
February Promotion – Paintshop Pro to win

It is time! I promised you all the details of this promotion TODAY. Were you stalking my blog? Ok so here are the details.

The promotion will last the whole month of February (it is only 28 days so the suspense will be shorter!). You will have THREE ways to enter your name into the draw. Yes, it will be a random draw because i personally do not like judged contest, and i want everyone to have the same chance, whether you are a beginner, or an experienced scrapper/designer. No favorite. Everyone is even.

FIRST WAY to enter: simply comment on this post that you want to enter the contest. Not too hard is it? So, by simply adding your name as a comment, you have ONE entry.

SECOND WAY to enter: this will require a tiny bit more work (but it wont be hard). Just browse in my store, and tell me, in a comment, what product of mine you find the most unique, original or useful. You can name only ONE (i know, that is the hardest part!). You simply post it in a comment to this post (you can put it in the same comment as your previous entry if you want, and i will count them separately).

THIRD WAY to enter: ok, this one will make you work, and that is why you have the whole month of February. I want you to make a layout or a montage using at least ONE of my products. It CAN be a product from the store, but it can also be one of the freebies from this blog. That means, you do not have to be a PSP user to participate. See? i am thinking of everyone here: PSP users, PS users, PSE users, GIMP users, etc. I know, some of you might have more than one of my products (from the store or the samplers), but you can enter only ONCE in this manner. You post the link to your layout, as it could be anywhere, on your blog, in a gallery, or even in MY gallery if you want (here).

Remember, no matter how many comments you make, how many products you name, or how many layout you show, you have a maximum of THREE possible entries (you wont get disqualified for showing more though!).

Now, what is there to win?

PSPX3   set4-small

There will be three prizes.

First prize: one full copy of Paintshop Photo Pro X3 (given to me by Corel!) and a full access to the PSP course i put up, including 36 video tutorials for scrappers, beginning designers or beginner PSP users. That is a value of $150 total.

Second prize: full access to the PSP course. Value of $50

Third prize: $15 GC to my store (and i have more than just PSP products!)

So, as you can see, it is a fun contest for PSP users who might want to get the latest version of PSP, or non-PSP users wanting to give it a try, but for more than the 30 day trial period allowed. What do you think? I am waiting for your entries through the comments on this post! So, is it worth it?

Let’s begin!

I am waiting for your comments!!!

Big contest soon

PSPX3 On February 1st, there will be a big contest on this blog. What is to win? Over $200 worth of prizes. In fact, it will be just a random draw, but you will have three chances to enter. I will not disclose everything … yet, but let’s say that the first prize includes a copy of Paintshop Photo Pro X3 and something else. This might appeal to PSP users who might want the latest version of PSP, or to non-PSP users who might want to give this program a try (more than 30 days!) to use some PSP specific products (like scripts and tubes). But this is not all. You will have to stay tuned, and you will get all the details on February 1st.

Can you guess??

and the winner is…


Remember the July Monogram Madness contest at Do It Digi? You were asked to come and vote for your favorite monogram created by our designers (anonymously).

Thank you to all who came to vote.

The winning monogram, according to your votes, was the letter G. This monogram won only by ONE vote over the letters K, M N and X. Yeah, it was a pretty close call.





So what do you think of the winning letter?

Monogram Madness Contest



This should be fun. You have often seen contests where forum members get "evaluated" by staff but this time, the forum members will judge the designers. Yeah, that is different. But you can also win something by participating in the judging contest. Yup yup. Here is how the contest will work:

- a set of monograms has been made by designers at Do It Digi. Different designers did different monograms.

- they are all posted in the gallery here so you can have a better look at each monogram, one by one.

- you pick your favorite monogram (maybe the favorite font, the color arrangement you like, anything). Of course, you can leave some comments for some (or all) of them along the way.

- you go back to the forum and send me a PM with your vote.

The voting will end on June 20th. What do you get out of this? Once the winning monogram has been determined, all those who voted for that one, will get a $2 coupon. Not a bad deal! In addition, ONE person among those winning a coupon will ALSO win the whole monogram set.


This set of monogram is NOT yet available for sale, but it will be, after the contest is over.

This monogram set matches the June IK available in the store. But honestly, being monograms, they can be used with many different types of LO!!

Come over and check out these these wonderful monograms.