
New script – Fanned Photos


This idea came up when i saw one scrap layout using several copies of the same photo in this fanned out arrangement. I thought it was a cool idea, but i could just imagine how long it would take to do all the copies, and rotations, and mostly the perfect alignment of each image to get a great looking result. Well, whenever you want to save time in performing a tedious or precise task, that is when i think of a Paintshop Pro script. So, i started this script to place all those copies in the perfect position, but i added many options. You can decide how many copies you want, the angle of rotation for each copy, where the pivot point will be, if you want the images to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. But then, you can also choose to have the images gradually smaller, gradually fainter, gradually more black or white. Basically, with all those options, you have hundreds of possibilities to create stunning displays.

You can use this script on photos, that is a given, but you can also use it with scrap elements too. Imagine doing that with a single flower, with a pivot point outside the element, and with gradually smaller copies. It would look like a great accent, don’t you think? How about using it with words too? So many possibilities.

This script is currently available at Creation Cassel

Christmas Sale – 30% off everything


What product of mine have you been hoping to get? Did you put it on your wishlist for Santa? Yeah, Santa is looking at your list and he told me you all seemed to want so many different products that i decided to put EVERYTHING on sale.

Whether you are a Paintshop Pro user or not, you will find interesting and useful products. Whether you are a scrapper or a designer, there are tools for you. So just check out my stores. Yes, i said my stores, because both Creation Cassel and DigiScrap Warehouse are offering 30% off everyone of my products.

So hurry! only a few days.

What are you wishing for?

iNSD chat and sale


Time to stock up! This sale is only 2 days long!



Come and join the chat. We’ll be talking about PSP, tips and tricks, features, etc. All PSP users are invited to join. If you are thinking of trying PSP, come and chitchat with us. Prizes will be awarded. Some prizes will be PSP specific, but others will be more generic.

Come and meet with us in the DST chatroom:


New script – Ring strap #1


With this script, you will not have any excuse to not be able to attach elements to your layouts. Use those straps to attach photos, make a frame out of them, tie some flowers around, etc. This script has so many options that you can create over 100 different models of straps. In addition, since you can use your own ribbon, or generate one with your choice of colors, gradients, patterns, AND since you can use the default finish for the rings OR use your own (if you want to use SBP for example), AND you can choose the length of your strap too, well, i am sure you can make a different strap for weeks, months, and years to come! And as an added bonus, if you generate the strap through the script, you will also get a 4000 pixels straight strap to match. Isn`t that cool?

It is on sale, as usual, until Sunday, and as usual, i also have a RAK over at DST. So if you want a chance to win this script, go check this thread out.

You can get this script at these fine stores: Creation Cassel, Scrapping Whispers, and Divine Digital.