
Crochet Lace #2 – new script


Did you like the first Crochet lace script? This is my second one (and probably not the last either). I love to code those laces. And this time, you can also have a fringe added or not. It is your choice.

Since this script allows you to colorise the rows separately, i found a great trick. Look at the bottom sample lace: i colorised the first few rows with a certain setting, with the Lightness set to about -75. Later on, i would just change the lightness and go -55,  -35, -15, 15, 35, 55, etc. That is how i got that gradient effect. Neat isn't it?

You can get this lovely lace script at any of my stores, listed on the left. If you get it, and like it, be sure to leave some feedback.

cass-crochet2_01Now, look at what Linda did with this script (and also the Curved photo script and the Ribbon #1 script). She used kits from Eden and Millcreek Canyon from Amanda Thorderson. Isn't that layout gorgeous?

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