscriber yet? Not a problem. You can register here and it is free (and you only get one email per week).
This week, i created three straight ribbons (from greyscale ones) and ran the script to end up with three simple knots. Each one is left in unmerged layers so you can put them around any object or insert something in the middle of the knot.
I had fun with colorizing those ribbons with a gradient instead of a solid color. I think that gives a different kind of look to the knot that makes it more interesting (at least, that is what i think).
I also included the straight ribbons so you can use them with other scripts, or as is on your project to match. Or you can insert the straight ribbon directly in the knot too. Why not?
Remember to show off what you used this knot for. What project did you create using it?
You need to be logged in to download this sample. You can either login, or register on the top of this page.
Corel Paintshop Pro Challenge
Check out this week's #CorelChallenge. It is about using text on your project. Well, if you are a scrapbooker, you surely have text on your projects! It could be a fun journaling display, or an unusual title. Or how about a nice Subway art design? We can do so much with Paintshop Pro. Show off what you can do (or just what you have done already).
Post your project on their thread or tag it with #CorelChallenge
Did you see the one i posted on their thread?
News in the Campus
As part of the Corel Challenge, i created a text inside a silhouette. I thought it was a great way to use the new text wrapping tool from PSP X8.
I also made a short tutorial on how to create this result. Read it HERE.
I use your other knot scripts to make knots, I have the 5, 7 and 8. They are great. They give a different effect as this one and I love to use those.
I have tried to make knots or bows by colouring a greyscale, but they look fake, because the pattern or shading is off. I always wind up throwing them away.
Thank you for the chance to win this one!!
Thank you too, for picking my name to win the acrylics script!!